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Ten Attorneys Against Us Now! America you have a front row seat to how the liberals are stealing our elections (one way of many). In our lawsuit against the Wisconsin Election Commission and the squatter Meagan Wolfe, we have a TRO right now from the Judge banning any election clerk in Wisconsin from using the new absentee envelopes. Opposing us: Defendants: Wisconsin Elections Commission, Meagan Wolfe - Attorneys: Keenan Brian Patrick, Roth Colin T.. Intervenor: Democratic National Committee - Attorneys: Curtis Charles Grant, Jr., Rosenzweig Stacie H, Conley Will M., Devaney John M., Hawley Jonathan P. Intervenor: Eastman Kathleen F. - Attorneys: same as DNC. Intervenor: Disability Rights of Wisconsin, Attorneys: Lenz Daniel Spector, Thompson Scott, Edwards T.R.. Intervenor: The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, same as Kathleen’s. The liberal groups above, who could care less about women or the disabled, met with Wolfe and rigged the absentee ballot envelope by printing unlawful language on it - in short making it easier to mail in fraudulent absentee ballots. See tweet below for more background details. Now, basically all they would have to do to fix this is 1) run the envelopes they already printed back through and blacken out the illegal sentence, 2) hold an emergency hearing and vote on rules/changes. BUT they are not doing this and instead showed up with ten attorneys against us! Why you ask? Because this shows overwhelmingly they rigged the absentee envelope to skirt state statute. A statute there to protective us all from election fraud via mail in ballots. Wis Stats. 6.86(1)(ac). They don't want the cheaters, the ballot mills, to have to print out the original ballot request (created by the voter), sign it, and include it in the mail back envelope. Think of that - just print one page out, sign it, wait till the ballot comes in the mail from your local clerk, include the one page in with the ballot and mail back. Oh No - can't do that says WEC and squatter Wolfe as it is so burdensome! But the real reason is they don't want to have to forge all those signatures on phony absentee ballots (forgery), and, in addition commit election fraud, plus they don't want their ballot mills and mules to be on the hook for US mail fraud. See, this is why the libs filed a lawsuit directly to the Wis. State Supreme Court to re-instate drop boxes. Because they mules are nervous facing all those crimes otherwise. "Wisconsin governor urges state Supreme Court to revoke restrictions on absentee ballot drop boxes" WEAU News. Ha! even liberal I-have-dementia-Governor Tony Evers knows they need all those fraudulent mail in ballots for any chance for Biden to "win". And the six Wisconsin Election Commission Commissioners are fighting against clear statute - they have some surprises coming from Patriots I've spoken too as all are now completely wide open to have civil rights lawsuits filed against them personally. Each is open to having criminal charges filed against them. Wis Stats 12.13(1)(h) for one example. So right now you are eye witnessing state officials trying to commit election fraud, and cause the election clerks to do so also. Unbelievable. ~ Peter Bernegger
BREAKING: Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Comes Clean – Admits COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It
Stop ... Look ... Listen ... Think about the Phil Lyman story.
Supreme Court Sides With Biden Regime — Denies InfoWars Host Owen Shroyer’s Appeal Against Sham J6 Conviction — Despite Never Entering Capitol Building!
05 Don’t pay to read their trash but I just presented two precincts which are home to the mail forwarding fraud with voter challenges and successfully lobbied a precinct board to accept the absentee ballot challenge and one precinct agreed to reject dozens of unidentified voters ballots whose original voter registrations were perjured. This is a HUGE WIN at the lowest jurisdiction available- the precinct! I was alone as a citizen and had to present my case before the board against the States Attorney and Deputy States Attorney, and I won! 🙌
J6er Who Was Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison Steals the Show at Fauci Hearing
LEGEND: J6er Who was Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Steals the Show During Fauci Hearing — His Reaction to Fauci’s Alleged Threat Discussion Will Have You Rolling! (VIDEO)
Irrefutable Proof: New Video Exposes How Capital Police Orchestrated Stampede that Killed Roseanne Boyland on January 6
A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle. "Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right. You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. *Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit* Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci? In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this. ​I think America should take great offense to this. Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you. Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear."
Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of children. Fauci belongs in prison! ​"You were quoted saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. Do you represent science Mr. Fauci? This is as director of the NIH you did sign off on these so-called experiments. As a dog lover, this is disgusting and evil. These experiments that happened to Beagles paid for by the American tax payers. Americans don't pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. The type of science that you are representing Mr. Fauci is abhorrent. You made up the covid rules. Including 6 feet social distancing and masking of children. You also told the American people they had to distance they had to wear mask. Let's talk about the type of science you represent. NIH scientists made 710 million dollars in royalties from drug makers a fact that's been hidden...Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people to get patents where they're paid hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees especially when these companies are recommending guidelines they made up like six feet distancing and masking children. Do the American people deserve to abused like that? You're not doctor Fauci you're Mr. Fauci. In my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. He belongs in prison." Lmao.
Wow. Fauci just got eviscerated over his compliance with the made-up 6-foot social distance rule that had zero science behind it. He just conceded the point that the six foot rule was debunked but he never told the American people the truth once he had found out. The conspiracy theorists were right this entire time. "Do you think that a rule that 'sort of just appeared' is substantial justification for the regulations that we saw based on that six foot rule? Once we realized that the virus was not spread by droplets did you feel an indication to go back to the CDC and base this on science? This six foot rule crippled American businesses. It allowed students to stay at home and not learn. Americans suffered and that suffering continued because of the fracture of trust in American scientists continue to this day. That mistrust continues to this day. Were you dialoguing with the CDC? And you didn't feel an obligation to go to them and say look Americans aren't going to trust us? We are providing them with misinformation. And you didn't feel as a lead scientist at the NIH an obligation to challenge that? Publicly you challenged them on this regard? Do you agree that Americans have now lost their trust in lead science because of misinformation like this? It was not an effective rule. *Fauci concedes point*
FAUCI HECKLED ENTERING US CAPITOL! – “Are You Sad You’re in the Number 3 Spot in Murdering People Behind Stalin and Hitler? …How Many People Do You Think You Murdered?” –
Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not Infection
Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science
NEW: Eric Trump reveals that the Trump campaign has raised $200 million since he was convicted in New York City. "In terms of small dollar, we're well over $70 million... If you add the large dollar donations to it, you're over 200 million." For comparison, in the last 6 months of 2023, Trump's "main fund-raising arm" raised $58 million. (NYT) In the day period after his mugshot was taken in Georgia, Trump raised $4 million. The people are awake. 🔗 Link
BREAKING: Biden admin offers ‘mass amnesty’ to migrants as it quietly terminates 350,000 asylum cases: sources
Friendly reminder!
“President Trump, you’re the man bro, it is a damn travesty what they are doing to you.” - Sean Strickland Joe Rogan then follows up and says “let’s get it done” in reference to Trump’s victory. We The People (and The World) stand with President Trump! #AGENDA47 2.0 ### | @GEORGENEWS
Another day, another massive electronic manipulation brought to you by BPro/KnowInk. The shady, all-inclusive software company running an election near you:
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Imagine you are a State Representative, running for reelection, and when you go to file your paperwork with the Office of Elections you are informed that your voter registration has been inactivated. That is exactly what happened to @diamondgarcia_ yesterday. Upon further review, ~27% of the voter registrations on Rep Garcia’s street were changed to inactive in May. Spot checks of several streets in some districts show unusually high percentages of registration inactivations. What is going on in the Hawaii voter rolls? Please, everyone-check your voter registration and make sure it’s accurate. Check here:
White House Admits in Federal Court They ‘Doctored’ Joe Biden’s Special Counsel Testimony Transcript to Make Him Appear Less Incompetent: Report
Exclusive: President Trump Was Found Guilty of 11 Felonies for the Equivalent of Receiving 11 Electric Bill in the Mail
This is what counts for ‘news’ from Reuters. They’re so adept at lying these days, how do we know they don’t plant the ‘violent comments’ themselves?👇
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Reuters Attacks The Gateway Pundit After Scouring Our Comments and Finding TWO ‘Violent’ Comments Out of 30,000 Daily Comments
Why We Vote Ep 79: w/ Election Watch's Peter Bernegger A MUST watch... ~ Peter Bernegger
