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This group is for developing your english speaking skills...

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SHORT CONVERSATION A: In order to check for an infection, we are going to need a urine sample. B: How does that work? A: Take this little cup, and pee in it. B: Do I have to fill the whole cup? A: If you fill it half way, it will be fine. B: What do I do with the cup? A: Put it in the plastic bag and leave it on the tray in the bathroom. B: No one else will take my sample? A: The nurse will take it when you leave the bathroom. B: I'm glad I drank some water while I was in the waiting room. A: We would have given you water and waited until you need to use the bathroom. B: You don't need to wait because I'm ready to use the bathroom now.
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First Day of School A: Are you excited for the first day of school? B: No. I am very afraid. A: What is to be afraid about? B: I am afraid of the teacher. A: But you haven't even met her yet? B: I have heard bad things about her. A: What bad things? B: I heard that she doesn't let anyone laugh. A: That is ridiculous. B: The older kids told me that. A: They're just trying to scare you. B: Oh, really? Thank goodness.
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🆕Informal 🆕Formal 🪛say sorry 👉apologize 🪛go up 👉increase 🪛go down 👉decrease 🪛set up 👉establish 🪛look at 👉examine 🪛blow up 👉explode 🪛find out 👉discover 🪛bring about 👉cause 🪛put off 👉postpone 🪛rack up 👉accumulate 🪛make up 👉fabricate 🪛stand for 👉represent 🪛find out 👉discover 🪛leave out 👉omit 🪛point out 👉indicate 🪛go against 👉oppose 🪛get in touch with 👉contact 🪛It's about 👉It concerns 🪛need to 👉required 🪛think about 👉consider
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