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France continues to mess up royally.
BREAKING: According to the Russian foreign ministry, France is becoming more deeply involved in the Ukraine conflict, thereby increasing the risk of a direct clash with Russia. @GeneralMCNews
2 years ago today! This Prophetic word was given to me a few days ago and the Lord said RELEASE IT NOW. #ProphteicWord --- The unknowns. The unpolished. The hidden. The lowly. The meek before my throne. Those are the ones I’m raising up for the new Era. The church has green tainted by corruption, power hungry ministers, prophetic prostitutes and those seeking self gain. I will remove their lamp stand from the midst of my throne says the Lord of hosts. New callings, new mantles and new impartations are being released among the unknowns. They shall rise with fire in their eyes and Holy Ghost power to conquer in this new era what the old couldn’t conquer. An undivided heart is what I seek says the Lord. Let your eye be single that I may use you. The willingness to let go of everything I ask you to without hesitation. New manna shall I give them, they shall dine at my table says the Lord. The prophets of old had dreams and visions. The Elijah’s rising shall meet with me face to face as my Moses did. These shall be called friends of God. My glory shall be evident in their lives. A radiant bride is what I’m coming back to. The lukewarm shall be no more among my people. Massive church closures are coming. Tent gatherings shall be the new. The people will look for these new ones I’m raising up. They will hear of the signs, healings and wonders I’m doing in their midst and the thirsty shall have living water again! This is a time of commissioning for my chosen ones. Their lives with be characterized by Holy Fire and signs and wonders will follow them.
Remember 4 years ago the Lord said He was cleaning our the church AND the prophetic?
You have to read this. 😳😳😳😱
June 13, 2024 at 9:28 AM THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY! I had a long dream last night, but I only remember the last scene where I was declaring 3 statements or headlines that had been given to me. I only remember the last statement, and I was reading it aloud to BH0. It said: "THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" The Father speaks: "This is My NEWS HEADLINE to the darkness, and to My America. I AM assigning My Army of Light to DECLARE this PROMISE to the heavenly and earthly realms-"THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" I want you to declare it UNTIL you SEE it COME to FULFILLMENT. Those partnered with darkness and those who don't BELIEVE that I still act SUPERNATURALLY anymore will SCOFF at your declaration. The darkness believes (except for moments of PANICKY DOUBT) that their DEATH AGENDAS will bring the world into SUBJECTION to their CONTROL. Sadly, many in the Church have been taught I AM words on a page and that I NO LONGER ACT in SUPERNATURAL WAYS. This gives them an EXCUSE NOT TO FIGHT the darkness, and they HIDE BEHIND a FALSE SHIELD that says I AM JUDGING AMERICA and so I will be taking the Church off the earth. Quite the OPPOSITE is the TRUTH. I AM RAISING UP, TRAINING, and STRENGTHENINGa WARRIOR BRIDE who will FIGHT BY MY SIDE to MAKE WAY for the KINGDOM AGE. To My MISLED and stll ASLEEP Church, I say, I AM NOT building up a WIMPY Church that cannot CUT IT in the day of BATTLE and who has to be SNATCHED out of the way because they had LITTLE POWER over the enemy and his dark schemes. I AM calling you to AWAKEN, BELIEVE that I AM still the GREAT I AM, and JOIN the ranks of My Forces of Light. Help us bring in the VICTORY, and you will share in the SPOILS of war. As My people keep declaring, 'THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" it will make INROADS into the DEATH SCHEMES, and it will WEAKEN the CONFIDENCE of the darkness. They will be OVERCOME by My Army's FAITH and LIGHT, and you will see with your eyes that THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" Diana Larkin, A Watchman's Journal This IS Ameras Day I!!