Mich. Democrats Passing Laws to Make Systemic Voter Fraud Easier, Harder to Catch
17) Preventing any hint of the Wisconsin Elections Commission working with liberal 3rd Party non-profit voter registration and or absentee ballot request applications as was alluded to in 2022 when nearly 660,000 forms were mailed to Wisconsin electors innocently thinking these applications were from the Wisconsin Elections Commission. This has been an ongoing major problem with these liberal 3rd Paty non-profit groups that are confusing many Wisconsin electors at election time dating back to 2020 through 2023 Wisconsin Elections Commission and 2023 - Erroneous Third-Party Absentee Ballot Application Mailing: Center for Voter Information | Wisconsin Elections Commission).  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 18) US Federal Judge in the Western District of Wisconsin ruled in May of 2024 that absentee ballots must have a “witness” in order to be processed. The Legislative Audit Bureau found a 7% error rate for absentee ballots in 2020. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 19) We exposed the Chinese money coming into campaigns. Much more to come on this. 20) We have filed 51 campaign finance violation complaints against local, regional and statewide politicians. Read them here: 21) A big one: the whole pay to play scheme by Robin Vos, Catherine Gehl, Democracy Found Action and many Wis. politicians taking bribes has a huge complaint coming. 22) The very corrupt Claire Woodall-Vogg, former election clerk of the City of Milwaukee, was fired. 23) Her deputy clerk, Kimberly Zapata, was convicted of election fraud. 24) We won a Temporary Restraining Order in the Oldenburg case currently pending in Marinette County. Stopping Meagan Wolfe and the six corrupt election commissioners from forcing absentee ballot voters to commit perjury. 25) We've got eight (8) lawsuits open and pending right now to fight the corruption of Meagan Wolfe - the squatter sitting at the Wis. Election Commission right now. And you know who wanted all the above to remain as it was? Squatter Meagan Wolfe, "Republican" Robin Vos and the corrupt six Commissioners Bob Spindell, Marge Bostelmann, Ann Jacobs, Mark Thomsen, Carrie Riepl and Don Millis - pictured. Each will tell you with a straight face "there was no election fraud". (thank you to Jefferson Davis for compiling much of the above) ~ Peter Bernegger
  An Ozaukee County Circuit Court judge ruled just the opposite in January of 2024, which is now on appeal. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20.682 votes in 2020. 8) The Wisconsin Supreme Court has stopped County Clerks from encouraging electors to ask for the "indefinitely confined" status to avoid having to sign a poll book or presenting voter ID while automatically being sent an absentee ballot.  Nearly 267,000 electors were granted this status in 2020 with about 220,000 of them supposedly voting.  The current number is approximately 149,000. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes. 9) The number of names on E.R.I.C.'s Mover List (232,000 in 2020) has been whittled down substantially since 2020 (currently 52,000 +/-) when about 66,000 of people on this list voted in Wisconsin.  E.R.I.C. is the organization contracted with WEC to remove the names of people who have moved out of Wisconsin and legally should not be participating in our elections.  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 10) The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in July of 2022 that Mark Zuckerberg's 573 illegal absentee ballot drop boxes will immediately be removed from ever accepting absentee ballots again in Wisconsin.  Evidence will show that about 1.2 million absentee ballots may have been illegally deposited into these illegal absentee ballot drop boxes.  Electors banned these illegal absentee ballot drop boxes in April of 2024 on a statewide ballot.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court heard oral arguments on May 13, 2024, from democrats to bring back these illegal absentee ballot drop boxes for 2024. A ruling is forthcoming in June of July of 2024 from the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 11) Volunteers now monitor the entire process of Central Count in Milwaukee from A.M. until the flash drives are dropped off at the Milwaukee County Courthouse sometime around midnight to avoid any "lost" or "misplaced" flash drives containing hundreds of thousands of absentee ballot tabulations.  The City of Milwaukee Elections Director was relieved of her duties in April of 2024. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 12) Military fake electors and absentee ballot requests have been shut down for 2024.  A City of Milwaukee Assistant Director of Elections was recently sentenced to probation and fined $3,000.00 in Milwaukee County Circuit Court for breaching WisVote and MyVote with this type of activity. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 13) Can't spoil absentee ballots to re-vote before election when your candidate drops out of the race (click here - Wisconsin judge bans absentee ballot spoiling | Courthouse News Service).  