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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

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THE HEROISM OF UKRAINE Written by Oscar Nanni of Oscar_news and Hikaru Kitabayashi of GLOBAL DEPTH from HK I'd like to say some words about the heroism of Ukraine, though more than words my heart spills anger now! A drone this morning from Ukraine in Russian territory flew, attacked the courtyard of a house in Sebekino, where five children happy were at play. The drone then dropped a bomb. It put two children of the five in mortal danger. The facts are these of how it all took place: The operator of the drone took care to follow all its flight. The camera of the drone replaced his eyes and brought the children's play within his sight. The operator saw the children empty-handed play, so, surely, thought he, they were hiding weapons there of mass destruction, threatening all that was alive on earth. He had no other option than to strike before they'd in the future strike him back. But, still, it's wrong to call the children victims of a battle because no battle then was underway. The children should have known that playing is a crime. The punishment's becoming target practice. For, after all, adults in military drag, they need to know they've done their job, on purpose killed their daily quota of defenseless children. Be damned, you cowards! You and all of those who pay the Nazis of Ukraine! There is no other explanation. 👉Join Global Depth and Oscar_news to boost your TG Feed Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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👍 6 4👏 2
1️⃣0️⃣🕰1️⃣2️⃣🗓🕰🔛☠️⏭ TEN YEARS ON DEATH ROW ✍️Written by Murad Jazy✍️ ✍️Edited by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️ I find almost all governments to be under the thumb of neoliberal predatory capitalism and, as such, see them as compromised and complicit. The common man needs a new social contract. The natural questions a person might have in response to this are "Why?" and "For the sake of what?" With this is mind, I would like to share a life story, mine! Depending on where people are, it was something that could have happened to anyone. So, to keep the story more objective in tone, I will not use my name. I will call the character the story deals with Evry Mann. Evry Mann was someone who wanted to make the world a better place in which to live. But, it wasn't until he was in his late twenties, that he decided to do volunteer work for a certain social welfare organization and, hoping for the best, Evry put his heart into his volunteer work. Unfortunately, the international establishment often has an allergy to volunteer organizations that are outside their control and reasons were invented to force the concerned government agency of Evry's country to disband the organization. In the process, Evry was among those rounded up, arrested, and brought to court. A kangaroo court established according to international specifications falsely sentenced Evry to death. Evry then faced 10 very long years on death row before being declared innocent and released from prison. Most people would have left prison as broken men, but Evry Mann wasn't broken and his story has a happy ending. Like the Biblical Job, he thrived after his years of persecution. Why? Fortunately for Evry, the privilege of reading had not been denied to him. He had access to the Quran and to historical texts. And, in particular, the Quran constantly gave him new insights. And, even on death row, Evry was motivated to do social welfare work for his fellow prisoners. Moreover, he was blessed, because, unlike most prison systems, his allowed him to organize the installation of a 24/7 water supply system for all of the approximately 300 death row prison cells. Previously, the prisoners had been limited to only two hours of daily water supply carried into the facility from the outside by prisoners serving short-term hard-labor sentences. Evry Mann was also able to take advantage of another feature of the prison system not available in all countries. Certain not very carefully supervised lower ranking members of the prison staff, feeling themselves underpaid, were susceptible to monetary persuasion and would magically make letters Evry wrote in the confines of his jail cell reappear in the hands of Evry's visitors on the death row visitors' schedule. In this manner, letters went out to appropriate government departments and to journalists to advocate for better prison conditions. Thus, as a result of supplementing prison staff income levels, he was able to persuade officials to increase the stroll time for death row convicts from two to five hours per day while the Supreme Court of his country was in the process of deciding a death row convict's final appeal. So what did Evry Mann learn from his experience? In his case, it was the importance of religious faith that the Quran imparted to him. It allowed him to see opportunities for doing good in a hopeless situation and made him see the importance of staying focused on the welfare of others less fortunate than himself. It, also, gave him knowledge of how the world works and of the systemic corruption of its government structures. And, it taught him, no matter what the situation, to put his faith first. It did not make him a saint, but it did create a religiously committed survivor. And, even today, that is something Evry Mann thinks is a fair exchange for 10 years on death row. 👉Join Global Depth to boost your TG Feed Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

