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🦁 Healing the Body 🦁

Empowering YOU to avoid the sick care system and to heal chronic disease conditions, through a holistic approach rooted in mindset, nutrition, supplementation, and TRUTH. Your freedom is my first priority.

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More results-based health care proving that drugs for chronic conditions like arthritis are NOT required… Client doing nutrition and supplements on his own. In approx. 3 weeks, he’s lost 7 lbs, hasn’t had to take any of his medication for arthritis for 2 weeks, and has regained some energy. And I don’t get paid millions of dollars. I also don’t poison people. But I do make them far more independent and healthier. Talk to me if you want to be next.
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Free Program Consultation With Derek Henry | Healing the Body

Book a free program consultation with Derek Henry of Healing the Body, to determine if the THRIVE Academy can help you reverse disease.

👍 3🤯 1
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This makes me happy. Moderna stock has been dropping like a stone over the last few weeks. Their defunding is long overdue.
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One of the main reasons I like Telegram, is I’m never “fact-checked”, censored, or suspended for dubious reasons. Facebook…not so much. I was suspended for reasons unknown to me, and likely due to a “fact-check”. I was told I could appeal, which I did, and I then received an email asking me to state the reason I believe I didn’t violate their terms of service, even though they didn’t tell me what the specific violation was that got me suspended. As I was constructing my email to tell them how unlawful it was to suspend me and ask me to state my case when they hadn’t lawfully told me what the infraction was, my account magically came back up. Glitch? I don’t think so. I know their game. And for the moment, they became judge, jury, and executioner of my account that has an audience over 150,000. Here are the other major places you can find me: Website: Instagram: Brighteon TV:
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👍 14🤬 3🫡 1
First of all, they pull a very popular stunt that is very prevalent in the food industry, and that is reduce the size of the product or amount of the main ingredients in the product, and charge the same or even a higher price. In the case of almond milk, it was revealed some years ago that the standard practice was to use a 2% ration of almonds, meaning, only 2% of the final product, almond milk, was actually almonds. As a comparison, in my homemade sprouted almond milk, the ration is 25% to make a nicely flavoured and creamy almond milk. So what else is in it then? Mostly water, which is the main ingredient in any almond milk, but how well is the water filtered, if at all? That's a question with serious consequences. Finally, to make up for the natural thickness of a properly made almond milk, they introduce thickeners like carrageenan, guar gum, locust bean gum, and the like. These ingredients can be hard on digestion, and add zero nutrient value to the final product. So what you end up with is a highly bastardized version of almond milk, which is heavily watered down, then thickened up to trick you into thinking it's creamy, and many are none the wiser. It's sort of like stripping the vitamins and minerals out of the flour used to make bread, then adding in a few synthetic ingredients after, and calling it "enriched flour" (another trick by the food industry). So in the end, you're paying for thickened water, with 5 almonds tossed in, and often some synthetic vitamins. If you ever did a taste challenge between a homemade almond milk (like mine), and the typical store bought, you'd immediately know you've been hoodwinked and you can never buy the typical almond milk from the store again. This is but one example of how knowing how to read ingredients and understanding how to make better choices, makes the difference between winning and losing in your health. Make you own almond milk, with this recipe:
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How To Make The Healthiest Almond Milk | Healing the Body

Do you want to learn how to make the healthiest almond milk? Try this amazing recipe, and forget about buying almond milk again!

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They tricked you in the almond milk aisle... Arguably the most popular alternative to traditional dairy, almond milk is not without its warts. Like many other things in food industry, many companies can't seem to pull away from the typical tricks and ingredients that put profit before compassion for those consuming their product. So here's what they do...👇🏻
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👍 2
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Obsessive sunglasses and sunscreen use are a sure way to create health problems later. Another habit that’s been heavily marketed and commercialized, to our detriment.
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👍 15🤯 3
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Here’s the quick answer…it’s NOT. Cholesterol is simply the reaction by the body to the trauma or harm, to fix it. Think of it as the fire truck attending to the fire. The fire truck isn’t the problem, but it reflects there is one. Understand cholesterol and what it signals if it’s high, here:
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👍 5
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We used to grow a lot of canola on the farm. I remember many European countries wouldn’t buy it because it was GMO. Yet, it’s in many products in North America. Almost like they’re trying to make us sick, then get us into their cut, poison, and burn “health care” system for a lifetime of gross profits. Diabolical. More dirty secrets on canola oil:
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🤬 8👍 2💔 1
They have us dying for a disease label, but does that REALLY give us answers that allow us to health the source of the problem? Prepare for an eye opener. 👀
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Why Disease Labels Are Distracting You From The Cure

Reject the need to have a disease label (it's a distraction). Get good answers and REAL help, so you can heal much more quickly. * Fix chronic disease quickly, in the THRIVE Academy:

 * Get organic and lab-verified supplements from the Health Ranger Store, here:

💯 8
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Distract and poison. That’s what they do, and here’s what you’ve been missing to fix your health, even if you are “awake”.
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