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我們是一群愛國者 , 支持川普支持正義Q白帽 : 本頻道專注於Q解碼筆記 , 疫情真相 , 意識覺醒 , 世界局勢新聞分析 . 聊天區 :

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而事实上,这是一张 2 美元的钞票!!!!! 请记住 B = 2,一位名为 "B "的用户发布了 4954,上面写着 "事实与虚构"!!!!! 这是虚构的 还记得富尔顿县的网站上连他的照片都没有,大家都说他的照片是假的吗?
And the fact that it's a $2 bill!!!! Remember B = 2, a user named "B" posted drop 4954 which said "Fact vs Fiction"!!!! It is FICTION!!! Remember the Fulton County website didn't even have his mugshot pic online and everyone was saying the mugshot was fake??
Media files
Media files
我只想给你看这个。 特朗普担任总统时,我买了一张 2 美元的钞票。 钞票上的年份是 2017 年。 上面有他去年 8/24/23 拍的大头照。 有多大可能这张照片是在很久以前拍的。 这只是一部电影。 只是想和你分享一下。 从一开始就关注你。 祝你有美好的一天。
I just want to show you this. I bought a $2 bill when Trump was President. Year on bill 2017. It has his mug shot on it from last year 8/24/23. What are the odds the mug shot was taken way before. Just shows it’s a movie. Just wanted to share with you. Been following you since the beginning when you started. Have a wonderful day.
PEADS - 总统紧急行动文件
PEADS - Presidential Emergency Action Documents
红色文件夹看起来真漂亮,总统先生/中央情报局局长。 总统紧急行动文件: 美利坚合众国总统/总司令的机密指令,其中概述了在灾难性国家紧急情况下,特别是在对美利坚合众国宪法和政府构成直接和现实威胁的情况下,应实施的扩大/特别权力和行动。 👉 RealSGAnon
红色文件夹看起来真漂亮,总统先生/中央情报局局长。 总统紧急行动文件: 美利坚合众国总统/总司令的机密指令,其中概述了在灾难性国家紧急情况下,特别是在对美利坚合众国宪法和政府构成直接和现实威胁的情况下,应实施的扩大/特别权力和行动。 👉 RealSGAnon
That’s a beautiful looking Red Folder, Mr. President / CIC. 👉 Presidential Emergency Action Documents: Classified Presidential/Commander-in-Chief directives for the United States of America, which outline expanded/extraordinary authorities and actions to be implemented during catastrophic national emergencies, particularly those that pose an immediate and existential threat to the Constitution and government for the United States of America. 👉 RealSGAnon
I just heard “The lies the “royal family” have been telling are about to come to light.”
我将瓦解皇室家族,让你从未有过的皇室风范荡然无存。 你的谎言和恶行让你自食其果 温莎这个名字没有任何力量 你的遗产将被永远玷污 杰弗里・爱泼斯坦给了正确的人 所有他们需要的证据 为我伸张正义 一切都会真相大白 这一章即将戛然而止 新的黎明即将到来 你们即将目睹的是我的所作所为 "我将让混乱恢复秩序" "让至高无上的神恢复一切"
I shall dismantle the royal family as royal you never have been. Your lies and wickedness have caught up to you. There is no power in the name Windsor and your legacy shall be stained forever. Jeffrey Epstein gave the right people all the evidence they needed to carry out justice on my behalf. This will come to light. This chapter is coming to an abrupt close. A new dawn shall ensue. What you’re about to witness is my doing. I shall bring order into chaos and restore all that has been lost says the Most High.”
