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SPIEF ’24 – Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development It’s happening. Again. It happens every year, unfortunately. I am of course referring to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which is an annual gathering of the world’s most anti-globalist minds. As per tradition, you will not be allowed to enter the venue without a negative PCR test. SPIEF published a helpful video if you have questions about your Virus Status: REMINDER: Your fancy SPIEF digital ID will not be activated until you test negative for the Virus! You will also need to buy a ticket. Tickets cost $19,860. REMINDER:…... Read full article ...
Dear "developers worldwide", The BIS, Banco Central do Brasil, and G20 want you to help them build the global digital panopticon. "• The fifth edition of the G20 global hackathon competition focuses on solving sustainable finance challenges. • TechSprint invites development of solutions on environmental, social and governance (ESG) data reporting and compliance, overcoming the barriers to scaling nature-based solutions, and accelerating progress towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). • Open to developers worldwide; winners will be chosen in November by an independent panel. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) today launched the fifth edition of the G20 TechSprint Initiative, with a focus on developing solutions for sustainable finance to support SDGs. […] 'The journey towards sustainable finance requires collective action and relentless innovation. We must continuously push the boundaries of what is possible, leveraging the full spectrum of technological advancements and collaborative partnerships at our disposal,' said Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS."
Ultimately, the conference aims to help usher in an extremely sustainable world order based on carbon credits, biometric cattle tags, and expensive hookers. 👌🍾🥂
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Media files
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Sars-Cov2 Origins – “Gain of Function” or “Claim of Function”? “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” Richard P. Feynman A thorough review of the available evidence suggests that the emergence of a novel engineered virus is the least likely explanation for the event known as the ‘covid pandemic’. Notably: - The discovery of ‘novel’ viruses is a function of how determined we are to find them – the more we look the more we find, suggesting that the attribution of novelty to a virus is as much the result of a politicised process rather than something based on an objective…... Read full article ...
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This Week in the New Normal #91 Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Climate Gaslighting Continues Last month, we were told, was the warmest April on record. When there was a groundswell of people saying “No it wasn’t”, the Telegraph went full gaslight with this headline: Cold April may be all in your head Today we’re in the exact same position again, with Sky News reporting it was the warmest May on record:…... Read full article ...
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Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students. Take the case of Lucas Hudson. With all the negative press being written about today’s young people, it’s refreshing to meet a young person who not only knows his rights but is prepared to stand up for them. Lucas is a smart kid, a valedictorian of his graduating…... Read full article ...
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WATCH: The Rwandan Genocide Is A Lie Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called “hundred days” is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. That lie is still being used to perpetuate myths about the value of interventionism. In this incredibly important episode of The Corbett Report podcast, James does honour to the dead by breaking the staff of misinformation that the liars use to cast their spell on the public. For sources, shownotes and download options click here.... Read full article ...
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If The Wars Go On I suppose my title could have been couched in the singular form, as Hermann Hesse, the Nobel Prize winning German/Swiss author, did with his collection of anti-war essays about World War I (the war to end all wars that didn’t), If The War Goes On . . . Or more appropriately, I might have eliminated that conditional “If” since it seems Pollyannish. It’s a long hard road, this anti-war business. During the first Cold War and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis in the early sixties when Kennedy and Krushchev narrowly avoided blowing the world to smithereens, Bob…... Read full article ...
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Better Than… It seems that the concept of “better than . . .” has completely left the human experience. And wow, what a big deal that is! I mean the entire foundation of human, as well as animal, evolution is based on “survival of the fittest.” Even if you do not believe in the Darwinian concept of natural selection (I don’t, not entirely) you have to see the positive results of attaining a level of personal excellence in one’s own lifetime. Isn’t working to be “better than . . .” the whole drive behind living? We are always working toward behavioural…... Read full article ...