CBS News report from 1982—featuring a 34 year old Al Gore—predicts the "widespread disruption of agriculture", and 25% of Florida ending up underwater, "due to the burning of coal and oil". 🤡 "Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt might be too dry, and the wheat and corn crops would have to move to Canada." "Scientists blame the odourless, colourless carbon dioxide gas for these potentially dangerous changes around the planet... The scientists maintain that the coal, oil and gas we've been burning for 100 years have produced more and more carbon dioxide, and helped overheat the Earth." For more content like this, subscribe to @HATSTRUTH 🎩
We, and all beings in nature, are constantly under attack by the most evil trillionaires. Bill Gates releases a swarm of his genetically modified mosquitoes from hell in Florida. You can be sure they are carrying some horrifically engineered parasites or even the deadIy va<<ine (since viruses do not exist and have never been isolated, ever). He invests in the new mRNA malaria va<< ine, so it could just be the malaria parasite on speed, as even that parasite has been created in a lab to make people sick and the mosquitoes were infected with the parasites in a lab, years ago. Probably by the oligarchs before Bill's time. His dad, who even wrote a book about ending billions of lives, perhaps. Look into him. He was working hard on depop with all sorts of evil ways. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. No weapons against innocents who believe, shall prosper, and those who do evil, will pay for their evil deeds. It is written.
🇨🇳🇺🇲 The United States constantly supplies weapons to Ukraine and uses the crisis as an opportunity to impose sanctions , the Chinese Foreign Ministry said
🇸🇦🇺🇲 Saudi Arabia will not renew its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States, which expired on Sunday, June 9, 2024. This will allow the Saudis to sell oil in any currency, and not just in US dollars, as was previously the case.
Same reason they won’t accept prophets. It comes with implications.
On Russia day Russia announces it will halt trading Dollars and the Euro on the Russian Stock exchange. Russia day is referred to as the Day of Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia. Russia’s Independence Day. On June 12, 1990, the 1st Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR, part of the Soviet Union) adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR. The document declared the primacy of the Constitution and the laws of the Russian republic over the Soviet Union’s legislation, establishing equal rights for all citizens, political parties and non-governmental organizations, the principle of separation of powers into three branches, namely the legislative, executive and judicial and the necessity to substantially expand the rights of the regions.
🚨BREAKING: A Life threatening flash flood emergency has been declared in Miami Florida due to catastrophic flooding multiple water resources are underway. Yesterday’s 6 year DELTA - FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness. Q
Bruh, seriously? 🤯😂 A trebuchet. Wild. 🤯
👀 The Israeli army is using trebuchets to attack Hezbollah targets in the forests and fields of south Lebanon. Meanwhile, keep updated Subscribe to @WW3INFO ✅
Surprise False flag Incoming. Join: GhostEzra
BREAKING: A Michigan judge has declared that the election manual issued by the Democrat Secretary of State to local election officials is unconstitutional and violates state law. The judge is also requiring strict signature verification for mail-in ballots in the upcoming 2024 election. @GeneralMCNews
You have to read this. 😳😳😳😱
Government agencies, going through reams of reports, searching for ways and places to cut - because there just wasn’t enough to go around the way things were. Others being prepped for next steps when it goes down and how to deal with the fall out. A little farther down the hall was another meeting room and there was a group of political leaders being briefed as to what was on the verge of happening, and what the potential ramifications were going to be. The room was very somber, emotions and tensions were running high. It was a powder keg ready to blow. Another room had a team plotting how they could spin this crash in a way to blame Trump and the Republicans when it was clear in their briefing discussions the Democrats themselves were to blame and they knew it. They had to try to spin it because they would not be able to hide it any longer. Everything was going to be exposed. There was a set of locked security glass doors at the end of the hallway, where there was a group of journalists standing with cameras and microphones in hand prepared to attack with questions. This was going to be historic, major breaking big news. Holy Spirit then spoke clearly to me: Barry, tell my people it is time for the take down, and it is time for the wealth transfer to be released. It is time to pull the plug on the most corrupt system of all and those who think they control it. They have raped and pillaged my people for far too long! They have held my people in slavery and the day is upon you for freedom. Watch as I dismantle this system that has held my people in bondage. What I have started cannot be stopped. It is time to remove those who have controlled the purse strings! And it is time to take back the purse! Never again shall it be in their hands. For all that was gained through unrighteous means shall be returned a hundred-fold to my people! I will see to it that justice is served, and slave masters shall be apprehended, and brought to justice! The round up is about to begin. They will turn on one another left right and center to try and save themselves but, in the end, justice will be served to all. Watch as I pull the clinch pin they have held and protected at all costs. They are about to lose all control! I am taking it out of their hands. It will be there today and gone tomorrow! The day they have dreaded is upon them! Barry, tell my people do not fear, do not be afraid! For even though it may appear like the end is near, a new day is dawning. Draw together and draw unto me, for as you remain in Me, I will meet your every need! Holy is the Word of the Lord ADVANCE THE LINE! God Bless and Protect you and your families! God Bless and Protect Israel! God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful! God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all! Barry Wunsch PO Box 25069 Deer Park Red Deer, Alberta T4R 2M2 Website: [email protected] Truth Social / Facebook Page / The Canadian Hammer Telegram Channel / The Canadian Hammer