🔥 主今天早上給我的預言...... 「我的遺民即將迎來的美麗將會令他們震驚。他們會流下喜悅的淚水,因為他們會在生活的土地上看到我的善良。對於忠實的人,請保持忠誠。對於不冷不熱的人來說,這是在我面前悔改的邀請,以免你被發現不再像風中的糠秕一樣。時候已近,你們將看到天庭已經作出的審判在地上顯現。惡人的命運早已註定。就像我的大衛的命運已經註定了一樣。我不是很久以前就透過我的先知說過,我的大衛將再次在這片土地上掌權嗎?我不是說過要推翻敵人的計畫嗎?我不是說今年是報應之年,種瓜得瓜,得豆豆豆嗎?我是一個應該說謊的人嗎?你問我為什麼花了這麼久?幾百年來你一直處於傲慢和偶像崇拜之中。五十年了。五十年來,你們允許殺害無辜嬰兒的行為繼續發生。你對此做了什麼嗎?不。你說的不是我的問題。你所宣稱的這不是我的戰鬥。然而,出於我的仁慈,我已經對美國和世界做出了裁決。這是我的問題,我會解決它。我會像你一樣花很久才恢復理智嗎?不,我會在 24 小時內完成。別再抱怨我花了多長時間,開始集中精力確保你的國家不再變得如此糟糕。不要像多年來那樣把頭埋在沙子裡。對美國和世界來說,沒有下一次了。下次我會吹著喇叭來迎接我的新娘,美國將會熄燈。你的黃金時代已經開始。正義必如正午,公義如洪水。耶戶的恩膏是為新時代的聖徒而來。你們將前往各個語言、部落和國家,直到最後一個外邦人獲得我獨生子的救恩知識。紅海我將為你分開。萬軍之耶和華說,你們要追求聖潔公義,以免從這片土地上被剪除。 對於那些嘲笑先知的人,我要給你們一個驚喜。沒有人會嘲笑我的聲音而得不到應有的回報。你以為我是瞎子、聾子、啞巴。這就是為什麼你堅持犯罪,但我還活著並且還在說話。 我的榮耀將充滿這個國家和世界的街道。全世界都會舉行慶祝活動,我的名字將被尊崇為萬國的拯救者。 以色列,我要糾正你所犯的錯誤。難道我不是公義的神,管教祂所愛的人嗎?一場潔淨即將來臨你們以色列。我正在召回合法的國王,讓他歸還被偷走的東西。比比,你該回來了。 坦尚尼亞的一場淨化也即將來臨。我為你們的國家製定了一個計劃。 杜魯道和馬克宏你們這些傻瓜。因為你對我的人民所做的一切,你將被處以生命。 傑辛達·阿登,你是人民的叛徒。 葛蕾塔·桑伯格,你不認為我會知道你的報酬是由共產黨人喬治·索羅斯支付的嗎?主說,我鄙視共產主義。當全世界發現你一直是個騙子時,真相就會大白。 古巴,我為你制定了偉大的計劃。你將擺脫壓迫。 你們將不再見到壓迫你們的人。我將派我的女兒到你這裡恢復你的土地。她在那個島上接觸到的一切都會痊癒並繁榮。你是為這樣的時刻而被創造的。救贖即將來臨你。 澳大利亞,我美麗的澳大利亞。我的和平人民,當正義的憤慨在你們內心激起,以糾正所受到的不公正待遇時,你們將不再是這樣。你們將從澳洲的暴政中獲得自由,復興將席捲你們的土地,讓全世界看見。他們會說“主上帝確實愛澳大利亞。”在你們的國家將會看到許多奇蹟、神蹟和奇事。 英國。不義之地。罪惡的頂峰。我會衡量你的體重,發現你有所欠缺。你的女王已經不存在了。任何國王都不得接管。
🔥 Prophetic Word the Lord gave me this morning… “The beauty of what is coming to my remnant will shock them. They will cry tears of joy because they will see my goodness in the land of living. To the faithful, stay faithful. To the lukewarm this is an invitation to repent before me lest you be found no more like the shaff taken by the wind. The hour draws near when you will see the judgments already rendered in the courts of heaven manifest on earth. The wicked’s fate already sealed. Much like my David’s fate is already sealed. Didn’t I say long ago through my prophets that my David would reign once again from the highest seat of this land? Didn’t I say that I would overturn the plans of the enemy? Didn’t I say that this year would be a year of recompense and what man has sown, he shall reap? Am I man that I should lie? You’re asking why I’ve taken so long? You stood in your insolence and idolatry for hundreds of years. Fifty years. Fifty years you allowed for the murdering of innocent babes to go on. Did you do something about it? Nay. It not my problem you said. It’s not my fight you proclaimed. Yet, in my mercy I have already rendered the verdict over America and the world. It is my problem and I shall make it right. Will it take me as long as it took you to come to your senses? No. I shall do it in 24 hours. Stop complaining about how long it has taken me and start focusing on making sure your nation never gets this bad again. Stop burying your head in the sand as you have done for years upon years. There is no next time for America and the world. Next time I shall come for my bride with a trumpet sound and it will be lights out for you America. Your golden era has commenced. Justice shall be seen like the noon day and righteousness like a flood. The anointing of Jehu is here for the new era saints. You shall go out to every tongue, tribe and nation until the last gentile comes to the saving knowledge of my only begotten Son. The Red Sea I shall part for you. Pursue Holiness and Righteousness that you may not be cut off from the land says the Lord of hosts. For those who have mocked the prophets, I have a surprise for you. No one mocks my