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Me trying to rap...
Make your most infuriating thing in life: Mine: assembling an Ikea appliance using their stupid, wordless, mute, drawing-only manuals and having no idea what a particular drawing means ... and having no words to help me ... and the Swedish person who drew the picture lives in Sweden and I don't have their phone number. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!
My first sermon inside a church for 3 years. Speaking at Fredrickton Church 5pm June 16. Join us if you're free.
Served up with Chili.
Interesting revelations about what the IDF are finding in Rafah that implicate the Egyptians in allowing Hamas to receive small arms, RPG's, rockets, all types of munitions and arms - all brought in by vehicles thru huge tunnels that accommodate large vehicles, including trucks. The role of the Biden administration in trying to block the Rafah operation seemed at odds with what most would consider was the next logical step in the offensive of the IDF. Their specious claim that they cared about civilians, was hollow in the light that the US has never cared about civilians when their operations were underway - think Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia and Pakistan - the number of dead civilians is estimated to be 3.6-3.8M (see So - why did the US try to stop the Israelis entering Rafah? The IDF relocated around 900,000 Palestinians in a few weeks (the US said it could not be done - of course they said that). Could it be that the US was trying to hide something from the Israelis by trying to block their operations to destroy Hamas? The US government and its agencies have one thing that drives them with all global machinations - self-interest. Stay tuned...
The bombshell exposé by Dystopian Down Under released today now confirms that a scientific report that showed a serious cancer risk from the COVID vaccines was suppressed under political pressure and not for reasons of scientific invalidity. The specific vaccines implicated were all “approved” by the FDA, TGA, MHRA and EMA without any assessment of carcinogenicity, that is, assessment of their risk of causing cancer.
Pope's audience hall ... see it now?
The Pope's audience hall in Rome... what do you see?
I keep blocking these spammers, but they keep coming back! Beware - the posts they put up don't sound like me ...
RFK explains the Ukraine war.
1John4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. The truth is, the One in us is greater and He loves us. So let's stretch our faith today and see ourselves the way God sees us. It doesn’t matter what the enemy wants us to see or how things might look. Our faith overcomes through the One who lives in us! The enemy would like for us to believe that we don’t have a chance in life, that we're too weak, too poor, too whatever. But God has a different view of us. God sees us through the eyes of love. He sees not what we can be, but what He has invested in us, not what we or others may see. God is greater, more powerful, and more glorious. The victory is ours because God's presence in us is greater than any force that we will ever face. We have our victory assured over all forces, powers, spirits, or opponents. Seeing ourselves the way God sees us leads to a life of overwhelming victory. Heavenly Father help me through the power of the Holy Spirit to listen more earnestly to Your still, small voice, and to remember that greater is HE that is living in me than the defeated enemy that is in the world. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. We pray you and your loved ones have a blessed day. Blessings EVG. Frank and Angela One in Spirit Fellowship.
This is getting interesting...
The characters you meet at rallies.
Please like and share: Join us at our next rally in Brisbane as we persist in our efforts to combat this hate together. BRISBANE Rally June 9 Push back the hate and make antisemitism unthinkable. FREE to REGISTER Push back the hate and make history for Aussie values and freedom against the hatred towards the Jewish community in BRISBANE. #pushbackthehatemate #jewishlivesmatter #neveragainisnow #stopthehate
Babylon Bee - at it again! This went viral recently...
The media is the enemy of the people. I've seen this all over our ABC as well - giving skewed analysis, ignoring any balance, refusing to give details that provide context. For example - one of the ABC's recent headlines was "Israel rejects peace deal - attacks Rafah instead" The dear hearts at the ABC failed to tell you that the 'peace deal' was devised and agreed to between Egypt and Hamas - and met all of Hamas' demands, and none of Israel's (like no hostage releases) .
This weekend, the BBC apologized for mislabeling a Free Palestine protest as a vigil, when it was actually an attempt to shut down a screening of a film about the Nova music festival massacre. Since October 7th, the BBC has issued FIVE apologies for spreading disinformation about Israel. Despite the apologies, each claim was rooted in antisemitic tropes and libels that caused irreversible damage after being released. (Hen Mazzig on X)
Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? When we worry, we make an agreement with ourselves to spend precious energy and brain power on something that may or may not happen. We’re choosing to allow something to consume our thought life. We lose focus on the present and forget about what’s happening right now in exchange for worrying about an unknown future. We get consumed by the what if’s and all the possible solutions to something that hasn’t happened yet. God's plans for us are greater than we can imagine, or ever plan for ourselves. Psalm 33:11 says, “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Although it is not as easy as it sounds, we do not have to be worried because we know God is good and His plans are firm. Our peace is not found in the outlook of things around us but rather in Christ alone. Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. Corrie Ten Boom We pray you and your loved ones have a blessed day, Blessings EVG. Frank and Angela One in Spirit Fellowship.
