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☝🏻 Trump talking about giving visa to anyone who completes any kind of two year college course. Good job Donald, give fuel to the 'educational' institutions that have the USA and the rest of the world in the state it is today. Incentivising more meaningless college courses and the industrial scale creation of more rubbish, society crippling institutions. This guy isn't going to make anything great again. One positive - less street shitters and dog esters will be coming here now - they'll make for America with the promise of green cards.
Why Conscription Is Coming Back and What You Can Do About It - Doug Casey " “Survive” is the prime directive of all living things, from amoebas to governments. That means if the government needs your life to survive or the lives of a million people like you, it will take them. To the State, you’re just a resource—notwithstanding all the rhetoric about democracy, the value of life, and blah, blah, blah. Remember that the government doesn’t really represent the country. The government is a separate entity that has its own interests, much as a church, a corporation, or any other organization does. The problem is that the government is the only institution in society that doesn’t survive by voluntary trade and production. It survives by force, confiscating assets from the people that it rules. People have an entirely backwards view of what the government is. It’s not your friend. When I say that it treats its subjects as milk cows, I mean that they value you only as a cog in the wheel. As a milk cow, you may be relatively well-treated. But, if push comes to shove, they’ll turn you into a beef cow. That’s what the military does. You’re forced to put your life on the line, not necessarily to defend yourself, family, and friends, but to defend the interests of the government who’ve organized the army. There’s very little you can do other than renounce your citizenship and/or leave the country. Or you can do what a lot of people did during the Vietnam War and simply say, “Hell no. I won’t go.” If you do that, however, you’ll be imprisoned. But perhaps that’s a better alternative than being forced to kill people you don’t even know. There’s no easy solution to the problem at this point. The situation is pretty far gone. Ultimately, we have to reform the character of the country because it’s going in the wrong direction very rapidly." ROBINMG 🚀
Irish lemmings will keep supporting war until this Is happening in Ireland 🇮🇪.. #IrishNeutralityMatters 🇺🇦 Man is mobilized while holding a baby.
The war every dopey lefty clown in Ireland supports.
Donnelly also Paedo adjacent. What you're dealing with, from the archives.
Video at the top of the report so best to hit the link instead of Instant View.
What happened yesterday: Dear All, High excitement in the Dáil, a few minutes ago. The Government Chief Whip, Hildegarde Naughton, Fine Gael, Galway West, came into the Dáil tonight just before the end of the latest session on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, and proposed that the debate be adjourned until next week, because more TDs wanted to speak, and they wouldn’t get the opportunity, if the debated were to end as scheduled. Those on the NO side, including Mattie McGrath, Independent, Tipperary, claimed that the adjournment was being proposed because the Government weren’t sure they’d win the vote tonight. Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, Sinn Féin, Donegal, proposed a counter-vote, that would allow the debate to go on for one more hour. The Ceann Comhairle, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Fianna Fáil, Kildare South, decided that the 2 proposals would cancel each other out, and therefore that a vote should be taken on the proposal of the Goverment Chief Whip, Hildegarde Naughton. A vote was taken accordingly, and the Government won, but the vote was actually very close: YES 74; NO 68, and no ABSTENTIONS. The debate therefore is adjourned until next week, Yours sincerely, A reader.
Imagine the f*cking dirt they have on our political cabal.
Newspapers and the likes of RTE are doing their usual tired fake-news process with the green party leadership contest side-show, pretending there's some kind of uncertainty around sitting they happens in this country when it comes to political moves. O'Gorman gets the job because he's paedophile adjacent at best, aiding and abetting child trafficking and abuse in this country, and he buried the mother and baby home report. Front page news everywhere, and him deliberately deleting files on missing children not mentioned anywhere by Ireland's legions of paedophile journalists. The Irish media is a fucking cancer.
EU Migration Pact
As we speak, TDs are meant to be in the Dail debating our opt in (or not) to the EU Migration and Asylum Pact. Halfway through the debate, see how many TDs are actually present in the House (picture below taken just now). The sheer arrogance of the people elected into positions of power is unfathomable. Apparently the vote in both the Dail and Seanad happens tomorrow evening.
Tallaght hospital this Thursday at 1pm. Do your best to support and attend if you can, even for a few minutes if you can spare then - strength in numbers a big crowd is harder to wave off.
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Dublin this morning. Heavy heavy spraying.
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Lax laws around protecting children conceived via surrogacy looks to be another horror show. Follow on from the above.
The war on children is very real, and it's everywhere. The 'parenting by intent' clause in this bill is beyond evil.
Tallaght hospital running their latest Covid lies program and shutting down visitor access could be happening because: A) half their staff could be sick from the intentionally harmful 'vaccines' and management need cover for that facing their own staff, nevermind not wanting to show the public a hugely understaffed hospital. B) they don't want people witnessing the despair, the stroking out, the amount of sick young people. I was up for a routine thing last year, family history type thing, and there were young people in the EKG area panicking, with heart rates racing. I can only imagine how bad it is now. We heard anecdotally that the worst of the batches hit working class areas (ballyfermot had so many deaths after they starting rolling out the shots). Quite reasonable to speculate that Tallaght hospital's locale could mean it's even worse hit than the others.
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It's possible that Tallaght hospital is running more Covid lies and shutting down visitors because: A) half their staff could be sick from the jabs and they need cover for that facing their own staff, nevermind showing the public a hugely understaffed hospital B) they don't want people witnessing the despair, and all the stroking out. I was up for a routine thing last year, family history type thing, and there were young people in the EKG are panicking, with heart rates racing. I can only imagine how bad it is now. We know anecdotally that the worst of the batches his working class areas (ballyfermot had so many deaths after they starting rolling out the kill shots). Reasonable to assume it must be carnage in Tallaght hospital.