voice without their due recompense. You thought I was blind, deaf and mute. This is why you persisted in your sin but I’m very much ALIVE and speaking. My Glory shall fill the streets of this nation and the world. Worldwide celebration will take place and my name shall be exalted as the DELIVERER of the nations. Yisra’el , I’m about to make right what you have wronged. Am I not a just God who disciplines those whom He loves? A cleansing is coming to you Yisra’el. I’m calling back the rightful king to return to what was stolen from him. Bibi it’s your time to return. Tanzania a cleansing is also coming to you. I have a plan for your nation. Trudeau and Macron you fools. Your life will be required of you for what you have done to my people. Jacinda Arden you are a traitor to the people. Gretta Thunberg did you not think I would know that you were paid by the communist George Soros. I despise communism says the Lord. The truth shall shine forth as the entire world finds out you were a fraud all along. Cuba, I have plans for you for greatness. You shall be set free of your oppression. Your oppressors you shall see no more. I shall send my daughter to you to restore your land. Everything she touches in that island will heal and prosper. You were created for such a time as this. Redemption is coming to you. Australia, my beautiful Australia. My peaceful people you shall be no more as righteous indignation stirs up within you to make right what has been wronged. You shall be free from tyranny Australia and revival shall sweep your land for the entire world to see. They shall say “The Lord God surely loves Australia.” As many miracles, signs and wonders shall be seen in your nation. UK. The seat of injustice. The pinnacle of sin. I shall weighed you and found you wanting. Your Queen is no more. No king shall take over.
18 这种低调的流行病是,数千名推广疫苗的社交媒体推广者现在患上了加速( turbo)癌。 🤒 Stephanie Williams(癌症)TikTok Eamon & Bec(癌症)YouTube Tess Christine(癌症)YouTube Nasreen Shahi(癌症)Instagram Jessica Krock(3 期神经内分泌)YouTube Technoblade(转移性肉瘤)YouTube ☠️ Jenny Appleford(3 期肺癌)YouTube Andrea Barba(胃癌)YouTube Enkyboys” Randy Gonzalez(结肠癌)YouTube ☠️ Chad Wild Clay(脊柱癌)YouTube Kyedae Shymko 白血病(AML)YouTube Jessica Brock(卵巢肿瘤)YouTube Lizzy Musi(乳腺癌)YouTube Karina Reske(乳腺癌)YouTube Anthony Carrodo 淋巴瘤(DLBCL)YouTube 美人鱼Zelda(淋巴瘤)YouTube Vlogbrothers(霍奇金淋巴瘤)YouTube Aylen Milla(乳腺癌)YouTube Emilio Betancourt(骨肉瘤)YouTube Grace Helbig(乳腺癌)YouTube Sam and Colby(睾丸癌) 等等。
19 特朗普提出取消美国收入税,代之以对进口商品征收关税
期待什么< (职位 1) __ 拜登即将退出 (我们都知道这会发生) 加文-纽森被推举取代拜登 希拉里将与奥巴马一起竞选 ____ >特朗普暗杀事件 这一重要事件将导致中央情报局行动的曝光。 MAJIC多数派情报共同体的深层国家行动和逮捕战争。 (就像肯尼迪一样) 深层国家已经在计划行动。 >但反制措施已经到位< (白帽子们会在[DS]行动之前上演他们自己的事件。 > 在暗杀企图发生后,你会知道是白帽子策划了这次事件......你会知道这一点,因为特朗普会活下来<。 ____ 加州海岸大地震 计划袭击俄勒冈州。加州,内华达州西部地区。 (我曾多次警告过这一事件,而现在这一事件和试验正在发生...... 在过去的一周里,拥有深层黑暗行动和技术的 DARPA 已经在进行测试,因为神秘的音爆正在袭击加利福尼亚州,主流媒体也在报道神秘事件,鹿鸣州军方正试图找到一个借口来掩盖巨大的音爆)。 (上个月,内华达州、加利福尼亚州和俄勒冈州发生了数次地震试验) -众所周知,有几种武器和构造武器拥有数千项制造地震的专利。 (全球主义者一直想在地震中杀死数百万人,并将其归咎于气候变化,并制定法律和进行审查)。 ____ 曝光与 UAP .UFOS 有关的先进军事武器和技术 >本月国会/参议院将通过新的重要法律,保护来自深层国家军事黑暗行动内部的举报人。 这些新法律对于绕过保护深层国家行动的国家安全法非常重要。这些新法律允许参议院和国会查看举报人揭露的高级机密文件和视频。 (时至今日,美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)和深黑色行动仍受到腐败的国家安全法的保护。 现在,新的举报人法律即将出台。DARPA。DARPA. 行动将被曝光 . ____ 卖淫团伙/人口贩卖团伙/. 性勒索集团/精英性交易集团/都将被揭露<_________________________。 _ >你完全不知道爱泼斯坦在特朗普政府期间被捕,P. P Diddy 也在特朗普执政期间被捕,并被秘密起诉。 > 爱泼斯坦和 P Diddy 都是三重间谍。这两个人都被白帽子强迫在军事调查中继续扮演他们的角色(我从 2017 年特朗普当选后就一直在告诉你:............)