👍 10 5🔥 5🙏 2🤔 1
🇯🇵⚗️➡️↖️👹📉 THE JAPANESE REACTION TO WESTERN IMPERIALISM DESTABILIZATION ✍️Written by Wassim Morjane✍️ ✍️Edited by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️ We can learn a lot from the Japanese experience of 1869 and the internal disturbances of that era. The Boshin war just referred to above put an end to the Tokugawa shogunate and restored imperial rule. All have heard of the “barbaric” history of Japan and how they were so bloodthirsty. But this particular conflict didn't really escalate into a full blown civil war, keeping the killing and destruction low, if compared, for instance, with the American Civil War. The two camps, the pro- and the anti-shogunate forces, were each backed by different imperial powers, Britain for the anti-shogunate forces and France for the pro-. They thought they were doing what they did best, which was to manipulate puppets and using them against each other. After a real civil war, they would have moved in and divided the remains.  This was a classic example of traditional western imperialism, the turning of two camps against each other to weaken and destabilize a country targeted for domination. But, the Japanese leaders of both camps proved smarter than expected. Instead of falling for Anglo-French machinations, they kept the greater good of their country in mind and decided to focus on a common goal which was the fight to prevent Japan from being colonialized. At a certain point, though possessing superior numbers, in the face of its battle losses, the forces of the shogunate were ordered to stop fighting in Edo, today's Tokyo, even though some factions wanted to order an evacuation of the city and burn it to the ground, in order to keep the war going.  The shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu refused to accept the idea, and, taking responsibility for his decision, surrendered himself. Through all of this, there was a lot of mistrust and many oversized egos. But, here's where we see the greatness of the Japanese leaders. They put Japan and Japanese people first and went above and beyond their party disputes with one another to the extent that, in the 20th century, a granddaughter of the Shogun became the wife of a grandson of the emperor. Putting Japan first meant Japan then evolved in a most amazing fashion, both technologically and scientifically. It could do so, because something more important had happened. The leaders of Japan decided to be, first and foremost, Japanese. They would resort to dialog, instead of arms. Being Samurai, they would bear the unbearable and, in doing so, give PEACE a chance! To preserve Japan as nation in a world filled with imperial sharks, they had to let go of the outer aspects of the Samurai lifestyle. But, if they hadn't traded castles for steel mills and ship building, Japan would've soon lost its independence. Furthermore, it should be noted that, instead of the Samurai lifestyle, Japan kept something of far greater value, which was the Samurai spirit, the ability to bear the unbearable, something which allowed Japan once more to rebuild itself after unconditional surrender at the end of World War II. So just like Japan 155 years ago, it's time for mankind to put behind us those disputes that divide us and to finally proceed with untying that knot by which the ropes of ill will and distrust keep us tied to our past. We must evolve mentally and spiritually, and develop in ourselves the strength of character that the Samurai spirit twice endowed Japanese leaders with, giving them the ability to bear the unbearable for the sake of the common good. This time, though, we must all do it, not for the sake of a single nation, but for that of a world on the brink of total disaster! As Gandhi once said: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” A long and hard way, but still as true now as then. Let us begin with the hardest part first, ourselves. 👉Join Global Depth to boost your TG Feed Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

👍 14 2🔥 1💩 1
↘️ 🇪🇺 👀 🔛 🇬🇧-🇺🇸 🧫 👩, ❌📖, &🇪🇺🤔 AN EAST EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE ON ANGLO-AMERICAN CULTURAL DOMINATION, FALSIFICATION OF HISTORY, AND EUROPEAN VALUES ✍️Written by Kitaro✍️ ✍️Edited by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️ Every language encourages expression as defined by its history. The English language, thus, developed mostly with an imperial way of thinking. As such, Anglo-American English speakers generally only understand history in terms of their supposed former glory. And, not many other languages set up so many mind tunnels in the expression of ideas. In EU and/or NATO dominated Slavic countries, Anglo-American popular culture has resulted in years of language degradation. This applies to history, too. Anglo-American historians often absurdly state that few Celtic archeological items have been found because Celts fought naked. They don't consider how Celts functioned within the context of Eurasian Scythian tribes, most of whom must have spoken Slavic languages. But, Slavs, too, are seen as insignificant. But, Scythian centers of iron age metal-working, whether of gold or steel, were more advanced than other European centers. And, though for example, For many, many years, English archeology spoke about the Kurgan culture as being Scythian. But, after finding Kurgans in England, they said that Kurgans had to be Celtic. Now in Poland, too, thousands of Kurgans, are no longer described as Scythian, but as Celtic. With regard to Germany, practically all of Germany consists of ex-Slavic tribal lands. And, the modern German nation was created through the Catholic dispossession of these tribes. Anglo-American English speakers are not accustomed to consider how others might think of things because of the lack of foreign language skills. These same people also tend to not have even a basic knowledge of their own history. But, this is not exclusively Anglo-American. It applies elsewhere, too. This is because nations, if defined in terms of a lineal blood line connected groups who speak the same language, have the same cultural values, and come from a common root, take many hundreds of years to create. No European state coming to mind fits that definition. Governments falsify history because a knowledge of what really happened would put a stop to stupid nationalism. It's would stop thinking in the egoistic categories of my nation is the best, my nation gave to others all that was good, my nation had the best warriors and produced other brilliant things piled in treasure chests that are actually full of intellectual fecal matter. England and Germany are full of ideas like that, things that never existed. Their history is cut from its roots, and they are capable of changing it like a pair of socks. And, over the last 30 years, we can see the same thing happening in Poland. From 1990 to 2024 is not so distant, but Poles now are the products of an inadequate education system and a pop pseudo-culture style of life. They are mostly happy, yet unable to care about anything more important than escaping responsibility. Ukraine is little different, enjoying a fantasy history of heroic Cossacks who were responsible for a certain number of dead bodies. Now we are in the prelude to a third world war to please the wishes of the USA and the Zionists. Sometime soon Europe will fall. The European Union is the world's biggest dictatorship. China and North Korea, you see, are not real dictatorships because they actually care about their cultural history and the economic welfare of their people. So, where can we find European values? Do England and Germany have really old cultures? Do Americans know any culture other than Star Wars, Rambo or this or that tv series? Does anybody still have illusions of where we are heading? Are we heading for prosperity, happiness, independence and freedom? Or, are we heading for slavery? 👉Join Global Depth to boost your TG Feed Telegram GLOBAL DEPTH from HK This channel aims to unite interested individuals from around the world in an attempt to connect the dots. Subscriber participation is always welcome.
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The world is in crisis. Humanity's very existence is in the balance. This channel explores beneath the surface causation and and subsequent effects of world events. Original posts published are, at most, no more than two per day, but aim at digging deep.