The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently “declined” to take up this Case (click here - Wisconsin Supreme Court Won’t Decide Whether Voters Can “Spoil” Absentee Ballots, but Litigation Will Continue - Democracy Docket). Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 14) Legally declared "incompetent" individuals can no longer vote and must have their names immediately removed from the 3.6 million eligible registered electors WisVote database by order of the court and implemented by WEC to the local Clerk (click here -Two courts conflict over release of information about voters who were found incompetent - Wisconsin Examiner).  It is estimated that between 16,000-20,000 legally declared "incompetent" individuals may have participated in recent elections.  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 15) Statewide constitutional amendment was passed in April 2024 on banning Zuckerberg's Staff, money, equipment and supplies from ever assisting Clerks with the administration of elections.  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 16) Statewide constitutional amendment vote in November of 2024 on having an individual prove they are a US citizen before they can vote in Wisconsin's elections as an elector.  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020.
TWENTY-FIVE successes in fighting election fraud in our state: 1) Curing of absentee ballots has legally been stopped for 2024 thanks to a Circuit Court decision in Waukesha County.  Absentee ballots missing statutorily required information must be cured by the elector and no longer the Clerk's Office, which has been the law in Wisconsin for decades.  Nearly 2 million absentee ballots were processed in 2020 with a rejection rate of .002% or 4,270 statewide when a normal rejection rate is 2%-3% when statutorily required information is missing.  The democrats in the liberal Dane County Circuit Court succeeded in reinstating the curing of absentee ballots, but that decision is currently on appeal. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 2) Special Voting Deputies are again required for long-term care facilities whose residents may require an absentee ballot.  Special Voting Deputies were blocked from working in 2020 due to "covid".  Evidence will show that stacks of absentee ballots were dropped off at long-term care facilities in 2020, filled out by Lord know who, and picked up a week later.  On any given day near the 2020 Election Date, Wisconsin had approximately 1,121 long-term care facilities with about 92,000 residents.  Evidence will show almost all of them voted in 2020 when a normal turnout rate is about 1%-2% for long-term care facilities.  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 3) The illegal voter registration form being used by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) asking for an elector's "ethnicity" and "party affiliation" has been outlawed thanks to a circuit court judge's decision in Waukesha County.  In 2020, nearly 500,000 electors registered to vote in 2020 online through WEC's website with almost all of the electors using this illegal form that illegally asked for an elector's "ethnicity" and "party affiliation".  Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 4) Wisconsin finally has an official agreement between the Department of Motor Vehicles and WEC, required by law, but not exercised, to verify an elector's eligibility to vote in Wisconsin.  According to evidence, this had been ignored for years in Wisconsin.  This will hopefully prevent a lot of people from voting in Wisconsin that shouldn't have been.  Reports show that over 5,000 illegal aliens may have voted in 2020 in a state decided by 20,682 votes. The DMV admits that 258,356 non-US citizens have been issued a Wisconsin driver’s license in a rolling 48-month period between 2019 and 2023. These driver’s licenses are nearly indistinguishable for Poll Workers and MyVote from Wisconsin driver’s licenses for US citizens. 5) DMV and WEC are now forced to immediately report to local Clerks the names of the some 258,356 non-US Citizens that have been issued a driver's license since 2019 but cannot vote in Wisconsin elections.  A Legislative Jt. Hearing was held on this issue on May 16, 2024 with more details forthcoming. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 6) Having an elector's absentee ballot sent to an address that that elector doesn't live at has been shut down for 2024.  Evidence shows that over 20,000 postcards were sent by WEC in 2022 to electors whose absentee ballot was being sent to an address that the elector didn't live at to make sure their vote wasn't being stolen.  A City of Milwaukee Assistant Director of Elections was recently sentenced to probation and fined $3,000.00 in Milwaukee County Circuit Court for breaching WisVote and MyVote with this type of activity. Wisconsin was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes in 2020. 7) A Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge ruled on November 10, 2023, that WEC can no longer be the pass-through for an elector who is requesting an absentee ballot from their local Clerk.  This is and has been illegal for decades and now it is shut down.  Nearly 2 million electors voted absentee in 2020 with many of them requesting their absentee ballot through WEC, which is now and always has been illegal.