。特朗普将全部军权交给了军方,并建立了政府的连续性。制定了权力下放计划... 这些军事行动控制着联邦调查局内部的白帽子。和五角大楼的最高层) 现在,P-迪迪将出庭受审,像鸟儿一样歌唱。 P Diddy 将揭露音乐界的精英和腐败。P Diddy 将揭露精英阶层和音乐界的腐败现象。 +At the same time EPSTEIN VIDEOS ARE GOING BE RELEASED by military inside DROPS and dropped through white hats media > 国会将全面追查埃普斯廷事件......(打开案件) _ >>>>> 这就是罗伯特-德尼罗为什么要阻止特朗普。 罗伯特-德尼罗参与的世界性犯罪团伙与上世纪 80 年代及以后的事件有关,并与盖蒂博物馆(Getty Museum)有关,盖蒂博物馆是一个庞大的地下恋童癖基地,其撒旦仪式与创始人保罗-盖蒂(J Paul Getty)及其与波希米亚丛林(Bohemian Grove)的撒旦摩洛仪式(Moloch rituals)有关....。这就是盖蒂博物馆将撒旦崇拜者人体烹调师玛丽娜-阿布拉莫维奇(Marina Abramović)作为其灵修会成员的原因。德尼罗与恋童癖团伙的联系与罗曼-波兰斯基(恋童癖)有关,他拍摄的邪教电影《罗丝玛丽的婴儿》是一部撒旦邪教和撒旦婴儿的电影......
WHAT to EXPECT< (post 1) __ Biden to drop out soon (We all knew this was coming..) Gavin Newsom being pushed to replace Biden Hillary to run with Micheal Obama ____ >TRUMP Assassination> This important Event will lead to EXPOSURE of CIA ops/ MAJIC Majority Intelligence Communitee deep state operations and Arrest wars ( Just like JFK) The deep state is already planning the operations. >BUT COUNTER MEASURES ARE IN PLACE< (White Hats WILL STAGE their own EVENT before the [ DS] ops . > You WILL know after the assassination attempt happens that white hats staged the EVENT... You will know this because TRUMP WILL survive< ____ California Coast Major Earthquake Planned to hit Oregon. California, Nevada West region. ( I warned of this several times and now the event and test trials are happening,.. DARPA with deep dark operations and technology is already doing tests this past week as Mysterious Sonic Booms are hitting California and mainstream media is also reporting mystery and the deer state military is trying to find an excuse to cover up the massive sonic booms) ( Several test earthquakes are being placed through Nevada California and Oregon then past month) -It's week known several weapons and tectonic weapons exist with thousands of patents to create Earthquakes. ( The GLOBALIST have always wanted to kill millions in an earthquake and blame climate change and bring in laws and censorship) ____ The Exposure of advanced Military weapons and technology connected to UAP .UFOS >This month Congress/Senate is passing NEW important laws that protect whistleblowers from inside the deep state military dark deep operations. These NEW laws are highly important to Bypassimg national security laws that protect the deep state operations. These NEW laws allow the Senate and Congress to see high level Classified files and videos that whistleblowers are Exposing ( To this day theDARPA , Deep dark operations were protected under corrupt national security laws) _Now with the New whistleblower laws COMING.> Full exposure of MAJIC. DARPA. DEEP DARK . OPERATIONS ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED . ____ PEDOPHILE RINGs/ human trafficking rings/. Sex extortion rings/ ELITE SEX RINGS/ is all coming to DISCLOSURE< _ >You are highly unaware that Epstein was arrested during Trump Administration and P Diddy was also arrested during Trump administration and secret indictments were placed. > Both Epstein and P Diddy were triple agents.. Both were forced by white hats to continue to play their parts as military investigations played forward ( i have been telling you since 2017 after Trump was elected.. Trump gave FULL military power to the military and A continuity of government was installed . Devolution plan was placed... These military operations are controlling whites hats inside the FBI. And Pentagon at the highest levels) _NOW p Diddy is going to go on trial and sing like a 🐦 bird P Diddy is going to EXPOSE Elites and corruption inside music. Film industries on world Sec trafficking operations connected to the ELITES. +At the same time EPSTEIN VIDEOS ARE GOING TO BE RELEASED by military inside DROPS and dropped through white hats media > Congress WILL fully go after the EPSTEIN SAGA...