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Alternative Medicine

To buy ads: @PhilWestern How to stop taking pills and forget about going to the doctor? Take care of your body and use natural ingredients!

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🟢 Eat these 3 foods to restore your spine: Did you know that dried apricots, figs, and prunes can restore your spine and give you strength? Take 1 fig, 5 pieces of dried apricots and 1 prune. ▶️ Eat them before bed for 1.5 months. They cause the restoration of the tissues that make up the intervertebral soft discs. They make these tissues more stable and elastic. This is what will lead to the vertebrae starting to return to their places. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Would you try this? Make some immune-boosting, and anti-inflammatory health shots! Ingredients used: 1 large orange (peeled) 1 large lemon (peeled) 1/4 cup chopped fresh ginger 2-5 ox spring water or coconut water 2-4 tbsp raw/organic honey (optional) 2 tsp organic powdered turmeric 1/8-1/2 tsp fresh black pepper (enhances curcumin absorption in the body) 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (opt) 1/4 tsp oil (such as extra virgin (opt) Drink a 2 oz shot every morning. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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🧵THREAD: Today I am going to red-pill you about dangerous vegetable oils, which are found in almost all processed foods. Consequently, this is likely the most important thread you will read this week. Contrary to popular belief, the term 'vegetable oils' is misleading. These oils are called 'vegetable' not because they come from vegetables in the traditional sense, but because they are derived from plant sources. This includes seeds such as cottonseeds, soybeans, and sunflower seeds. These oils need to be heavily refined to remove various toxins and natural impurities, which can be harmful or affect the taste and stability of the oil. The refining process also extends the shelf life of these oils. However, this refining process creates trans fats, a type of unsaturated fat that is detrimental to our health, especially when consumed in large amounts. Trans fats, along with a high omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio found in these oils, disrupt our body's metabolic processes. They contribute to inflammation and imbalance cytokine production, which are crucial in our body's immune response and healing processes. Long-term consumption of these fats is linked to various health hazards, including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions. To provide a comparison, I've included olive oil in the graphic. Unlike these refined oils, olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is less processed and contains healthy fats. It has a more balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and doesn't contain trans fats, making it a much better choice for your health. In the posts below, I will delve into the history of vegetable oils and explain the mechanisms that make these seed oils extremely harmful. Subscribe: HealthyCare ✅️
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Have you tried this before? Elderberry syrup is known for its incredible work on our bodies. It is associated with numerous health benefits including immune support, cold and cough prevention, and more. •Health Benefits of Elderberry Syrup: —Fight against bacterial infections —Anti-inflammatory properties —Natural diuretic effects —Helps clear sinus infections Ingredients used: 1 cup of berries 4 cups of water Add spices 1/3 apple cider vinegar 1 cup pure honey Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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That fear that comes with the food that we eat. That was the violation all the time but we couldn't see it. We cannot see it even now. Subscribe: Dr.Sebi ✅
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Natural antibiotic. Learn how to heal yourself ☺️ Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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lIs your diet raising your bad cholesterol levels? 🍔❌ Centuries-old ancestral remedy for banishing bad cholesterol and promoting healthy arteries! Drink on an empty stomach for 7-10 days for remarkable results. Remember not to exceed 14 days, and take a 2-week break before resuming. ⭐ Ingredients: 🧄 2 garlic cloves Half-inch Sri Lankan cinnamon stick (gentle on kidneys) 🌱 3 cloves Instructions: 1 Crush garlic and cinnamon, cloves leaving them exposed for 10 minutes to activate beneficial enzymes. Add crushed ingredients to hot water and let it steep for 5-8 minutes. Drink on an empty stomach for 7-10 days. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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FACT: Tinnitus is KILLING your brain🧠 Top Harvard MDs reveal: "You have 14 days to fix your tinnitus, or it's too late." Because studies show that tinnitus is like a ticking bomb... That could lead to severe brain damage, hearing loss, dementia... And even WIPE AWAY 1% of your memory every month that passes. 🟢Good news is, a US brain surgeon discovered a new 7-second "tinnitus switch". It ENDS tinnitus for good... It repairs the damage done to your brain… And it works ALL THE TIMES: ➡️ Switch OFF your tinnitus in 7 seconds. The full explanatory video is now available. This is important for everyone to know! 🛒 ✅ 🛒 ✅
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Reveals The Best Breakfast! Subscribe: Dr.Sebi ✅
