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Uncensored Patriots Resistance

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Proverbs 18:12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.
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Proverbs 18:21-23 (KJV) Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. The poor useth intreaties; but the rich answereth roughly.
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For any ladies in here. I had learned about Abaya dresses, I believe that's just the Arabic name for them. But its "modest wear" specifically design for modesty and your comfort. No one is under any obligation to wear such but I share for you benefit. I wish I'd known about these a long time ago I would have been buying these.... One can dress modestly in regular clothes shirt and pants or long skirt but thing is with men it still leaves much for them to look at if only more girls and women understood how many men think especially majority of American men who consume warped... content in different forms. (If its not you, its not you no man should then be offended by the truth if your not guilty) Modesty also being in mindset and behavior not just dressing. BOTH are important before the eyes of God. I've no desire to eye please any man but rather wear a sack. A pretty sack. And that they are, they are elegant modest and flattering on everyone. The more we cover the more beautiful it actually is and that we are, the more comfortable you'll absolutely feel, I certainly feel. Its freeing. Unless one still has that mindset of wanting to appear a certain way for attraction and attention then it will feel like some sort of bondage. Not to attain entertainment or attraction or appeal to anyone and If anyone at all fellow ladies. There are many shops on tiktok shop, small businesses on there listed, as well as options on Amazon. The best will be the small businesses, options and quality especially linen and cotton, or at least higher % of linen/cotton. (Are breathable, more comfortable) They are affordable and no more than anything else you'll find. Aside from literally goodwill, thrifting, or cheap fast fashion. There are some good quality options on Amazon also. Modern fashion wither new or 2nd hand is always designed for appeal, societal standards and attraction, "male gaze" and too many options to count to just burn through. NOT all things but most things. When once people had high quality handmade clothes they repaired, loved and wore well that was modest. Making their own clothing or having it made by family or seamstress. I've had started to make clothes, haven't been able to in a while so I may start making abayas as well. Abayas today can be made well, wither with natural or synthetic materials, they are simple desigs for dresses, naturally and cost effective. No doubt some may be made or sourced from some bad or sketchy places like many things have to avoid in finding things to purchase. They also have different names for abays as well for different styles, under different I guess Arabic names. Idk. Lots of options. Arabic Hebrew idk. Thought I'd share for the ladies. Men are gross. They dont deserve to look at you except your spouse. God wants us to protect our selves and others. (Both men and women are like are called to be our brothers keeper, not cast stumbling blocks and care for the weaknesses of other and lift up rather than set up for a cause of stumbling) Men are also obligated to do the SAME (not just outwardly but inwardly).
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So I finally got some misawak sticks However you spell that. And started using em and there is quite a quick improvement with whitening teeth like from idk... coffee stains from.. idk surviving off caffine... I can't remember all benefits but I know there's many I forget. I also have links above from primaldadtruther who makes and sells misowak tooth brushes and has info on them. GuruNanda tooth brushes I feel kinda suck. Haven't gotten prinaldadtruthers one but had ordered diff misowak actual just straight stick and that works well in addition.
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@uncensoredpatriotsresistance Tiktok-> library_of_roses
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This is from a chapter on air travel and air ships. Speaks of the Hindenburg. Its a book printed in London by the londonpress with a copy right date of S 1138
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👍 1
I collect antique books, I search for books that well divulge information about any of these tampered topics... hidden history/hidden truths.. even propagandized history... what have you. So this new tiktok page im sharing more on my books Here is one books called "The Big Aviation Book for Boys" (and girls) With excerpt and piece from Admyral Byrde and what seems to be 1st hand written accounts from exploration, as well as some history on airships and more. Its a 1929 book and I have many more. And will always be searching and collecting and sharing them. I did a post on this one asking folks I tagged to #flatearthers to let me know if any cheaters people would like me to specifically share on for them.
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Welcome and Hello to new members to the channel. Thankful your here. If at all possible to new and old folks please share the channel and my linktree I added my new tiktok account link to top of link tree. Thanks for the support and the community here
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Rosalyn-McCain:Brandon | Instagram, TikTok | Linktree

Glory be to GOD! Anti-Luciferian Globalist NW0. Be the change you want to see🕯

Language Advisory ⚠️ I've had it. I was once so niave. I made my self smaller to even make other men young & old to feel comfortable. Tip toe around anyone's feelings n fit in where I can & not upset anyone ive worked with men& women alike. But I "fawned" more around men W Narc tendencies. I was a people pleaser & how I was raised. I can reflect on being targeted by so many preditorial men. & men will call me man hater now. How emotionally intelligent of them. No I was girl who wanted to get married & be a stay at home mom and be there to take care of my family (before I knew i should have focused on myself more& longer)&gave everything of myself &more not just to my spouse by everyone. Bend over backwards give give give sacrifice myself my needs feelings voice to make others happy... (& still am sahm/wife/community servant) Took so much abuse& unfaithfulness from my spouse& still tried & tried. Its always when women aren't niave anymore& set healthy bounderies BAD
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