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Chronicles Of The Conflict

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NATO countries intend to appoint their special representative in Kiev to coordinate efforts to modernize the Ukrainian forces, the US permanent representative to the alliance said.
The Pentagon stated that it considers it permissible to use American weapons for strikes on Crimea.
The Air Force and air defense forces of Belarus and the Russian Federation have been put on high alert due to the activation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Polonaise and Iskander missile systems have been put in position - President of Belarus Lukashenko
The authorities of the Lithuanian capital are purchasing dragon's teeth and anti-tank hedgehogs to protect the city, Vilnius Mayor Valdas Benkunskas said. First of all, the city authorities consider it necessary to install facilities at the entrance to Vilnius that prevent the mobile movement of military equipment.
Putin will hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Pakistan and Turkey in Astana on July 3, Ushakov said. The bilateral talks of the President of the Russian Federation will continue on July 4, negotiations with the acting President of Iran have already been agreed.
Ukraine rejected Orban's proposal for a ceasefire, said Igor Zhovkva, deputy head of the office of the President of Ukraine. Zhovkva added that Ukraine's position is to seek a settlement through the so-called peace summits initiated by Kiev.
The strike of the Russian Armed Forces on the parking lot of the AFU aircraft at the Mirgorod airfield, as a result of which five Su-27 fighters were destroyed, led to losses that the Ukrainian side cannot afford. This assessment was made by the American magazine Forbes. According to his estimates, against the background of this strike, the Ukrainian aviation suffered one of the most costly losses since the beginning of its operations in Ukraine.
A number of high-ranking officials in the United States and European countries, including NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, demanded that restrictions on strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) against Russia be lifted, Defense News weekly reported. According to him, immediately after the American administration in May agreed to strikes with American weapons on the regions of the Russian Federation near Kharkov, a number of officials in the United States and Europe called for the lifting of the remaining restrictions. The publication notes that one of them was outgoing Secretary General Stoltenberg. According to Defense News, shortly before the June meeting with NATO defense ministers in Brussels, he spoke with journalists on this topic. According to the Secretary General of the alliance, "the line of operations is so close to Kharkov that it will be difficult for Ukraine to defend its territory if it cannot hit Russia." In addition, he expressed the opinion that Kiev "should not bear losses due to the desire to prevent escalation" with the Russian Federation.
‼️🚨🇬🇧Damning allegations that the British elite, including members of the UK Parliament, are involved in child sexual abuse. Both major parties in the UI Labour and Conservative) are also engaged in child trafficking. King Charles III, former Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his likely successor in office Keir Starmer have personally defended high-profile pedophiles from prosecution. The victims of the British pedophile lobby are Ukrainian children, young members of low-income families and migrant kids. 👉🏻 A hard but must read 🎙Subscribe @TheIslanderNews
Media files
Orban asked Zelensky to consider the possibility of a ceasefire before peace talks.
Modi’s Russia Visit Dents West’s Efforts to Cast Putin as Parish - Russia trip is Modi’s first since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine - India has been a major buyer of Russian oil since war started - Bloomberg
🇭🇺 🇺🇦 Hungarian Prime Minister Orban published a photo with Zelensky in Kiеv.
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The World Bank recognized the Russian Federation as a high-income country, and fixed the gross income for each Russian at $14,250.
