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Tweets about missing human rights and war crimes worldwide - Tweets sobre derechos humanos desaparecidos y crímenes de guerra

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La Haute Cour de Namibie dépénalise les relations homosexuelles consensuelles HRW en français Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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BREAKING: UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini blasts “completely wrong and misleading” UN Watch report exposing senior Hamas role of UNRWA teachers union leader Fathi al-Sharif.… @AP: You mentioned you will apply the Colonna Report recommendations. I understand from some NGOs that there's already been some backsliding. Are you now applying all of those recommendations throughout UNRWA, including in Lebanon? There's been some new allegations. @UNLazzarini: The case you are referring right now in Lebanon [Fathi al-Sharif] is a specific case. The information given by NGOs has been completely wrong and misleading. I went to Beirut on a specific case. You might know that our offices were blocked for more than two months. And I had a long discussion with all the political factions, and basically I have told them that I cannot, as a head of an agency, accept that you prevent us to have access to our headquarter and premises, and if you continue to do so because you want to put us on the pressure, I'm ready to hand over the keys to the factions. So at the same time, I had also conversation with the government, asking if the government would be ready to ensure that we have full access to our premises. When I left, the person we are talking about is still suspended, remains suspended, and is on administrative leave without pay, and nothing has changed until the end of the investigation. So it's quite deliberately dishonest to try to make-believe that my visit was to give in and to reinstate an individual under investigation and being fully suspended, if that is the case you were referring to. UN Watch Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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#EU Esta legislación obligará a las grandes empresas a evaluar los riesgos para los #ddhh y el medioambiente asociados a sus operaciones Supondrá un avance en la prevención del trabajo infantil y la prevención de los abusos contra los trabajadores… amnistia . org 🕯 Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Tras otro mortífero atentado de #ISIS en #Daguestán que dejaron al menos 19 muertos, dos preguntas: 1. ¿Cómo han podido permitir las autoridades rusas que esto vuelva a suceder? 2. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora las autoridades? Más en el boletín @astroehlein Human Rights Watch Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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#Namibie 🇳🇦La Haute Cour a invalidé une loi datant de l’époque coloniale, qui criminalise la sodomie et les «délits sexuels contre nature». C’est une bonne nouvelle pour la communauté LGBT de ce pays. HRW en français Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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Namibie : Abrogation de lois anti-LGBT [H3qNpaPiywU].mp42.97 MB
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Namibie : Abrogation de lois anti-LGBT.mp41.55 MB
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