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“Nothing About Us Without Us” – An Open Letter World Health Organization WHO Headquarters in Geneva Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva, Switzerland Attention: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, WHO Dear Sir, This is a citizens’ sign-on, on the “outcome products” of the Working Group of the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) and the INB (international Negotiating Body), that are still being finalised, but which nevertheless, are finally to be submitted in May of this year to the 77th WHA (World Health Assembly). We respond as follows: 1. Lack of Public Scrutiny The Final Documents are not available for public scrutiny, They are still fluid, under secretive discussion, and therefore,…... Read full article ...
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Are the powers-that-be preparing to cut Israel loose? For decades, Israel has been “one of the club”, a proud member of the “good-guy countries”. A handful of regimes protected by a bubble that makes them almost immune to criticism or consequence, whatever crimes and evils they might commit. No matter how many ships they bombed or children they shot or open air prison camps they ran, the general tone of Western media was the same – Israel are good guys. Now, there are signs that could change, that the next step in the Gaza narrative will be a heel-turn that makes Israel an official “bad guy”. The…... Read full article ...
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And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming… The bird flu narrative is constantly developing, so I figured it was time for an update. You know…to keep you all abreast of the chicken situation. Ba dum tss! Back in April the scare stories were about Bird Flu jumping from birds to cattle and from cattle to people, and how – as a result – we should stop eating red meat. Things have moved on since then. May has been a busy month for bird flu watchers. Back on May 9th it was reported that 70 people in Colorado were being…... Read full article ...
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The global Anti-Human Agenda
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No, they’re (probably) not going to bring back National Service. As you all know, the UK is in the throes of campaigning following the announcement of an “election” on July 4th. One particular campaign promise has already caused a huge stir, with incumbent PM Rishi Sunak pledging to re-introduce National Service – mandatory military or some other community service – should the Conservatives win: Opportunity. Community. Security. This is why I would introduce a bold new model of National Service 👇 — Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) May 26, 2024 It’s caused a huge backlash already, with memes and videos circulating on social…... Read full article ...
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From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech “Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel uncomfortable.” William Ruger, “Free Speech Is Central to Our Dignity as Humans” The police state does not want citizens who know their rights. Nor does the police state want citizens prepared to exercise those rights. This year’s graduates are a prime example of this master class in…... Read full article ...
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Fire in the Soul: Nick Lyons With lilacs in the dooryard blooming a week ago, I was struck by a sense of synchronicity so strong that I stood stone still and sniffed the air for its direction. I had just written a little essay about my youthful days and the first fish I caught at the age of ten and my subsequent basketball obsession. Now I was out for an early morning walk up the hill by the lake above the town across from the railroad tracks. As I dawdled in the intoxicating fragrance of the lilacs, it transported me to other springs when my…... Read full article ...
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The norm-deviation tolerance test for authoritarianism If you think about it, you know perfectly well what you’re allowed to say. You know what most people will nod in agreement with, and what, on the other hand, will amount to a social transgression if it’s spoken out loud. Of course, in every society, there will be certain things that are not only part of the consensus, but that you just can’t say without committing some kind of faux pas. All groups will have certain boundaries for acceptable discourse, and there will be fundamental positions, narratives or factual claims they for various reasons really don’t like having…... Read full article ...
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"Let the lie come into the world. Let it even triumph. But not through me. The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ROBINMG 🚀
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Maybe better than we did Now, Godot the raccoon, now aptly named Myrtle-Godot arrived plump and tired and fuzzy at dawn for what would be her morning feed. She laid her cool fingers on my hand and touched me with her cold nose and then she sprawled on her side to eat which I had not seen her do before. Languidly laying there she reached out and scooped up the kibble at leisure with her little paws. I soon realized why. She was exhausted. There, behind her, five little wee faces. And I thought… I’m in trouble now. I had been plotting how I…... Read full article ...
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Asymmetric Idiocy I miss the 1970s sometimes. Not just the music. And the sex. And the drugs. I miss the terrorists. The old-school terrorists. Or, OK, maybe not the terrorists, but the revolutionaries who cheered on the terrorists. I miss the clarity, and the honesty, of that era. Maybe you’re too young to remember, but, back in the day, you didn’t get all this hemming and hawing about murdering civilians. The terrorists, and the revolutionaries who supported them, were not ashamed of murdering civilians. The Revolution demanded that they murder civilians. Murdering civilians was one of the fundamental strategies of the…... Read full article ...