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🇺🇦🇫🇷🤯While Ukrainians are sent to die in a senseless, NATO engineered conflict, Olena Zelenska splurges on a €4.5 million Bugatti Turbillon during a Paris visit. The decadence amidst devastation is unfathomable. An insider from Bugatti's Paris dealership disclosed that a private presentation was arranged exclusively for the Zelensky couple on June 7. This sneak peek, held two weeks before the public reveal, led Zelenska to secure the first of only 250 cars to be produced. Journalists have obtained the invoice, confirming the staggering sum. As Ukrainians endure unimaginable hardship, their so-called leaders revel in obscene luxury. This is not just hypocrisy—it's an insult to every suffering Ukrainian. How long will the world turn a blind eye to this grotesque display? Theft and destruction of nation (Ukraine) all to please the globalist masters and their forever wars. Pure evil. 🎙Subscribe @TheIslanderNews
🔥📰🇹🇷🇸🇾🇸🇾 Northern Syria is on fire. The locals are rebelling against the Turks. Volunteer groups are being formed in the country with the goal of expelling Turkey from Syrian territories. There are shootouts. Apparently there are rumors that Erdogan will surrender the Syrian opposition to Bashar al-Assad and withdraw Turkish forces from Syria. 🇹🇷 Representatives of the Syrian opposition accuse the Turks of treason and threaten to hand them over to the PKK: “You [the Turks] sold us to Bashar and his dogs. Should we hand you over to the PKK now? You are traitors! We will not bow to anyone except Allah." Север Сирии полыхнул. Местные бунтуют против турков. В стране формируются добровольческие группировки с целью изгнания Турции с сирийских территорий. Идут перестрелки. Судя по всему пошли слухи, что Эрдоган сдаст сирийскую оппозицию Башару Асаду и выведет турецкие силы из Сирии. 🇹🇷 Представители сирийской оппозиции обвиняют турков в предательстве и угрожают сдать их РПК: «Вы [турки] продали нас Башару и его собакам. Может теперь нам передать вас РПК? Вы предатели! Мы не преклонимся ни перед кем, кроме как перед Аллахом» Boost | 💜 👑 RD
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🇺🇦💸👋 1 MONTH BEFORE UKRAINE’S ECONOMY COLLAPSES: Alarm bells ringing in Kiev as Mad Vlad’s regime facing cash crunch - its debt racking up to almost 100% of GDP and repayment pause ending at end of this month. Ukraine’s got no cash to stump up if it can’t get extension to delay repaying cool $12 BILLION to French and American asset management companies, so it’ll have to DEFAULT, admitting entire country’s completely bankrupt. Mad Vlad Zelensky's being handed cash on silver platter by West and it's still not enough - looks like he'll become local crackhead like pic above, begging for cash to keep his Nazi regime running. Boost us here! @IntelRepublic
🇺🇦 Ukraine: The session of the Verkhovna Rada has been postponed for a week due to preparations for significant personnel changes in the government, according to MP Zheleznyak. "It seems like the reason is the NATO summit. In reality, the reason is slightly different. And here, I advise everyone to recall the speaker's words about personnel rotations in the government. And what I wrote, that there is a feeling that it will be much more than just appointing a couple of ministers," the deputy writes. Earlier, "Strana" reported, citing sources, that there are discussions at Bankova Street about replacing Prime Minister Denis Shmygal with Yulia Sviridenko, who currently holds the position of First Deputy Prime Minister in the government. 🔴 @DDGeopolitics
The Finnish parliament has approved a defense agreement with the United States, under which the country will provide the American side with access to 15 military facilities.
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❗️ Tired of one-sided coverage of events in the media? It's time to subscribe to Sputnik Africa! Here you will find: 🔺 Stereotype-free news about what’s happening in Africa and around the world; 🔺 The latest information on the Ukrainian conflict; 🔺 Podcasts, videos with English subtitles, and simple explanations of key issues; 👉 Subscribe and be in the know!
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Air defense systems destroyed 36 Ukrainian drones over the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions overnight, the Defense Ministry said. There are no casualties. "18 UAVs over the territory of the Bryansk region were destroyed and suppressed by air defense on duty, 9 UAVs were destroyed over the territory of the Kursk region, 9 UAVs were destroyed over the territory of the Belgorod region," the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.
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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that he does not see an immediate threat from Russia. This is how he reacted to the discussion in Moscow about a possible change in the nuclear doctrine. The North Atlantic Alliance does not see such a need for itself. The NATO Secretary General also commented on the possible change of power in the United States. In his opinion, regardless of the election results, Washington will remain a "strong ally" of the alliance, as the country has "strong support for Ukraine from both parties."
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🇭🇺 🇪🇺 Hungary begins its Presidency of the Council of the EU. At the same time, the republic maintained sharp disagreements with the European Union. On July 1, it takes over the baton from Belgium in the EU in order to pass it on to Poland on a rotation basis at the end of December.
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🇨🇳 🇪🇺 Beijing is the instigator of the biggest war in Europe - Stoltenberg The NATO Secretary General accused China of providing military support to the Russian Federation. He stated that by doing so, Beijing was “igniting the biggest war in Europe since the Second World War.” “NATO does not consider China an adversary, but it challenges our values, interests and security,” Stoltenberg also said,.