June 12, 2024 7:00pm The Lord has been stirring this word up in me once again, perhaps even stronger than when I first received it. The Lord has prompted me to share it again. In consideration to what is coming, and the unraveling of things as we know them, not only regarding the financial shaking that is coming, but also the shaking that is coming to Governments around the world. The Father is clearly preparing to take out the Babylonian slave systems as we have come to know them. We are coming into a rebirthing through out the Nations into Kingdom Governance the likes we have never seen before. Things are about to be turned upside down and inside out! I pray that the revelation of what is happening will come to those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see what the Father is doing in our midst. May the Lord bless and protect you and your families, and may He overshadow you in all of your ways. Barry Prophetic Encounter: The Federal Reserve; Justice is upon us! January 18, 2023 Respectfully Submitted Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer This morning as I went about my day I kept hearing the words "Federal Reserve", I must have heard it half a dozen times. As I pulled aside and began to pray, I was immediately taken by the spirit into The United States Federal Reserve. There I was in the Federal Reserve Server room. It was bright, very well lit, and had rows of racking and servers humming along. I watched as a team of highly specialized techs worked behind the servers. I could see them, but they were mostly transparent, I knew that they each were connected into the system, some on the inside and more from the outside but all were working on the same project. They were tracing and identifying connections from other nations, banks, stock exchanges, and wall street. They were preparing to cut each one, each line off from this old server for a new system was very soon to be fired up. These Federal Reserve servers were at maximum capacity and were not going to last much longer. The system was in trouble and on the verge of a fatal crash. This team was diligently working behind the scenes, tracing each line, each connection into the system and preparing for the changeover. This system was outdated, had served its purpose for a time, but was now done. There was a new system ready to go to replace this old server. It was a Quantum system, like nothing ever seen before. Years in development and ready to roll out. It was smaller, more compact, and lightning speed faster than anything before. I saw a case opened up and the inside core looked like the most perfect diamond, crystal clear and bright. It reflected and radiated light in a way I had never seen. The light bursting out of it was as bright as the sun. There was something very new and different about this technology. This was the future. I was then taken out of the server room down a hallway to an elevator, up we went. The elevator doors opened into a hallway with offices running down both sides. As I walked down the hallway things were running hot. Conversations were loud, passionate, and animated. The Federal Reserve had been in trouble before but never this bad. Agents were pleading with those they were talking to, trying to hold it together with all they had. The men and women working the phones in a state of panic. It had suddenly gotten "real". This was not like anything they had faced before. They were negotiating here and there with banks, wall street, stock exchanges in the USA and abroad trying to hold things together, but this time it was different. There was a room full of agents working the phones, speaking foreign languages explaining things and negotiating as hard as they could to other Nations and governments, foreign investors and stakeholders trying to navigate the storm and what was happening. As I continued down the hallway, there were agents dealing with
Preaching 🎤💯
NSA Cautions iPhone Owners: Do This to Protect Against New Cyber Threat‼️🤳🏼📲 The National Security Agency (NSA) has issued a new guide on Mobile Device Best Business Practices that urges iPhone users to adopt a new habit to protect against an emerging and sophisticated type of cyber threat known as a “zero-click” exploit. What is a Zero-Click Exploit A zero-clock exploit is exactly what it sounds like. It allows a hacker to execute malicious code or access private information without any interaction from the user. This new type of attack can infiltrate a device simply by sending a message or file that grants the hacker access without the user’s knowledge. The NSA’s recommendation is simple: power off your iPhone at least once per week. This practice can help clear any dangerous code that may have been discreetly delivered to your device. Restarting your iPhone ensures that temporary files and background processes where these files may lurk are reset. iDrop News
As [g7] leaders who are to meet in Italy this week prepare expanded sanctions on Russia, President Vladmir Putin is soon expected in North Korea. Kim Jong Un on Wednesday hailed his country's ties with Moscow, calling the two powers which actually share a tiny far eastern border "invincible comrades-in-arms".