👍 15👏 5💯 5 1🤔 1💩 1
Due to the mass psychosis affecting the Hebrew tribal identifying entity in Palestine, the meme I am linking this post to reflects the direction of events I see taking place in West Asia. Such an outcome would represent Palestine and, depending on the targets hit, and possibly large parts of surrounding countries becoming a permanent nature preserve. I am still horrified by the thought, but, because the leaders of the internationally recognized states in the region are either mentally ill, or are traitors to their peoples, being involved in money laundering and foreign secret service operations, I see no other likely ending.
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10💯 10👍 8🤣 2🤔 1
Below is a picture of a march that took place in Hodeidah at the same time as the million-man march in Sana'a, Yemen's most important port, and a target of regular American, British, and Saudi Arabian-sponsored regular bombing. Marches also took place elsewhere. As a nation, it is psyching itself up for war with Saudi Arabia and, short of losing face and retreating, there is not much the Saudi Arabian government can do to prevent large amounts of its transportation, banking, and economic (oil production) infrastructure from coming under attack.
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Yemen News Agency SABA

 Large mass crowds in Hodeida with marches "Steadfast with Gaza... We will confront America, those involved with it." HODEIDA July 12. 2024 (Saba) - The people of Hodeida governorate gathered in 27 squares in the center and districts of the governorate in the marches "Steadfast with Gaza... We will confront America and those involved with it." 🔹

👍 12👏 6
For several months now, Yemen has made it a practice to hold weekly million-man marches in the Ansar Allah (Houthi) capital of Sana'a. In response to increased Saudi Arabian attacks on Yemeni banks, its international airport, and most important seaport, its latest million man march which took place on the 12th was said to be the largest ever. The Yemeni government is actively preparing its people for not only war with Israel, the UK, and America, but also renewed active warfare with Saudi Arabia.
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Yemen News Agency SABA

 Million-man crowds in capital Sana'a announce support for revolution leader options SANA'A July 12. 2024 (Saba) -The capital, Sana'a, witnessed on Friday the largest human crowd in the march "Steadfast with Gaza... We will confront America and those involved with it" in support of Gaza, mandate and support for the leadership and the options it takes to confront the Saudi-American escalation against the Yemeni people. 🔹

👍 20
This is a posting about an event that took place in Yemen yesterday. Yemen is showing increasing anger against Saudi Arabia. We can assume that war is imminent.
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Enemy Watch | Unvirtuous Elites

🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Mercenaries in the pay of Saudi Arabia have just carried out a barbaric drone attack on the Ta'iz village of Habour al-Sharqi, murdering two Yemeni children and wounding 7 others. 🇾🇪 🤬 We know the reason for this cruel and criminal aggression... Because the people of Ta'iz have been celebrating the latest dismantlement of another US-'Israeli' spy ring. And Saudi Arabia has no legitimate, logical reasoning behind ANY of its policies towards Yemen EXCEPT following 'Israeli' orders, just as Sayyed Abou Jibreel (H.A.) recently noted. Operating by proxy won't help Al-Saud either... It is now poking the lion and the lion does not like to be poked. 🤬 🇾🇪 #GazaIsNotAlone #LongLiveTheSarkha #TahyaAnsarullah #LongLiveYemen 🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🤬 21😡 2🤔 1🤯 1
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One more thing Arab media assert Hezbollah spy drones are capable of doing in Israel.
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Enemy Watch | Unvirtuous Elites

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