Georgia wastes about $790 THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH TIME they need to send out election mail state wide. Mail in Ballots are even more wasteful and lose chain of custody. The People's Audit Public Undeliverable Voter reports are coming for our other states shortly. Feel free to bookmark and share them. And if you click on any county numbers, you can get the contact information for the county office responsible for that number of active voters with no good mailing address.
Texas wastes about $3 MILLION DOLLARS EACH TIME they need to send out election mail state wide. Mail in Ballots are even more wasteful. The People's Audit Public Undeliverable Voter reports are coming for our other states shortly. Feel free to bookmark and share them. And if you click on any county numbers, you can get the contact information for the county office responsible for that number of active voters with no good mailing address.
33 Flash drive transfers witnessed between the hardened computer and internet connected computer 12 times in one election. Minnehaha Co has been using an uncertified piece of equipment = illegal and uncertifiable elections. Antivirus software not updated since 2019!!!!!!! The IT Department has been in charge of this up until this point. All this under the watchful eye of ES&S. Can you imagine the violations happening with elections not run by an IT department???
A five-page White Paper on Wis. Speaker Robin Vos and his pay-to-play scheme providing extreme details, documents, and citations: Vos is doing everything he can to prevent President Trump from winning Wisconsin. Even though Wolfe just wasted $650,000 of taxpayers' monies on defective absentee envelopes - so bad in fact the statement she approved to be on those envelopes would cause anyone who used them to commit perjury. After 7 months of talking and 5 meetings to determine the language on an envelope...and they got it wrong!! Be aware: if you use Meagan Wolfe's absentee envelopes and YOU WILL BE COMMITTING PERJURY, FALSE SWEARING and ELECTION FRAUD. See Wis Stats. 12.13 Election fraud. (1) Electors. Whoever intentionally does any of the following violates this chapter:(b) Falsely procures registration or makes false statements to the municipal clerk, board of election commissioners or any other election official whether or not under oath. ~ Peter Bernegger
In January, 49 BC, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River with his army. The Rubicon River was the natural boundary between Rome & Gaul. Bringing an army into Rome was illegal. This act started a civil war that would end the Roman Republic and create the Roman Empire. Caesar’s act of “crossing the Rubicon” became a synonymous phrase that meant going past the point of no return. Another quote comes to mind; “When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson. Well, the Uniparty has crossed the Rubicon with this verdict, and struck at the king. Did they kill Trump with this verdict? Hell no. They just made him more popular than ever. And they’ve revealed themselves as a mortal threat to every man, woman and’s child in these United States; because if they can do this to Trump, they can do it to us all. We are living through history folks. Just remember…they struck at the king, and they missed.
BREAKING: Trump Raises RECORD SHATTERING $34.8 MILLION in Less Than 24 Hours – Nearly Double Previous Record!