More evidence Subscribe to @HATSTRUTH 🎩
HATTERS know that technology is a planned rollout and has been around for hundreds of years. This was in the 1800s Subscribe to @HATSTRUTH 🎩
45 refers to himself as the King. Who told you he was the king of the alliance long ago? 😉
30 OMG this is getting so much worse! They are organ harvesting on the battlefield! Ukraine families are getting bodies of their son back missing all their organs!!!
Investors are pulling out of NYC after recent. 😳 🔥Click here to boost us🔥 For more content like this, subscribe to 🇺🇸Join👉 @WideAwakeMedia
NEW: WATCH: Trump Pledges to Eliminate Taxes on Service Industry Tips: 🙏
Just a reminder that if Elon never bought Twitter, the algorithms never would have been changed, and the broader public would still be asleep. Most of the content in your feeds would not be there, and your favorite accounts would still be suspended. The shift we are seeing in public perception, can be largely attributed to the liberation of Twitter and the construction of X. Trump’s approval/polling numbers would not be as high as they are if traditional TV MSM was the only source of news. Trump might not even be the GOP nominee if citizen journalists did not have the reach and influence that they do on X. Public perception is the game, and Elon gave us the tools to fight back against the corrupt MSM. It’s working.
Back in Trump’s first term, myself and others like me, tried to warn everyone that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, Hollywood, Tech, MSM, etc., were all compromised by the Deep State. Most people mocked us and called us “far-right conspiracy theorists”. Not so funny now is it?
Interesting... 👀
Repost from PATRIOT 17
France continues to mess up royally.
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Repost from The General
BREAKING: According to the Russian foreign ministry, France is becoming more deeply involved in the Ukraine conflict, thereby increasing the risk of a direct clash with Russia. @GeneralMCNews
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Repost from PATRIOT 17
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2 years ago today! This Prophetic word was given to me a few days ago and the Lord said RELEASE IT NOW. #ProphteicWord --- The unknowns. The unpolished. The hidden. The lowly. The meek before my throne. Those are the ones I’m raising up for the new Era. The church has green tainted by corruption, power hungry ministers, prophetic prostitutes and those seeking self gain. I will remove their lamp stand from the midst of my throne says the Lord of hosts. New callings, new mantles and new impartations are being released among the unknowns. They shall rise with fire in their eyes and Holy Ghost power to conquer in this new era what the old couldn’t conquer. An undivided heart is what I seek says the Lord. Let your eye be single that I may use you. The willingness to let go of everything I ask you to without hesitation. New manna shall I give them, they shall dine at my table says the Lord. The prophets of old had dreams and visions. The Elijah’s rising shall meet with me face to face as my Moses did. These shall be called friends of God. My glory shall be evident in their lives. A radiant bride is what I’m coming back to. The lukewarm shall be no more among my people. Massive church closures are coming. Tent gatherings shall be the new. The people will look for these new ones I’m raising up. They will hear of the signs, healings and wonders I’m doing in their midst and the thirsty shall have living water again! This is a time of commissioning for my chosen ones. Their lives with be characterized by Holy Fire and signs and wonders will follow them.
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Repost from PATRIOT 17
Remember 4 years ago the Lord said He was cleaning our the church AND the prophetic?
