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" I miss my own energy, I used to be so full of life. "
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It's nice to see a familiar face.
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Repost from مُحا
Pam: What time is it there? Jim: What time is it here? Um, we're in the same time zone. Pam: Uh, oh, yeah, right. Jim: How far away did you think we were? Pam: I don't know. It felt far.
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Repost from Headspace
8. Talk, share, or tweet it Sometimes sharing what you're feeling with friends, family, or even on social media can calm you down. Bottled feelings ain't good for you. Spurt 'em out.
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Repost from Headspace
9. Enjoy the ride Life is full of ups and downs. Obsessing about every little thing won't fix it. When it's sunshine, have fun. When it's dark and stormy, let it pass. Life is change, keep moving and you'll be ok.
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Repost from Headspace
5. "Zen" it out Thoughts ain't leaving you? Sit at a quiet place and take 10 long deep breaths. And the rest will be history.
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Repost from Headspace
2. You don't know Accept it. You're going crazy jumping to conclusions about shit that isn't even there. Sometimes it's okay to just accept and tell yourself "i don't know".
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Repost from Headspace
6. Do one thing well Make a to-do list. Write down two or three things that you need to do. Do them one by one. You don't have to do everything. Just do one thing well. Life is long. You'll make it.
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Repost from Headspace
1. That story ain't real None of it. That fear, insecurity, and that imaginary story you're obsessing about, it's all in your head. Every time you find yourself in that story, dragggggg yourself to the present.
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Repost from Headspace
7. Catch them 'triggers' Overthinking is a chain reaction. Like dominos falling. But! there is always that one thought which triggers it all. Find it and fix it.
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