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Berkshire Hills Sanatorium, (1895) the largest private institution in America located in North Adams, Massachusetts. This health resort was for the scientific treatment of cancer, tumors, and all forms of malignant growths without the use of the knife Subscribe: Cancer Cure ✅️
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BEST HERBS FOR EYES 👁 🔸Basil 🔸Amla 🔸Bilberry 🔸Brahmi 🔸Gotukola - Mandukparni 🔸Terminalia chebula - Haritaki 🔸Terminalia Belleric - Vibhitaki 🔸Chrysanthemum 🔸Beets 🔸Carrots 🔸Turmeric 🔸Grapes and raisins 🔸Spinach Of all the herbs given triphala - made of amla, haritaki and vibhitaki is the best for eye diseases. Consume them regularly in your diet to protect your vision from the ubiquitous technology. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Three years ago, my wife and I stumbled upon a serendipitous discovery - an incredible recipe that not only costs us virtually nothing to make but is also completely zero-waste! After using our apples for baking treats like pies or cakes, we often had lots of peels and cores left over. Using these overlooked ingredients as the base for this special dish quickly became something that's too hard to pass up. We're certain you will find it just as useful! Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Dr.Sebi explains how to cure every disease 👏 Subscribe: Dr.Sebi ✅
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Immediate results PLUS helps your body destroy that bacteria that’s causing your irritation! This is one of my favorite remedies because it provides relief instantly but also keeps working to help kick any stubborn sore throat. Only 2 ingredients! Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar 🍎 1 Tablespoon honey 🍯 Directions: Combine both ingredients and stir or mix well. Gargle for as long as you can and then swallow the mixture (that’s important) You should have relief almost instantly! Take as needed. DISCLAIMER: This is what I do for my family, I am not a medical professional. As always, l encourage everyone to do their own research to determine what’s right for their family. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Would you drink this? A healthy and nourishing juice to cleanse your lungs. With only a few ingredients you can do this in instant. Ingredients used: A medium piece of Turmeric 1 Romaine Lettuce A medium piece of ginger 1 grapefruit 1 cup of pineapple 3 carrots 2 apples Subscribe: HealthyCare ✅️
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Would you try this? Okra has been used for centuries for its ability to promote hair growth, moisturize, and nourish hair. You can make this by adding water to your pot to boil then cut up pieces of your okra into small pieces and let boil until you attain a gel like consistency. Strain let cool down then apply into hair and leave in for at least 30 min. Follow up with shampoo and conditioner. Can be used once a week twice a month or once a month whatever works best for you 🤍 Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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The trust of doctors in Africa 🙏 Subscribe: Dr.Sebi ✅
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Daily Habits that Damage your Brain -Skipping breakfast -High Sugar consumption -getting up late -sleeping late -wearing scarf or cap while sleeping -sleeping in tight clothes -eating meals while watching tv -sleeping late -not attending nature's call when need to -not switching off WIFI before sleeping -not switching cell phone to Aeroplane Mode before sleeping -not exercising even for 15 mins daily -not spending time in nature -not eating healthy fats- nuts, seeds, ghee, butter, Coconut, olives -use of Refined oil in cooking -not spending some time in nature -working late at night -anger, jealousy and stress -Refined carbs and junk foods -not laughing -lingering bad thoughts / negative thinking. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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🤯 AMAZING CANCER REVERSAL w/Natural Medicine: 2 yrs ago, Conor Randall was given just 8 weeks to live. He had huge stage 4 tumors in pancreas, stomach...all over. Doctors gave him absolutely No chance of survival. But Conor didn't accept that. Instead, he quit chemo & dove into a carefully chosen Natural Medicine protocol. Now, after having a full scan, he's received news that he's 100% CANCER FREE. 😯 What did he do? That's the part that BLEW MY MIND! Subscribe: Cancer Cure ✅️
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Recipe:❤️❤️❤️ 1 whole organic lemon 3 cups filtered or spring water 2 tbsp good quality evoo 2 tbsp honey 1 small knob of ginger Don’t forget the Ceylon cinnamon! Blend until creamy. Strain! You don’t have to strain if you don’t mind bits of lemon peel. Last for 4-5 days in refrigerator. Drink 4-6 ounces on an empty stomach Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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The amazing health benefits of moringa can literally reform you from head to toe. This extraordinary plant has been traditionally used for centuries against the symptoms of hair loss, joint pain, and even some types of cancer. And did you know that all parts of this plant, including roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds, have numerous applications in medicine? So, today’s video is all about the amazing benefits of moringa that you have probably never heard of! Moringa is a plant that has been praised for its health benefits for thousands of years.  It is very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds.  So far, scientists have only investigated a fraction of the many reputed health benefits.  Here are 6 health benefits of Moringa that are supported by scientific research. 1. Moringa Is Very Nutritious 2. Moringa Is Rich in Antioxidants 3. Moringa May Lower Blood Sugar Levels 4. Moringa May Reduce Inflammation 5. Moringa Can Lower Cholesterol 6. Moringa May Protect Against Arsenic Toxicity. 💥💥💥 You don’t want to miss this opportunity! 👇 🛒 🛒