Trump will be fine. However, the country may not. But damn… They’ve impeached him twice, shut down the entire country, stole an election, took away hundreds of millions dollars and his business license, accused him of rape (and produced NO evidence) and then completely twisted any shred of faith in our judicial system to convict him of 34 felonies that they pumped up from misdemeanors and provided no evidence beyond testimony of a twice- convicted perjurer. And they’re still chasing him over inciting an insurrection when NO ONE has been charged under 18 USC 2383 and classified documents…that we now know where SHIPPED TO HIM by the GSA. They spied on his campaign, arrested his NSA Director, raided his home, lied to him about troop movements in Syria, had discussions with a foreign adversary behind his back to subvert his authority, 93% negative news coverage from our CIA-media And he’s still the front-runner. Because while they’re doing all that, gas is $4/gallon. Groceries are up 30%. Mortgage rates are over 7%. The world is burning and we’re funding both sides in it. Time to put the crazies back in the asylum. TRUMP 2024: REVENGE TOUR
When (not if) we pull this off, Trump will go down in history as the next George Washington. We will be renaming buildings, bridges, and roads all over the country. Along with making room for him on Mount Rushmore.
Media files
Repost from Peter Bernegger
Ten Attorneys Against Us Now! America you have a front row seat to how the liberals are stealing our elections (one way of many). In our lawsuit against the Wisconsin Election Commission and the squatter Meagan Wolfe, we have a TRO right now from the Judge banning any election clerk in Wisconsin from using the new absentee envelopes. Opposing us: Defendants: Wisconsin Elections Commission, Meagan Wolfe - Attorneys: Keenan Brian Patrick, Roth Colin T.. Intervenor: Democratic National Committee - Attorneys: Curtis Charles Grant, Jr., Rosenzweig Stacie H, Conley Will M., Devaney John M., Hawley Jonathan P. Intervenor: Eastman Kathleen F. - Attorneys: same as DNC. Intervenor: Disability Rights of Wisconsin, Attorneys: Lenz Daniel Spector, Thompson Scott, Edwards T.R.. Intervenor: The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, same as Kathleen’s. The liberal groups above, who could care less about women or the disabled, met with Wolfe and rigged the absentee ballot envelope by printing unlawful language on it - in short making it easier to mail in fraudulent absentee ballots. See tweet below for more background details. Now, basically all they would have to do to fix this is 1) run the envelopes they already printed back through and blacken out the illegal sentence, 2) hold an emergency hearing and vote on rules/changes. BUT they are not doing this and instead showed up with ten attorneys against us! Why you ask? Because this shows overwhelmingly they rigged the absentee envelope to skirt state statute. A statute there to protective us all from election fraud via mail in ballots. Wis Stats. 6.86(1)(ac). They don't want the cheaters, the ballot mills, to have to print out the original ballot request (created by the voter), sign it, and include it in the mail back envelope. Think of that - just print one page out, sign it, wait till the ballot comes in the mail from your local clerk, include the one page in with the ballot and mail back. Oh No - can't do that says WEC and squatter Wolfe as it is so burdensome! But the real reason is they don't want to have to forge all those signatures on phony absentee ballots (forgery), and, in addition commit election fraud, plus they don't want their ballot mills and mules to be on the hook for US mail fraud. See, this is why the libs filed a lawsuit directly to the Wis. State Supreme Court to re-instate drop boxes. Because they mules are nervous facing all those crimes otherwise. "Wisconsin governor urges state Supreme Court to revoke restrictions on absentee ballot drop boxes" WEAU News. Ha! even liberal I-have-dementia-Governor Tony Evers knows they need all those fraudulent mail in ballots for any chance for Biden to "win". And the six Wisconsin Election Commission Commissioners are fighting against clear statute - they have some surprises coming from Patriots I've spoken too as all are now completely wide open to have civil rights lawsuits filed against them personally. Each is open to having criminal charges filed against them. Wis Stats 12.13(1)(h) for one example. So right now you are eye witnessing state officials trying to commit election fraud, and cause the election clerks to do so also. Unbelievable. ~ Peter Bernegger
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Peter Bernegger

Independent Journalist, exposing election fraud.

🔥 5
Repost from Gateway Pundit
BREAKING: Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Comes Clean – Admits COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It
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BREAKING: Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Come Clean - Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

That only took four years!

💯 10
Відео недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
Stop ... Look ... Listen ... Think about the Phil Lyman story.