( Open the case) _ >>>>> THIS IS WHY ROBERT DE NIRO IS TRYING TO STOP TRUMP . and why the ELITES are pushing De Niro as a front to stop Trump. _ Robert De niros involvement in the world sex ring is connected to the 80s and beyond and connected to Getty Museum> massive huge underground pedophile base and satanic rituals that connect to founder J Paul Getty and his connection to Bohemian Grove satanic Moloch rituals.... This is why Getty museum hosts satanists human cooker Marina Abramović as its spiritualist guild. The connection of De Niro to pedophilia ring is connected to Roman Polanski ( pedophile) who made the cult film Rosemarys Baby a satanic cult and baby of Satan...
快速公告: 在过去的几天里,我一直想在工作之余做更多的即时报道,但孩子们似乎(总是)另有安排。 我目前正在处理这一现实的 "不可预测性 "方面的问题,在未来的日子里,我将更经常地回来。 当前研究重点: *安卡拉、金砖国家、中国和美联储崩溃 *伊朗、南极洲 *伊拉克/非盟+非洲国家--实地清理腐败。 *加勒比海的多国军事活动 *特朗普的非正规战争信息 *拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、波兰、德国诉俄罗斯 *住院、辞职、解雇 👉 RealSGAnon
Quick Announcement: I have had every intention of doing much more in-the-moment reporting over the last few days, in between my professional responsibilities, but children seem to (always) have other plans. I am currently juggling the “unpredictability” aspect of that reality, and will be back with greater regularity in the coming days. Current Research Focuses: *Ankara, BRICS, China, and Fed Collapse *Iran, Antarctica *Iraq/UAE + African nations — on the ground corruption cleanups. *Multinational Mil activities in Caribbean Sea *Trump Irregular Warfare Messaging *Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Germany v. Russia *Hospitalizations, Resignations, Terminations 👉 RealSGAnon
𝗦𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶 𝗔𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗮 𝗗𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲 沙烏地阿拉伯將不會續簽與美國的 50 年石油美元協議。 相反,他們將以多種貨幣出售石油,包括人民幣、歐元、日圓和人民幣。 這應該被視為黑天鵝事件,但你不會知道,因為美國政府更專注於調查 LGBTQ 街道交叉口的輪胎痕跡。 請記住,革命不會透過電視轉播。 👉 加入以斯拉之影
𝗦𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶 𝗔𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗮 𝗗𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗨𝗦 𝗗𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗿 Saudi Arabia will not be renewing the 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States. Instead, they will be selling oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan. This should be treated as a black swan event, but you wouldn't know it because the U.S. government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over an LGBTQ street intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised. 👉 Join Shadow of Ezra
Media files
@aftertruth85,我只想就你在你的频道上发表的关于吉恩-何关于鲍勃-乔伊斯的帖子发表一些看法。 去年八月,我和丈夫参加了一个私人活动,鲍勃-乔伊斯(他的家人--妻子、儿子和女儿)和吉恩-何被邀请来和我们见面,他们也确实来了。 我们有理由怀疑那是否真的是猫王,但是,在事件发生后,我可以坦率地说,如果那不是猫王,我们会大吃一惊的。 我知道的几件事。 在与他的妻子交谈时,我问她和鲍勃是在哪里认识的,她说是德国。 在和他的儿子 Matt 交谈时,他告诉我他的中间名是 Charro,并给我看了他的驾照。 当时我还不知道猫王出演了一部叫《Charro》的电影。 我问,这个名字从何而来,他说,去问我爸爸吧。 因此,当我有机会和鲍勃进行一对一交谈时,他身边的保镖(是的,我说的是保镖)证实了马特的中间名来自一部电影。 我戴着一个 TCB 吊坠(Taking Care of Business),他的保镖说我喜欢你的项链,我说你注意到了? 还有更多,但这些都是重点。 告诉别人很难,因为他们会认为你疯了,但我相信就是他! 我有照片可以证实。 哦,吉恩还穿着他的蓝色麂皮鞋。