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UK General Election Date Announced UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK’s next General Election will be held on July 4th. Speaking in the rain outside No 10 less than an hour ago, Sunak confirmed King Charles will dissolve Parliament on May 30th, with the vote coming five weeks later. The campaigning has already begun, with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer launching into a rather dull speech about “the choice” facing the country. What does this mean? Potentially nothing. Potentially something. The voting will be fixed obviously, that goes without saying these days, and it very much feels…... Read full article ...
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2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another? Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not working at all? Why do you think that might be? We’ll come back to that. Did you know we’re in a “breakthrough year” for biometric payment systems? According to this story from CNBC, JPMorgan and Mastercard are on board with the technology and intend a…... Read full article ...
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DISCUSS: Assange Wins Right to Appeal The UK High Courthas ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange does have the right to an appeal following his extradition hearing late last year. Assange was once again absent from the court for health reasons, but speaking outside the court following the news his wife Stella Assange said: “Now is the moment to drop this case…this case is shameful and it is taking an enormous toll on Julian” Stella Assange addressing the crowd following Monday’s UK court hearing granting an appeal for Julian Assange: “Now is the moment to drop this case…this…... Read full article ...
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A Nanny State Idiocracy: A Tale of Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom “Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.” Simone Weil, French philosopher We are caught in a vicious cycle of too many laws, too many cops, and too little freedom. It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or a Nanny State…... Read full article ...
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Screams for Billions – A Topical Fantasy Recently, billionaire Sheryl Sandberg (ex-COO of Meta/Facebook) released a roughly 60-minute film purporting to explore “the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023.” Though denoted a “documentary,” the film (helmed by Israeli director Anat Stalinksy) is in fact a pastiche of falsehoods, debunked claims, slipshod interviewing and unverified Israeli propaganda. A thorough dissection of the film’s dishonesty is available on Electronic Intifada for anyone who thinks Ms. Sandberg’s concoction worth the trouble. Naturally, Sandberg’s film is simultaneously being apotheosized by the likes of Bret Stephens. Sandberg says she took the name of her production, Screams Before Silence,…... Read full article ...
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The Killer Instinct We went to Rat Island to kill, but it was not rats we were after. I was ten years old, as was my companion John. The island lay in the Bronx River just north of the Botanical Gardens in the vast and verdant Bronx Park. It was accessed by a fallen tree trunk and held a dangerous allure. How it got its name we did not know. It wasn’t an official name but was known to all the boys in the neighborhood, whispered like a ghost story in the night. Some said the rats were the size…... Read full article ...
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Democracy is Not the Same as Freedom You hear the word “democracy” thrown around quite a bit these days. “Democracy is being destroyed in the United States by Donald Trump!!” and “Democracy is being destroyed in the United States by Joe Biden!” Every time we turn around we are being told that democracy is being destroyed by this or that—in the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, North Korea—oops, they don’t have any democracy to destroy, right? I forgot. Not only is democracy being destroyed in all of our previously democratic countries, but it is being destroyed in countries that never had democracy, or…... Read full article ...
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Military Operations in Civilian Disguise – Part 3 Originally published by Propaganda in Focus. Part One of this article is available here andhere, Part Two here andhere. Since government must be involved in the accumulation of capital to legitimate its activities, and since humans are, in the eyes of government, key resources, government must therefore be involved in activities that manage, control and increase the efficiency of these resources whilst at the same time fostering the spread of business. As we have outlined throughout Parts 1 and 2, history shows evidence of how…... Read full article ...
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WATCH: Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Unconvicted War Criminal The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking Israeli political and military officials. But what reason could they possibly have for charging Netanyahu with war crimes? Uncover all the dirt on the unindicted war criminal presiding over Israel’s crimes against humanity in this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast. Shownotes and download options for this episode are available HERE, for more Corbett Report content click HERE.... Read full article ...