You know by looking at this guy that he had at least four jabs. Another vaccine mass murder victim, motor neurones disease by hole. He's trending on Google too.
Sinn Fein Strategists: We're losing the working class vote to Nationalists, what can we do? Mary Lou: Hold my bongos
I talked about this yesterday. Someone sent O'Leary an email
Ryan Air CEO Micheal O’Leary calls out the refugee scam in Ireland? Things are changing. Mass deportations are coming.
This was Sinn Fein's true function, and the reason they never ran enough candidates to enter government in the last election, when they could have run 70 and had most of them elected, such is/was the overwhelming fatigue within the electorate for more FFG. This was also the reason the Government run Irish media artificially kept Sinn Fein afloat in the minds of the Irish public as a viable political option. They had to keep them as relevant as they could without giving them any real power. Then we know what McDonald and other senior in-the-know Sinn Fein figures did, pretending to have Covid, and screaming for harder lockdowns and faster untested 'vaccine' delivery. A Government sponsored vaccine mass murder cull is ongoing in this country, these are the meechanisms that made it all possible. Telegram
EU Migration and Asylum Pact: Opt-In Vote The purpose of this video is to inform you that the Dail and Seanad will be voting on whether Ireland will opt-in to the EU Migration and Asylum Pact next week, on Tuesday the 18th of June (Dail vote) and Wednesday the 19th of June (Seanad vote) and to ask that you contact your TDs and Senators today to ask them to VOTE NO to the Pact. Link to TD and Senator contact information: Link to Video explaining the Pact in detail: Link to reasons to Vote No:
☝🏻these people should not be put in prison, as he says towards the end of the above. These people should be tied to a rope that's tied to the back of a car with a full tank of petrol, and then brought for a very long and very rough fast walk on an unpaved gravel road.
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Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made. Dr. McCullough testifies that “virtually all the deaths occurred in the hospital.” Hospitals received enormous financial incentives to implement lethal protocols. Remdesivir “Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital,” wrote @StellaPaulNY in a previous report. “The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.” Ventilators Dr. Joseph Mercola previously reported: “Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence. “76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%. “The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect healthcare workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine.” People should be in prison for this. Vigilant Fox Of course, this is stuff we were screaming while it was actually happening, not years after the fact in front of some 9/11 Commission-style committee that has no intention whatsoever of exacting any sort of justice for the mass murder that occurred. Also I would bet my pinky finger that not one person testifying on this committee will admit that covid was a completely made up disease in the first place. @AltSkull48 @TheParanormiesPresent
Media files
Sorry, I had that set to post and didn't realise I had accidentally deleted the second half.
McEntee & Migrants Two general pieces of information that you might find useful. I've not verified these, but trusted source. 1. Apparently what's happening on airplanes with criminal migrants, is that they're boarding with clean passports but then they're handing them off to a ringleader who then clears customs/immigration and the passports get recycled and re-used again on another trip. Garda and PSNI aware of it apparently. Probably not as relevant now due to NI border crossings and ferries being wide open. But good to understand mechanisms. 2. Again, from a trusted source but unverified (difficult to verify this kind of thing). This might seem to some like unfair commentary, but this family are central to the destruction of the fabric of Irish society and everything the vast majority of people hold dear, so to be frank, f*ck them: apparently McEntee's mother was pregnant by someone during her leaving cert, and on the face of it, the father was Helen McEntee's father, the one who killed himself (we are told), who she bases much of the rationale of her war on hate speech on. This backstory was no doubt seen by the syndicate as very useful for the agenda she's pushing on Ireland). Apparently,
Updated map of IPAS accommodation nationally. 24 new locations added and still growing.
Video from Park St in Dundalk last night. 👉🏻 join Late Stage Ireland
Israel is a country of rapers and pedos.
☝🏻 Trump talking about giving visa to anyone who completes any kind of two year college course. Good job Donald, give fuel to the 'educational' institutions that have the USA and the rest of the world in the state it is today. Incentivising more meaningless college courses and the industrial scale creation of more rubbish, society crippling institutions. This guy isn't going to make anything great again. One positive - less street shitters and dog esters will be coming here now - they'll make for America with the promise of green cards.
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💯 7👍 3👏 2🤣 1
Repost from GhostEzra
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1.70 MB
Why Conscription Is Coming Back and What You Can Do About It - Doug Casey " “Survive” is the prime directive of all living things, from amoebas to governments. That means if the government needs your life to survive or the lives of a million people like you, it will take them. To the State, you’re just a resource—notwithstanding all the rhetoric about democracy, the value of life, and blah, blah, blah. Remember that the government doesn’t really represent the country. The government is a separate entity that has its own interests, much as a church, a corporation, or any other organization does. The problem is that the government is the only institution in society that doesn’t survive by voluntary trade and production. It survives by force, confiscating assets from the people that it rules. People have an entirely backwards view of what the government is. It’s not your friend. When I say that it treats its subjects as milk cows, I mean that they value you only as a cog in the wheel. As a milk cow, you may be relatively well-treated. But, if push comes to shove, they’ll turn you into a beef cow. That’s what the military does. You’re forced to put your life on the line, not necessarily to defend yourself, family, and friends, but to defend the interests of the government who’ve organized the army. There’s very little you can do other than renounce your citizenship and/or leave the country. Or you can do what a lot of people did during the Vietnam War and simply say, “Hell no. I won’t go.” If you do that, however, you’ll be imprisoned. But perhaps that’s a better alternative than being forced to kill people you don’t even know. There’s no easy solution to the problem at this point. The situation is pretty far gone. Ultimately, we have to reform the character of the country because it’s going in the wrong direction very rapidly." ROBINMG 🚀
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Doug Casey on Why Conscription Is Coming Back and What You Can Do About It