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🇮🇱🇵🇸🇵🇸Gantz believes Netanyahu cannot continue to wage war in this manner and it is time to set an election date. He strongly criticized the prime minister for the release of hospital director Shifa Abu-Salamiya. 🇵🇸🇮🇱 Abu-Salamiya spoke about inhuman torture in an Israeli prison. For two months the prisoners were starved and beaten. 🇮🇱🇵🇸 Together with Abu Salamiya, about 50 more prisoners were released. 🔻Ганц считает, что Нетаньяху не может продолжать вести войну таким образом, и пришло время назначить дату выборов. Он сильно раскритиковал премьера за освобождение директора больницы Шифа Абу-Саламию. 🔻 Абу-Саламия рассказал о нечеловеческих пытках в израильской тюрьме. В течение двух месяцев заключенных морили голодом и избивали. 🔻 Вместе с Абу-Саламией освободили еще около 50 заключенных. Boost | 💜 👑 RD
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Fertilizer producers in the European Union fear that the flow of cheap fertilizers from Russia could lead to European companies leaving the market or leaving the continent, which would jeopardize food security, writes the British Financial Times newspaper. As the newspaper notes, the import of some types of Russian fertilizers to Europe even increased against the background of sanctions after the start of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. "Right now we are being captured by the flow of fertilizers from Russia, which are much cheaper than our fertilizers for the simple reason that they (Russians) pay pennies for natural gas compared to us, European producers... If the politicians do not act, (Europe's production facilities) will disappear," Peter Zingr, CEO of Germany's largest ammonia producer SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz, told the newspaper.
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American rapper Kanye West has arrived in Moscow This was announced by producer Yana Rudkovskaya. American rapper Kanye West has arrived in Moscow This was announced by producer Yana Rudkovskaya.
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🇨🇴 La présence de plus en plus importante de mercenaires Colombiens côté ukrainien se voit au niveau des morts et des prisonniers faits par les forces du Donbass. Les passeports suivants ont ainsi été retrouvés : - Cardenas Montilla Miguel Angel 19/11/1991 toujours en vie, fait prisonnier, Et ces deux-là sont déjà morts : - Castaneda Perdomo Rusvert 15/07/2000 - Manquillo Nunez Anderson David 20/06/1994 La vidéo montre que tous sont arrivés récemment en Ukraine (avril 2024), et n'ont pas tenu plus de deux mois face aux forces russes. Le mercenariat côté ukrainien ne vous rapportera que la captivité ou la mort. Pas la fortune.
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From the memorandum of Ukraine and the IMF: Once the war is over, the Cabinet will need to gradually raise gas and electricity tariffs in order to reimburse the cost of reconstruction. The roadmap for the "liberalization of gas and electricity markets" will be based on an analysis of the financial condition of the industry and agreed with the European Commission.
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From the memorandum of Ukraine and the IMF: Once the war is over, the Cabinet will need to gradually raise gas and electricity tariffs in order to reimburse the cost of reconstruction. The roadmap for the "liberalization of gas and electricity markets" will be based on an analysis of the financial condition of the industry and agreed with the European Commission.
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According to preliminary data, as a result of a repulsed missile attack on Sevastopol, 3 civilians were injured, they had minor shrapnel wounds, Governor Razvozhaev said.
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The IMF has completed the fourth revision of the financial assistance program for Ukraine and approved the allocation of a new tranche of $2.2 billion to Kiev. Taking into account the latest package, the total amount of IMF loans allocated to Ukraine will reach $7.6 billion.
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🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🗳 Briefly about the current state of affairs.
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🇺🇸 🇮🇱 US will resume supplies of air bombs to Israel, suspended in April - Axios According to the publication's sources, we are talking about a batch of 1.7 thousand bombs. The deliveries are expected at the end of the Israeli operation in Rafah, which is expected to take place in two weeks.