@aftertruth85, just wanted to make a few comments regarding your post on your channel about Gene Ho's post about Bob Joyce. Last August my husband and I attended a private event that Bob Joyce (his family - wife, son, daughter) and Gene Ho were invited to come meet us, and they did. There are reasons where one could be skeptical if that really is Elvis, however, after the event, I can honestly say that if that is not Elvis we will be surprised. A few things I know. When talking to his wife, I asked her where her and Bob met, she said Germany. Talking to his son Matt, he told me his middle name was Charro, and he showed me his driver's license. At the time I didn't know Elvis was in a movie called Charro. I asked, where did that name come from, and he said, go ask my Dad. So, when I did get the chance to speak with Bob (one on one) with his bodyguard next to him (yes, I said bodyguard), he confirmed Matt's middle name came from a movie. I was wearing a TCB pendant (Taking Care of Business) and his bobyguard said I like your necklace, I said, you noticed? and he said, I'm not the only one. There's a bit more, but those are the highlights. It's hard telling people because they think your crazy, but I believe it is him! I have pictures to confirm. Oh, and Gene was wearing his blue suede shoes.
He’s flat out telling you!!!
This one! 🤯🤯🤯
Elvis wrote out and signed his own death certificate! 😂😂
猫王去世后,一名男子前来吊唁。 他在那里拍了一些照片。 他回家后在照片上看到了一些东西! 猜猜是什么!!!!
A man came to pay respects after Elvis’ death. Took some photos while he was there. He saw something in the photos when he got home! Guess what it was!!!!
Let’s see who watches all 13min. “Taking care of business!” -Elvis Presley
手术留下了疤痕。 有些东西是藏不住的 同样的手 同样的位置
而事实上,这是一张 2 美元的钞票!!!!! 请记住 B = 2,一位名为 "B "的用户发布了 4954,上面写着 "事实与虚构"!!!!! 这是虚构的 还记得富尔顿县的网站上连他的照片都没有,大家都说他的照片是假的吗?
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And the fact that it's a $2 bill!!!! Remember B = 2, a user named "B" posted drop 4954 which said "Fact vs Fiction"!!!! It is FICTION!!! Remember the Fulton County website didn't even have his mugshot pic online and everyone was saying the mugshot was fake??
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我只想给你看这个。 特朗普担任总统时,我买了一张 2 美元的钞票。 钞票上的年份是 2017 年。 上面有他去年 8/24/23 拍的大头照。 有多大可能这张照片是在很久以前拍的。 这只是一部电影。 只是想和你分享一下。 从一开始就关注你。 祝你有美好的一天。
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Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
I just want to show you this. I bought a $2 bill when Trump was President. Year on bill 2017. It has his mug shot on it from last year 8/24/23. What are the odds the mug shot was taken way before. Just shows it’s a movie. Just wanted to share with you. Been following you since the beginning when you started. Have a wonderful day.
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PEADS - 总统紧急行动文件
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PEADS - Presidential Emergency Action Documents
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红色文件夹看起来真漂亮,总统先生/中央情报局局长。 总统紧急行动文件: 美利坚合众国总统/总司令的机密指令,其中概述了在灾难性国家紧急情况下,特别是在对美利坚合众国宪法和政府构成直接和现实威胁的情况下,应实施的扩大/特别权力和行动。 👉 RealSGAnon
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红色文件夹看起来真漂亮,总统先生/中央情报局局长。 总统紧急行动文件: 美利坚合众国总统/总司令的机密指令,其中概述了在灾难性国家紧急情况下,特别是在对美利坚合众国宪法和政府构成直接和现实威胁的情况下,应实施的扩大/特别权力和行动。 👉 RealSGAnon
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