Is conscription coming back in the West generally and the US in particular?

💯 7👏 2
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Irish lemmings will keep supporting war until this Is happening in Ireland 🇮🇪.. #IrishNeutralityMatters 🇺🇦 Man is mobilized while holding a baby.
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1.01 MB
🤯 6😢 3🤮 1
The war every dopey lefty clown in Ireland supports.
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😱 3👎 1
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Donnelly also Paedo adjacent. What you're dealing with, from the archives.
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Repost from Aisling O'Loughlin
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They're Coming For Our Spare Bedrooms

With 1.2 million unoccupied bedrooms in Ireland according to the census, the elderly and homeowners in general are being encouraged to share their houses 'for the common good'.

🤣 2👎 1 1
What happened yesterday: Dear All, High excitement in the Dáil, a few minutes ago. The Government Chief Whip, Hildegarde Naughton, Fine Gael, Galway West, came into the Dáil tonight just before the end of the latest session on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, and proposed that the debate be adjourned until next week, because more TDs wanted to speak, and they wouldn’t get the opportunity, if the debated were to end as scheduled. Those on the NO side, including Mattie McGrath, Independent, Tipperary, claimed that the adjournment was being proposed because the Government weren’t sure they’d win the vote tonight. Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, Sinn Féin, Donegal, proposed a counter-vote, that would allow the debate to go on for one more hour. The Ceann Comhairle, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Fianna Fáil, Kildare South, decided that the 2 proposals would cancel each other out, and therefore that a vote should be taken on the proposal of the Goverment Chief Whip, Hildegarde Naughton. A vote was taken accordingly, and the Government won, but the vote was actually very close: YES 74; NO 68, and no ABSTENTIONS. The debate therefore is adjourned until next week, Yours sincerely, A reader.
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👍 3
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Niall Ferguson: We’re All Soviets Now

A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?

👍 3
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