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Drinking pineapple water every day can offer some health benefits due to the nutrients found in pineapple, such as vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties. However, it's important to consider potential downsides as well. Nutrient Intake: Pineapple water can contribute to your daily nutrient intake, particularly vitamin C, which is important for immune function and skin health. Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, and drinking water infused with pineapple can make hydration more enjoyable for some people. Digestive Health: Bromelain, found in pineapple, may aid in digestion and reduce inflammation in the body, potentially benefiting digestive health. Antioxidants: Pineapple contains antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind: Sugar Content: Pineapple contains natural sugars, so drinking it regularly could contribute to your daily sugar intake. While it's not as concentrated as juice, excessive sugar consumption can have negative health effects, especially for those with diabetes or those trying to manage their weight. Acidic Content: Pineapple is acidic, which could potentially irritate the mouth or stomach lining in some individuals, especially if consumed in large quantities. Variety in Diet: While pineapple water can be a refreshing addition to your diet, it's essential to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure you're getting a wide range of nutrients. In conclusion, drinking pineapple water every day for a year can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but it shouldn't be relied upon as a sole source of nutrition. It's important to consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet and to listen to your body's individual needs and reactions. If you have any concerns or medical conditions, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Are hidden parasites wreaking havoc in your body? Join us as we unveil the secrets to effectively identifying and eliminating these unwelcome guests. Ingredients: Pumpkin seeds Garlic Salt Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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These are not Real Food ⚠️❌🙅 Subscribe: Dr.Sebi ✅
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The Incredible Miracles of a 72 Hour Fast Ever wondered what happens when you give your digestive system a break? Let's break down the transformative timeline of an extended fast: 1. 6 Hours: Sugar Drop! Insulin levels start to stabilise, and your body begins burning stored sugar for energy. 2. 12 Hours: Fat Burn Begins! Your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis, shifting from carbs to burning fat. 3. 17 Hours: Atophagy Alert Cells initiate a deep cleaning process, rejuvenating and repairing from the inside out. 4. 24 Hours: Gut Glow-up! Your entire digestive system gets a revamp as stem cells rush in to mend and refresh. 5. 48 Hours: Dopamine Dive! Your brain's dopamine system reboots, recharging motivation and elevating mood. 6. 72 Hours: Immunity Ignition! A full-scale immune system overhaul powers up, readying you against invaders. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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What can help with hair loss? Follow: Dr. Berg ✅️
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A miracle drink with turmeric! Removes 5 kg of toxins from the intestines and blood vessels! The beneficial properties of turmeric are recognized all over the world. This spice has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antioxidant and antiseptic properties. By adding turmeric to your daily diet, you will increase immunity, improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolism. That is why people who want to lose weight often resort to the use of turmeric. Today we will share with you a recipe for not only a delicious, but also an incredibly healthy drink. With its help, you can easily get rid of extra pounds and detoxify the body. Lemon drink INGREDIENTS 3 liters of water 2-3 lemons 150 ml of honey 2 tbsp turmeric preparation 1. Prepare a three-liter jar for the drink. 2. Boil the water and let it cool down a little, then pour it into a jar. 3. Add honey and turmeric to warm water. 4. Wash the lemons and rub them together with the zest on a fine grater. 5. Add the lemon pulp to the jar and cover it with a lid. Let the drink brew for 24 hours. Before use, be sure to strain the drink. Take it 120 g three times a day half an hour before meals. Follow the course of admission for three weeks. The result will not keep you waiting! Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Is early cancer detection really saving lives, or does it prematurely lock patients into harsh treatments? Critics argue that methods like chemotherapy and radiation, despite their medical use, originate from toxins and war chemicals that may further harm health. These treatments not only accelerate aging but might also weaken the immune system and spread cancer more rapidly. This perspective suggests that the trauma of a cancer diagnosis itself could drastically suppress immune function, highlighting the complex relationship between mind, body, and disease management. Are we creating early patients rather than preventing cancer? Subscribe: Cancer Cure ✅️
