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🔵🇺🇸 Peter Mc Cullough to the Senate Health Committee They knew by January 22nd 2021 that there was a problem because the Center for Desease Control had reported more side effects than they had with all the prior vaccines combined in 30 years. In 2021 the danger alert came out and nothing happened! The CDC was supposed to do a safety report, they didn't. We know, thanks to the right to information that PFIZER knew, 1223 deaths occurred in 90 days. We don’t know if the FDA (Fed Drug Adm) knew about it. No one did anything. Fast forward when the suspicious deaths started happening, people were uncomfortable, there were demonstrations, papers were published. This virus was manipulated in a biosafety lab in Wuhan 1000 publications were written about the spike protein and the side effects! The FDA agrees that the vaccine cause blood clots, heart damage, immune and neurological damage. It’s not controversial, it's in the scientific literature! Lien 1 Join TruthSpreading :
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🟢🇵🇰 Pakistan: energy shortages bring desolation to the country Following the Russian gas embargo, the European Union is taking over the liquefied natural gas market leading to a jump in cargo prices. However, several countries are dependent on liquid natural gas to produce their electricity, including Pakistan, which can no longer keep up, and is experiencing a series of power cuts. In the streets of Islamabad, the stifling heat offers no respite to the inhabitants. Pakistan has been suffocating under extreme temperatures for several weeks now, with fans and air-conditioning at a standstill. A child dies after a day of school in a 40 ° classroom... 😥 We suffer, the planet suffers... Via: Join TruthSpreading :
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🟢🇪🇺 Likelihood of recession in case of gas shortage increases The energy crisis in Europe is worsening and provokes a fear of gas rationing next winter. Households are worried about inflation eroding their purchasing power and bosses' morale is starting to wane... The consequences of the war in Ukraine and the Covid confinements have not yet shaken the European economy but they are undoubtedly weakening it. All the more that faced with this surge in prices, the European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to raise its rates. Bruno Cavalier, Oddo BHF's chief economist said: "The three most common factors in triggering recessions are all present at the same time namely soaring energy prices, aggressive monetary tightening and the fragility of the property sector. Via : Join TruthSpreading
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Good Night All See you tomorrow !
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🇫🇷👍🔵 Lawyer Pierre Gentillet as effective as ever on the set of CNEWS. "I have a new proposal for the government, 10% of cancers are due to pollution, I'm for wearing a suit in the open air and everywhere! Because in Paris, which is a very polluted city, I think it would be a public health measure... Are you in favour of wearing a diving suit? Clap Clap! Rejoignez la Vérité Diffusée Join TruthSpreading
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🇫🇷🔴🔵 NEWS ALERT : the new government spokesman Olivier Véran (ex Health Minister) mentions the possible return of the Green Pass at the French borders. "Elisabeth Borne, the prime minister, has mentioned a bill that will extend some essential provisions to deal with the continuing epidemic. The SIDEP software for testing and SIVAC for vaccination will be maintained until 31 March 2023: Indeed, we cannot afford to stop monitoring the circulation of the virus. Moreover, if the situation should require it (new variant, for example), a pass system will be reintroduced at the borders and between metropolitan France and the Overseas Territories. Join TruthSpreading
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🔵🇲🇫 Vaccination: is the 4th dose the overdose? Seventh wave of Covid-19, fourth vaccination campaign and still the same observation: the more we vaccinate, the worse the side effects become. How far and how long will this madness go on? A cardiologist, who has remained anonymous for fear of reprisals by the medical association, admits: "I see many young people for cardiovascular problems. My practice is always full. It's the same with my colleagues. The effects of the vaccine? Of course, but we mustn't say so! Doctors and scientists are seriously questioning the serious side effects of vaccines and their implication in the degradation of natural immunity, by injecting the same antigen into the body... Via : Join TruthSpreading
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🔴🇲🇫🔵 Mike alerts us on the agenda of the National Assembly scheduled for 11/07 : They will discuss the extension of the Green Pass The extension of the Pass will be the subject of a bill to be debated on Monday 11 July in the National Assembly. This document is the official ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE fact sheet SHARE THE NEWS ON ALL YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKS Via : Join TruthSpreading
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🔵🇲🇫 Vaccination : la 4ème dose est-elle l’overdose ? Septième vague de Covid-19, quatrième campagne de vaccination et toujours le même constat : plus on vaccine et plus les effets secondaires s’aggravent. Jusqu’où et jusqu’à quand cette folie ? Un médecin cardiologue, resté anonyme par peur de représailles par l'ordre des médecins, avoue : « Je reçois de nombreux jeunes pour des problèmes cardio-vasculaires. Mon cabinet ne désemplit pas. C’est la même chose chez mes confrères. Les effets du vaccin ? Forcément, mais il ne faut pas le dire ! » Médecins et scientifiques s’interrogent sérieusement sur les effets secondaires graves des vaccins et leur implication dans la dégradation de l’immunité naturelle, à force d’injecter le même antigène dans le corps... Via : Rejoignez la Vérité Diffusée
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🔵🌍BMJ survey: drug regulators = conflicts of interest "While historic drug disasters such as sulfanilamide and thalidomide have raised the stature of regulatory agencies, Light argues that they now need their own watchdog. He calls for the creation of a drug and vaccine safety council, independent of the drug regulator, with the authority, staff and funding to investigate patient incidents. "Countries have independent safety boards for airlines and their passengers. Why not for drugs and patients, too?" says Mr. Light." Detailed article: Via: Join TruthSpreading :
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