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Truth Recaptured The Lyman Story.mp452.60 MB
5🙏 1
Repost from Gateway Pundit
Supreme Court Sides With Biden Regime — Denies InfoWars Host Owen Shroyer’s Appeal Against Sham J6 Conviction — Despite Never Entering Capitol Building!
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Supreme Court Sides With Biden Regime — Denies InfoWars Host Owen Shroyer's Appeal Against Sham J6 Conviction — Despite Never Entering Capitol Building! | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

The Supreme Court has denied an appeal from InfoWars host Owen Shroyer against his conviction related to January 6th protests.

🤬 12 Don’t pay to read their trash but I just presented two precincts which are home to the mail forwarding fraud with voter challenges and successfully lobbied a precinct board to accept the absentee ballot challenge and one precinct agreed to reject dozens of unidentified voters ballots whose original voter registrations were perjured. This is a HUGE WIN at the lowest jurisdiction available- the precinct! I was alone as a citizen and had to present my case before the board against the States Attorney and Deputy States Attorney, and I won! 🙌
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Absentee ballots challenged in Minnehaha County

Election integrity activist wants hundreds of ballots tossed on grounds voters don’t live in South Dakota

9🔥 3🙏 1
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J6er Who Was Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison Steals the Show at Fauci Hearing
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IMG_7958.MP45.08 MB
👍 6👏 3🤔 1
Repost from Gateway Pundit
LEGEND: J6er Who was Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Steals the Show During Fauci Hearing — His Reaction to Fauci’s Alleged Threat Discussion Will Have You Rolling! (VIDEO)
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LEGEND: J6er Who was Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Steals the Show During Fauci Hearing — His Reaction to Fauci's Alleged Threat Discussion Will Have You Rolling! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

A January 6er stole the show during Dr.

🔥 9
Repost from Gateway Pundit
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Irrefutable Proof: New Video Exposes How Capital Police Orchestrated Stampede that Killed Roseanne Boyland on January 6 | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

New investigations by J6 have unearthed a devastating blow to the drummed-up ‘official’ narrative of the Democrat’s January 6 Select Committee.

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A censored Doctor during the pandemic confronts Fauci after being proven right about the vaccinations, the masks, and social distancing. Those who refused to follow the governments orders have been vindicated completely in light of all the information that has come out. Those who think for themselves have won this battle. "Everything I was censored on, I was proven to be right. You said in an interview that an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. *Plays audio where Fauci says that all objections to the Covid vaccinations were ideological bullshit* Are all objections to Covid vaccinations ideological bullshit doctor Fauci? In reference to making it hard for people to get an education, traveling, and working I'd say it very much was in context. I take great offense to this. ​I think America should take great offense to this. Making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people's ability to work to flourish in American society. Shame on you. Doctor Fauci, you've become doctor fear. Americans do not hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people's trust in our public health institutions. This fear, you created, will continue to have ripple effects for generations to come. Quite frankly, you said, if you disagree with me you disagree with science. Doctor Fauci I disagree with you because I disagree with fear."
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Omg MTG just tore Fauci to shreds. She brought out pictures of the evil dog torture experiments that Fauci to his face and said he belongs in prison, brought up the 710 million dollars in royalties drug makers made behind our backs, and the fake six feet distancing and masking of children. Fauci belongs in prison! ​"You were quoted saying it's easy to criticize but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. Do you represent science Mr. Fauci? This is as director of the NIH you did sign off on these so-called experiments. As a dog lover, this is disgusting and evil. These experiments that happened to Beagles paid for by the American tax payers. Americans don't pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. The type of science that you are representing Mr. Fauci is abhorrent. You made up the covid rules. Including 6 feet social distancing and masking of children. You also told the American people they had to distance they had to wear mask. Let's talk about the type of science you represent. NIH scientists made 710 million dollars in royalties from drug makers a fact that's been hidden...Is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the American people to get patents where they're paid hundreds of millions of dollars in royalty fees especially when these companies are recommending guidelines they made up like six feet distancing and masking children. Do the American people deserve to abused like that? You're not doctor Fauci you're Mr. Fauci. In my time, that man does not deserve to have a license. He belongs in prison." Lmao.
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