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Can you also not start your day without a cup of tea? According to ayurveda, one should never drink tea on an empty stomach. This is because during sleep our body goes through a process of healing and repair and therefore becomes dehydrated.Tea and coffee are diuretic in nature which means that they help the body to get rid of salt and water and make it more dehydrated. So, it is really important to hydrate your body as soon as you wake up. Also, coffee and tea are acidic in nature, that is they stimulate the production of acid in the stomach which can lead to heartburn. Therefore, it is best to start your day with a glass of warm water and the best time to drink tea is at least 1-2 hours after your meal. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Check this out! 😳 Watch how much EMF radiation is being emitted from a phone without an EMF blocker. This is why you need to get an EMF Shield 🛡 right now, to help significantly reduce radiation being emitted by your cell phone. Here are some negative effects of non-native EMFs on human health: 1. Increased Risk of Cancer: Studies show a link between long-term exposure to non-native EMFs and an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as leukemia and brain tumors. 2. Disruption of Sleep Patterns: Non-native EMFs, particularly those emitted by electronic devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi routers, are associated with sleep disturbances. Exposure to these EMFs before bedtime interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, leading to difficulties falling asleep or disrupted sleep patterns. 3. Impact on Fertility: Studies indicate that non-native EMFs have a negative impact on fertility. Prolonged exposure to EMFs from sources like laptops, cell phones, and wireless devices reduce sperm quality, motility, and viability. 4. Neurological Effects: There is evidence that non-native EMFs may have neurological effects, including increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 5. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Some individuals experience symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and dizziness when exposed to non-native EMFs. Get your EMF Shield Home System✅ to create a protective barrier around your home! Order yours here 👇👇 🛒 🛒
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Menstrual Cycle Recipes❣️ Recipes: 💕 2 Pomelos (ripe) 2 Blood Oranges 2 pomegranates Makes about 32 oz ❣️ 1 Beet Bunch (4-5 beets) 5 Apples 1 Thumb of Ginger Makes about 40oz (depends on size of apples) 💜 3 pints of Blueberries 1 whole Pineapple 4 apples Makes about 50oz These are my favs for that time of the month. The beet juice gives me energy & helps with iron deficiency. The pomegranate juice is an excellent probiotic juice that helps prevents vaginal odors & keeps my pH balanced after bleeding. The blueberry juice helps soothes cramps, headaches & other PMS symptoms💜 Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Discover this amazing dental solution that takes only 60 seconds before you go to sleep and helps you regenerate your teeth and gums and eliminate cavities for good. Helps with inflammation, supports a healthy mouth environment. It supports the balance of mouth bacteria and the respiratory tract. Get Yours Now: ✔️ ➡️ ✅ ➡️ ✅ 💠 Official offer.
America is not the only country poisoning their own children. I think all of the countries are doing it. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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100 times stronger than lemon and garlic! Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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Dr. sebi couldn’t CURE all diseases! here’s why.. The healing power of herbs is real, and sometimes it can be found right in front of your eyes. If you haven’t heard of him, he is Dr. sebi He believed that many ailments like herpes and diabetes could be cured with the right herbs packaged into one medicine. Dr. Sebi's Most recommended superfood has become the de facto cure-all for the herbalist and natural healers who's success stories have been featured in East African newspapers and Some big TV shows, but... there's "No scientific evidence" supporting his claims, according to my research, there isn’t much real info out there 🙁 IF you know you know. Subscribe: Dr.Sebi ✅
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A Cool trick to know 😁 ⭐ Pro tip: Add Salt for even better preservation Share this with your Holistic friends 😇 Follow for daily Holistic remedies and Healthy tips & tricks 🥰 Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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🟢 Eat these 3 foods to restore your spine: Did you know that dried apricots, figs, and prunes can restore your spine and give you strength? Take 1 fig, 5 pieces of dried apricots and 1 prune. ▶️ Eat them before bed for 1.5 months. They cause the restoration of the tissues that make up the intervertebral soft discs. They make these tissues more stable and elastic. This is what will lead to the vertebrae starting to return to their places. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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29🔥 7💯 4👍 2🥰 1👏 1😍 1