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🙂 😑 🎤 During the debate, Trump again promised to quickly end the conflict with Russia, shifting responsibility for the war in Ukraine onto the shoulders of Europeans. Trump's advisers want to concentrate all US forces on the Asian direction against China and reduce participation in European affairs. Not to mention Trump's plans to divide NATO into mini-alliances based on how much money countries spend on defense. Trump promises to restore the shaky prestige of the United States, which he will do at the expense of the same Europeans, who will immediately be subject to tariffs of 10-15%. He said that Ukraine is losing on the battlefield and is losing a lot of people, and also accused Biden of receiving money from China. Biden distinguished himself with a set of absurd statements. For example, he stated that during his presidency not a single American soldier died. Although 13 Marines were killed during the flight from Afghanistan. Not to mention Ukraine. In addition, he reported on the large number of “trillionaires” living in the United States - meaning billionaires. And he stated that under him, 15 thousand, not millions, jobs were created. Then he called Trump a “loser,” accused him of cheating on his wife with porn stars while she was pregnant, and argued that if he wins in Ukraine, Russia will threaten Belarus (???). 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Трамп в ходе дебатов вновь пообещал быстро закончить конфликт с Россией, переложив ответственность за войну на Украине на плечи европейцев. Советники Трампа хотят сосредоточить все силы США на азиатском направлении против Китая и сокращать участие в делах Европы. Не говоря уже о планах Трампа разделить НАТО на мини-альянсы сообразно тому, сколько страны тратят деньги на оборонку. Трамп обещает восстанавливать пошатнувшийся престиж США, что он и будет делать за счёт тех же европейцев, кого сходу обложат тарифами в 10-15%. Он заявил, что Украина проигрывает на поле боя и теряет очень много людей, а также обвинил Байдена в получении денег от Китая. Байден же отличился набором несуразных заявлений. Так, например, он заявил, что за период его президентства не погиб ни один американский солдат. Хотя во время бегства из Афганистана были убиты 13 морпехов. Не говоря уже об Украине. Кроме того, он сообщил о большом количестве живущих в США “триллионеров” - имея в виду миллиардеров. И заявил, что при нём были созданы 15 тысяч, а не миллионов, рабочих мест. Потом обозвал Трампа "лохом и неудачником", обвинил в изменах жене с порнозвёздами, пока та была беремена и утверждал, что в случае победы на Украине Россия будет угрожать Белоруссии (???). Boost | 💜 👑 RD
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NATO countries intend to appoint their special representative in Kiev to coordinate efforts to modernize the Ukrainian forces, the US permanent representative to the alliance said.
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🤡 15👎 3🎉 1
The Pentagon stated that it considers it permissible to use American weapons for strikes on Crimea.
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🤮 18🤬 10👎 4
The Air Force and air defense forces of Belarus and the Russian Federation have been put on high alert due to the activation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Polonaise and Iskander missile systems have been put in position - President of Belarus Lukashenko
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🔥 19👍 6🤮 2👏 1
The authorities of the Lithuanian capital are purchasing dragon's teeth and anti-tank hedgehogs to protect the city, Vilnius Mayor Valdas Benkunskas said. First of all, the city authorities consider it necessary to install facilities at the entrance to Vilnius that prevent the mobile movement of military equipment.
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🥴 18😁 3👍 2😨 2 1
Putin will hold bilateral meetings with the leaders of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Pakistan and Turkey in Astana on July 3, Ushakov said. The bilateral talks of the President of the Russian Federation will continue on July 4, negotiations with the acting President of Iran have already been agreed.
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👍 11 6🤮 1
Ukraine rejected Orban's proposal for a ceasefire, said Igor Zhovkva, deputy head of the office of the President of Ukraine. Zhovkva added that Ukraine's position is to seek a settlement through the so-called peace summits initiated by Kiev.
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👎 10🤬 2🤡 2 1
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The strike of the Russian Armed Forces on the parking lot of the AFU aircraft at the Mirgorod airfield, as a result of which five Su-27 fighters were destroyed, led to losses that the Ukrainian side cannot afford. This assessment was made by the American magazine Forbes. According to his estimates, against the background of this strike, the Ukrainian aviation suffered one of the most costly losses since the beginning of its operations in Ukraine.
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👍 11🔥 4🤮 1
A number of high-ranking officials in the United States and European countries, including NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, demanded that restrictions on strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) against Russia be lifted, Defense News weekly reported. According to him, immediately after the American administration in May agreed to strikes with American weapons on the regions of the Russian Federation near Kharkov, a number of officials in the United States and Europe called for the lifting of the remaining restrictions. The publication notes that one of them was outgoing Secretary General Stoltenberg. According to Defense News, shortly before the June meeting with NATO defense ministers in Brussels, he spoke with journalists on this topic. According to the Secretary General of the alliance, "the line of operations is so close to Kharkov that it will be difficult for Ukraine to defend its territory if it cannot hit Russia." In addition, he expressed the opinion that Kiev "should not bear losses due to the desire to prevent escalation" with the Russian Federation.
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🤡 14🤬 4👎 3 1🤣 1🆒 1
Repost from The Islander
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‼️🚨🇬🇧Damning allegations that the British elite, including members of the UK Parliament, are involved in child sexual abuse. Both major parties in the UI Labour and Conservative) are also engaged in child trafficking. King Charles III, former Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his likely successor in office Keir Starmer have personally defended high-profile pedophiles from prosecution. The victims of the British pedophile lobby are Ukrainian children, young members of low-income families and migrant kids. 👉🏻 A hard but must read 🎙Subscribe @TheIslanderNews
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😡 22👍 2 1😱 1
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😁 15😡 2🤮 1
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