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Repost from PATRIOT 17
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You have to read this. 😳😳😳😱
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Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
June 13, 2024 at 9:28 AM THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY! I had a long dream last night, but I only remember the last scene where I was declaring 3 statements or headlines that had been given to me. I only remember the last statement, and I was reading it aloud to BH0. It said: "THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" The Father speaks: "This is My NEWS HEADLINE to the darkness, and to My America. I AM assigning My Army of Light to DECLARE this PROMISE to the heavenly and earthly realms-"THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" I want you to declare it UNTIL you SEE it COME to FULFILLMENT. Those partnered with darkness and those who don't BELIEVE that I still act SUPERNATURALLY anymore will SCOFF at your declaration. The darkness believes (except for moments of PANICKY DOUBT) that their DEATH AGENDAS will bring the world into SUBJECTION to their CONTROL. Sadly, many in the Church have been taught I AM words on a page and that I NO LONGER ACT in SUPERNATURAL WAYS. This gives them an EXCUSE NOT TO FIGHT the darkness, and they HIDE BEHIND a FALSE SHIELD that says I AM JUDGING AMERICA and so I will be taking the Church off the earth. Quite the OPPOSITE is the TRUTH. I AM RAISING UP, TRAINING, and STRENGTHENINGa WARRIOR BRIDE who will FIGHT BY MY SIDE to MAKE WAY for the KINGDOM AGE. To My MISLED and stll ASLEEP Church, I say, I AM NOT building up a WIMPY Church that cannot CUT IT in the day of BATTLE and who has to be SNATCHED out of the way because they had LITTLE POWER over the enemy and his dark schemes. I AM calling you to AWAKEN, BELIEVE that I AM still the GREAT I AM, and JOIN the ranks of My Forces of Light. Help us bring in the VICTORY, and you will share in the SPOILS of war. As My people keep declaring, 'THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" it will make INROADS into the DEATH SCHEMES, and it will WEAKEN the CONFIDENCE of the darkness. They will be OVERCOME by My Army's FAITH and LIGHT, and you will see with your eyes that THIS IS AMERICA'S DAY!" Diana Larkin, A Watchman's Journal This IS Ameras Day I!!
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Repost from HATS
Відео недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
CBS News report from 1982—featuring a 34 year old Al Gore—predicts the "widespread disruption of agriculture", and 25% of Florida ending up underwater, "due to the burning of coal and oil". 🤡 "Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt might be too dry, and the wheat and corn crops would have to move to Canada." "Scientists blame the odourless, colourless carbon dioxide gas for these potentially dangerous changes around the planet... The scientists maintain that the coal, oil and gas we've been burning for 100 years have produced more and more carbon dioxide, and helped overheat the Earth." For more content like this, subscribe to @HATSTRUTH 🎩
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IMG_9640.MOV24.30 MB
Repost from Eys2C
Відео недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
We, and all beings in nature, are constantly under attack by the most evil trillionaires. Bill Gates releases a swarm of his genetically modified mosquitoes from hell in Florida. You can be sure they are carrying some horrifically engineered parasites or even the deadIy va<<ine (since viruses do not exist and have never been isolated, ever). He invests in the new mRNA malaria va<< ine, so it could just be the malaria parasite on speed, as even that parasite has been created in a lab to make people sick and the mosquitoes were infected with the parasites in a lab, years ago. Probably by the oligarchs before Bill's time. His dad, who even wrote a book about ending billions of lives, perhaps. Look into him. He was working hard on depop with all sorts of evil ways. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. No weapons against innocents who believe, shall prosper, and those who do evil, will pay for their evil deeds. It is written.
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7.01 MB
Repost from Intel Slava Z
🇨🇳🇺🇲 The United States constantly supplies weapons to Ukraine and uses the crisis as an opportunity to impose sanctions , the Chinese Foreign Ministry said
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Repost from Intel Slava Z
🇸🇦🇺🇲 Saudi Arabia will not renew its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States, which expired on Sunday, June 9, 2024. This will allow the Saudis to sell oil in any currency, and not just in US dollars, as was previously the case.
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