Media files
Pandemic Treaty from the WHO has collapsed!
Excuse the language...
Candidates wanted! We need people willing to put your and my family’s values on the ballot at up-coming elections in Queensland, the ACT and federally. You can do as much or as little as suits your commitments. Family First simply wants to have names on the ballot to give voters a powerful ethical choice and to raise the profile of the party. Victoria: For information about standing as a lower house candidate in support of Bernie Finn’s Victorian Senate campaign, email [email protected]. Queensland: Thanks to the 17 who have already put their hands up! But we need more! Please contact Alex Todd on [email protected]. ACT: Email [email protected]. NSW: To help my Senate campaign by standing as a lower house candidate, please email [email protected]. So much is happening politically, most of it not good. Let’s keep a cheerful disposition, pray hard and continue to act and cast a better vision for our children’s future.
Who would have thunk this would come around so quickly again.
In love
Beautiful warm afternoon in the beach with these 2.
Fauci arch-nemesis Dr Judy Mikovits warns against all big pharma injections—especially the day Hepatitis B shot (which she has told me in personal communications is designed to cause gender dysphoria). (22 seconds) Dr Judy was fired by Fauci over a dozen years ago for proving that all childhood vaccines are contaminated with mouse brain cancer viruses. Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
And there it is. Covid ‘Expert’ Francis Collins Finally Admits There Was No Science For Six-Foot Social Distancing. 🔗 Link Pandemic 2.0 🦠⛓️💉
This is a message Faye received the day after the NAIN rally from a lovely young Jewish lady whom she loved on & ministered to.
Media files
Farmy work today - cutting up firewood then use it to cook our home made pizza! Excellent.
Media files
Media files
Vic Aus 🇦🇺 Here we go again.. Wowsers 👀 The well worn script gets another run, now a Passenger from a flight ✈️ from India is "Infected" with "Bird Flu"...This is literally insane, I think this story may be about to blow 🐔
Me trying to rap...
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Make your most infuriating thing in life: Mine: assembling an Ikea appliance using their stupid, wordless, mute, drawing-only manuals and having no idea what a particular drawing means ... and having no words to help me ... and the Swedish person who drew the picture lives in Sweden and I don't have their phone number. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!
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👍 2🔥 2
My first sermon inside a church for 3 years. Speaking at Fredrickton Church 5pm June 16. Join us if you're free.
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👍 3 1
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👍 2
Served up with Chili.
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👍 5
Interesting revelations about what the IDF are finding in Rafah that implicate the Egyptians in allowing Hamas to receive small arms, RPG's, rockets, all types of munitions and arms - all brought in by vehicles thru huge tunnels that accommodate large vehicles, including trucks. The role of the Biden administration in trying to block the Rafah operation seemed at odds with what most would consider was the next logical step in the offensive of the IDF. Their specious claim that they cared about civilians, was hollow in the light that the US has never cared about civilians when their operations were underway - think Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia and Pakistan - the number of dead civilians is estimated to be 3.6-3.8M (see So - why did the US try to stop the Israelis entering Rafah? The IDF relocated around 900,000 Palestinians in a few weeks (the US said it could not be done - of course they said that). Could it be that the US was trying to hide something from the Israelis by trying to block their operations to destroy Hamas? The US government and its agencies have one thing that drives them with all global machinations - self-interest. Stay tuned...
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Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War

The Costs of War Project is a team of 35 scholars, legal experts, human rights practitioners, and physicians, which began its work in 2011. We use research and a public website to facilitate debate about the costs of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

👍 3 1
The bombshell exposé by Dystopian Down Under released today now confirms that a scientific report that showed a serious cancer risk from the COVID vaccines was suppressed under political pressure and not for reasons of scientific invalidity. The specific vaccines implicated were all “approved” by the FDA, TGA, MHRA and EMA without any assessment of carcinogenicity, that is, assessment of their risk of causing cancer.
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GileadGate exposed

Rebekah Barnett's bombshell FOIA investigation uncovers a web of vested interests in the cover-up of an identified cancer risk related to specific COVID vaccines.

👍 1
Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
Pope's audience hall ... see it now?
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Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
The Pope's audience hall in Rome... what do you see?
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