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Canadian Curiosities

Time to know the Truth Chat room link

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Freedom is free. So why do we let them charge us for that privilege and never actually have it? @canadiancuriosities
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I'm literally running out of care/desire/drive. People everywhere are upset the world is no longer fair. Like wtf people....when was it ever fair? I'm watching trust fund babies complain that their money is being squandered. I'm watching religious people preach down to others who don't believe in THEIR god/gods. Everyone is wrong but them. I'm watching scientists/historians and scholars lie to the public for money. I'm watching doctors poison and abandon people who really need help. I'm watching people who genuinely try to make life work with the best of what they got and its never enough. I watch 20 year olds complain about "the kids today"...what the hell do you think a 20 year old is? Still a kid. Sorry. Military is no longer a trusted organization. Not sure if it ever was. Maybe by the public....but did the soldiers ever trust them? Journalism is a disaster. Atleast 100 years ago in newspapers....they kept their story straight. Today, this network says that, that one says this...until 1 story and they all repeat word for word. With all that AND MORE going on....I dont have to tell you. You all read and look into more than I do these days. I've figured out ALL of it is distraction. The minute you read something and feel the sense of shock....its probably bullshit. Focus on the facts. Forget about the fact that the Hydro car inventor disappeared. Focus on the fact that a HYDRO CAR is possible. We might disagree with alot in this world....but can we agree that we all deserve better? Can we start there please? @canadiancuriosities
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Just seen that channels are monetized with ads and we are not able to shut them off until we as an administrator unlock level 50. Whatever that means. They say they will share 50% of income with the channel owner. But I didn't sign up for anything. Where will they send my $0.0257? I could use that to buy a house 🤪🤣 Like wtf! @canadiancuriosities
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You are just as guilty as I am. We wear our uniforms and play our parts. What does a doctor dress like? What does a lawyer dress like? What does a mechanic wear? What does a biker wear? How do they act? Textbook! @canadiancuriosities
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The more I study, The more I know. The more I know, The more I forget. The more I forget, The less I know. So why study? @canadiancuriosities
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Get ready to get your mind blown. Ok. So they say the oldest castles are older than vikings. They say they got to Canada around 1000AD. They were from all over Europe. So that would mean they left castles and golf courses and established villages, established farming and more....just to jump on a fancy canoe, which has NO ROOM for provisions, for how many men and they traveled across the OCEAN not a river a freaking ocean that the TITANIC couldn't even handle....but these canoes supposedly did. With oars. Then when they finally got to Canada they built 1 settlement and stayed like that for 2-300 years....even tho they had castles and golf courses and the comforts of the Eastern world....they stayed in the dirt? Even peasants managed to evolve their settlements once arriving, in less than 100 years there were, roads, railroads, parliament buildings, churches, schools. And they are known for ransacking villages. What villages? They were the first according to history. @canadiancuriosities
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And he had all his friends and connections....and STILL couldn't do it. I guess its not just us then. @canadiancuriosities
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Spirals. Coils. Spinning frequency. Clockwise or Counter? Does it matter? Would it make a difference? @canadiancuriosities
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Funny how 1 thing can lead to so many new questions. @canadiancuriosities
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Came across this write up that old green books are technically poisoned. Then searched it....its a NEW discovery. All these people had these books for this long and didn't know they were poisoned every time they touch it. Oddly one of the books are Hymns. Go to church sing a few songs and go home sick. Funny how we never heard of this before considering how old these books are. They had huge book burnings back in the day. Cant have people do that again without a war or some shit. So tell them they are poison and no one will touch them again because of FEAR! These old books could have truth in them that isn't confusing. They can't have us understanding things. @canadiancuriosities
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