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Would you try this? Make some immune-boosting, and anti-inflammatory health shots! Ingredients used: 1 large orange (peeled) 1 large lemon (peeled) 1/4 cup chopped fresh ginger 2-5 ox spring water or coconut water 2-4 tbsp raw/organic honey (optional) 2 tsp organic powdered turmeric 1/8-1/2 tsp fresh black pepper (enhances curcumin absorption in the body) 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (opt) 1/4 tsp oil (such as extra virgin (opt) Drink a 2 oz shot every morning. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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👍 26💯 7 1🔥 1🥰 1👏 1😍 1
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🧵THREAD: Today I am going to red-pill you about dangerous vegetable oils, which are found in almost all processed foods. Consequently, this is likely the most important thread you will read this week. Contrary to popular belief, the term 'vegetable oils' is misleading. These oils are called 'vegetable' not because they come from vegetables in the traditional sense, but because they are derived from plant sources. This includes seeds such as cottonseeds, soybeans, and sunflower seeds. These oils need to be heavily refined to remove various toxins and natural impurities, which can be harmful or affect the taste and stability of the oil. The refining process also extends the shelf life of these oils. However, this refining process creates trans fats, a type of unsaturated fat that is detrimental to our health, especially when consumed in large amounts. Trans fats, along with a high omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio found in these oils, disrupt our body's metabolic processes. They contribute to inflammation and imbalance cytokine production, which are crucial in our body's immune response and healing processes. Long-term consumption of these fats is linked to various health hazards, including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions. To provide a comparison, I've included olive oil in the graphic. Unlike these refined oils, olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is less processed and contains healthy fats. It has a more balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and doesn't contain trans fats, making it a much better choice for your health. In the posts below, I will delve into the history of vegetable oils and explain the mechanisms that make these seed oils extremely harmful. Subscribe: HealthyCare ✅️
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👍 32💯 6🤯 5 3😱 3🔥 1🥰 1
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Have you tried this before? Elderberry syrup is known for its incredible work on our bodies. It is associated with numerous health benefits including immune support, cold and cough prevention, and more. •Health Benefits of Elderberry Syrup: —Fight against bacterial infections —Anti-inflammatory properties —Natural diuretic effects —Helps clear sinus infections Ingredients used: 1 cup of berries 4 cups of water Add spices 1/3 apple cider vinegar 1 cup pure honey Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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👍 38 10💯 5🔥 3🥰 1👏 1😍 1
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😱 46🤯 12🔥 4💯 4👍 2👏 2 1
Repost from Dr. Sebi
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That fear that comes with the food that we eat. That was the violation all the time but we couldn't see it. We cannot see it even now. Subscribe: Dr.Sebi
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👍 32🔥 4 3👏 1
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Natural antibiotic. Learn how to heal yourself ☺️ Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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👍 48 10💯 6🥰 3🤔 3🔥 2👏 1😱 1
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lIs your diet raising your bad cholesterol levels? 🍔❌ Centuries-old ancestral remedy for banishing bad cholesterol and promoting healthy arteries! Drink on an empty stomach for 7-10 days for remarkable results. Remember not to exceed 14 days, and take a 2-week break before resuming. ⭐ Ingredients: 🧄 2 garlic cloves Half-inch Sri Lankan cinnamon stick (gentle on kidneys) 🌱 3 cloves Instructions: 1 Crush garlic and cinnamon, cloves leaving them exposed for 10 minutes to activate beneficial enzymes. Add crushed ingredients to hot water and let it steep for 5-8 minutes. Drink on an empty stomach for 7-10 days. Follow: Alternative Medicine ✅️
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👍 48💯 5 4🔥 3😱 2🥰 1😍 1
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👏 31👍 10 4😱 3🥰 2💯 2🔥 1
Repost from Natural Pharmacy
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FACT: Tinnitus is KILLING your brain🧠 Top Harvard MDs reveal: "You have 14 days to fix your tinnitus, or it's too late." Because studies show that tinnitus is like a ticking bomb... That could lead to severe brain damage, hearing loss, dementia... And even WIPE AWAY 1% of your memory every month that passes. 🟢Good news is, a US brain surgeon discovered a new 7-second "tinnitus switch". It ENDS tinnitus for good... It repairs the damage done to your brain… And it works ALL THE TIMES: ➡️ Switch OFF your tinnitus in 7 seconds. The full explanatory video is now available. This is important for everyone to know! 🛒 ✅ 🛒
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👍 20 7🔥 2🥰 1👏 1😍 1💯 1