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Menace on the Menu: The Financialisation of Farmland and the War on Food and Farming Between 2008 and 2022, land prices nearly doubled throughout the world and tripled in Central-Eastern Europe. In the UK, an influx of investment from pension funds and private wealth contributed to a doubling of farmland prices from 2010-2015. Land prices in the US agricultural heartlands of Iowa quadrupled between 2002 and 2020. Agricultural investment funds rose ten-fold between 2005 and 2018 and now regularly include farmland as a stand-alone asset class, with US investors having doubled their stakes in farmland since 2020. Meanwhile, agricultural commodity traders are speculating on farmland through their own private equity subsidiaries, while new financial…... Read full article ...
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Brent and Neil go to Manchester – Introduction Read the whole series… Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV – Part V – Part VI – Part VII – Part VIII – Part IX Brent Lee and Neil Sanders have released their 8 part exploration of Richard D. Hall’s Book and film called Manchester The Night of the Bang. You can download Richard’s book For Free Here. If you would like to support Richard’s work you can buy his book…... Read full article ...
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OffG is looking for (proven) fake news! We’re interesting in collating all the examples of fakery in the news for an article we are planning to run later this week. That would be doctored photos, proven lies, staged video footage. For example, there was the famous “bus incident” where two reporters from CNN were pretending to be miles apart, but were actually in the same car park. Or there was the “Rape on Campus” story from Rolling Stone, an account of a sexual assault that never happened. Specifically, one of our editors recalls seeing a picture where a reporter for a television network has “faked” a…... Read full article ...
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OffG is looking for fake news! For a an article we are planning for later this week, we are looking for proven examples of "fake news".
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Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms “The privacy and dignity of our citizens is being whittled away by sometimes imperceptible steps. Taken individually, each step may be of little consequence. But when viewed as a whole, there begins to emerge a society quite unlike any we have seen—a society in which government may intrude into the secret regions of man’s life at will.” Justice William O. Douglas The spirit of the Constitution, drafted by men who chafed against the heavy-handed tyranny of an imperial ruler, would suggest that one’s home is a fortress, safe from almost every kind of intrusion. Unfortunately, a collective assault…... Read full article ...
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This Week in the New Normal #90 Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. UK Assisted Dying Law The UK will almost certainly have legalised euthanasia by the end of the year, if not this government then it will be among the first acts of Sir Keir Starmer’s “progressive” administration after the general election. The propaganda for this has been going and going and going for years, but it’s been a particularly hot-button issue for the last few months.…... Read full article ...
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Anti-War Mothers – Celebrating Mother’s Day in the US I refuse to raise my child to grow up to kill another mother’s child. Julia Ward Howe, founder of Mother’s Day, 1870 Originally conceived as a protest to war, Mother’s Day – celebrated in the US on the second Sunday of May – has become a marketing tool to boost consumer spending to give suck to Amazon and FTD florists. Now that Rosie the Riveter, maker of fighter planes and tanks, is the face of feminism, we tend to forget that many of the early feminists were anti-war activists who had a deep respect for motherhood. Feminism has been…... Read full article ...
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Too Massive to Comprehend I remember a time not too long ago when you could sort of see what was happening in the world, even in your own backyard, with some degree of certainty. If you looked hard enough, got past the politics, and the greedy capitalists, and the ideological socialists, you could make some sense of it. Even then it took some work. You had to read a lot and find journalists, historians, and authors you could somewhat trust. Throw in a bit of common sense here and there, and you could pretty much lock on to a rather trustworthy sense of…... Read full article ...
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WATCH: How To Save The World! You know what the most powerful weapon in the world is, don’t you? And you know how to use that weapon to change the course of human history, right? If not, don’t fret! James is here to tell you all about it. Don’t miss this short, simple, to-the-point presentation on How To Save The World in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast. Sources and download options for this video are available here, for more Corbett Report content click here.... Read full article ...
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SPIEF ’24 – Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development It’s happening. Again. It happens every year, unfortunately. I am of course referring to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which is an annual gathering of the world’s most anti-globalist minds. As per tradition, you will not be allowed to enter the venue without a negative PCR test. SPIEF published a helpful video if you have questions about your Virus Status: REMINDER: Your fancy SPIEF digital ID will not be activated until you test negative for the Virus! You will also need to buy a ticket. Tickets cost $19,860. REMINDER:…... Read full article ...
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🤮 13👍 3
Repost from N/a
Dear "developers worldwide", The BIS, Banco Central do Brasil, and G20 want you to help them build the global digital panopticon. "• The fifth edition of the G20 global hackathon competition focuses on solving sustainable finance challenges. • TechSprint invites development of solutions on environmental, social and governance (ESG) data reporting and compliance, overcoming the barriers to scaling nature-based solutions, and accelerating progress towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). • Open to developers worldwide; winners will be chosen in November by an independent panel. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) today launched the fifth edition of the G20 TechSprint Initiative, with a focus on developing solutions for sustainable finance to support SDGs. […] 'The journey towards sustainable finance requires collective action and relentless innovation. We must continuously push the boundaries of what is possible, leveraging the full spectrum of technological advancements and collaborative partnerships at our disposal,' said Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS."
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G20 TechSprint 2024 - Technology for the Planet

The 2024 edition is being held jointly with Banco Central do Brasil and focuses on developing solutions for sustainable finance to support SDGs.

👎 5👍 2🤮 2
Repost from Edward Slavsquat
Ultimately, the conference aims to help usher in an extremely sustainable world order based on carbon credits, biometric cattle tags, and expensive hookers. 👌🍾🥂
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Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development


👏 8😁 8😱 3👍 1
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👏 15🔥 5👍 4
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Sars-Cov2 Origins – “Gain of Function” or “Claim of Function”?
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” Richard P. Feynman
A thorough review of the available evidence suggests that the emergence of a novel engineered virus is the least likely explanation for the event known as the ‘covid pandemic’. Notably: - The discovery of ‘novel’ viruses is a function of how determined we are to find them – the more we look the more we find, suggesting that the attribution of novelty to a virus is as much the result of a politicised process rather than something based on an objective…... Read full article ...
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👍 7👎 2🤮 2
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This Week in the New Normal #91 Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Climate Gaslighting Continues Last month, we were told, was the warmest April on record. When there was a groundswell of people saying “No it wasn’t”, the Telegraph went full gaslight with this headline:
Cold April may be all in your head
Today we’re in the exact same position again, with Sky News reporting it was the warmest May on record:…... Read full article ...
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👍 9
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Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson
If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students. Take the case of Lucas Hudson. With all the negative press being written about today’s young people, it’s refreshing to meet a young person who not only knows his rights but is prepared to stand up for them. Lucas is a smart kid, a valedictorian of his graduating…... Read full article ...
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👍 6🔥 3 1
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WATCH: The Rwandan Genocide Is A Lie Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called “hundred days” is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. That lie is still being used to perpetuate myths about the value of interventionism. In this incredibly important episode of The Corbett Report podcast, James does honour to the dead by breaking the staff of misinformation that the liars use to cast their spell on the public. For sources, shownotes and download options click here.... Read full article ...
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👍 12 1🤔 1
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If The Wars Go On I suppose my title could have been couched in the singular form, as Hermann Hesse, the Nobel Prize winning German/Swiss author, did with his collection of anti-war essays about World War I (the war to end all wars that didn’t), If The War Goes On . . . Or more appropriately, I might have eliminated that conditional “If” since it seems Pollyannish. It’s a long hard road, this anti-war business. During the first Cold War and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis in the early sixties when Kennedy and Krushchev narrowly avoided blowing the world to smithereens, Bob…... Read full article ...
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🔥 4👍 1 1
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Better Than… It seems that the concept of “better than . . .” has completely left the human experience. And wow, what a big deal that is! I mean the entire foundation of human, as well as animal, evolution is based on “survival of the fittest.” Even if you do not believe in the Darwinian concept of natural selection (I don’t, not entirely) you have to see the positive results of attaining a level of personal excellence in one’s own lifetime. Isn’t working to be “better than . . .” the whole drive behind living? We are always working toward behavioural…... Read full article ...
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👍 7