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Blood $atellite

Channel for Blood $atellite show.

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⚕️ Cumulative Vaccine Harm & Acceptable Poisons 💉 [After touching on the news of 80% of Americans being exposed to harmful chemicals through their cereals, they review the book “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Here he collects a suite of studies from around the world revealing the injuries and long-term health impacts of the over 70 vaccinations that are pushed on children.]
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🥰 7👏 2🤣 1
🔥 3
🚨🩸New Blood $atellite🩸🚨 #259 - U Wouldn't Tat a Tutting Nephilim [Dimes and Judas discuss the complex capital suicide pact between America and Israel, stanky femcel dating site Duolicious, and the infamous Online Harms Act C-63 which seeks to imprison Canadian micro niche ecelebs for posting too naughty. After hypothesizing which car manufacturing processes could be maintained through guilds during a collapse scenario, they launch into an in-depth review of Ray Kurzweil’s “Age of Spiritual Machines,” a comprehensive accounting of exponential technological innovation and biological evolution, with the prediction of how this will lead to a singularity after which humanity will fundamentally lose control of technological progress and become demigods in the process. Lastly, on this episode of The Copepranos Society, Dimes speaks with Aether the founder of Noisereich Records on their recent releases and his experiences founding a music collective in this space.] 👇 Click Below to Listen (there's a problem with the site images but pages still work) 👇
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#259 - U Wouldn't Tat a Tutting Nephilim [“AT my disciples listening to kill you can't be normal”] - Blood $atellite

Two Caucazoid psychos living in Canada and Hong Kong discuss dissident right politics, conspiracy theories, fringe spirituality, ideal catastrophe futures, far-right-cenobite culture, harmonyjamming, Canadian politics, splainsplaining, genocidal irony, and probably sex and video games or whatever.

🔥 8👍 1
Dimes welcomes back Dark Enlightenment for a rip-roaring tour through recent news including Leftists identifying with alien insects, Jon Stewart’s return to fake news, and the arrest of Tommy Rousseau of Patriot Front.
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🔥 10👎 1
😁 9
Did you guys miss THIS? It's an episode of the Sunflower Society's latest series, "The Margins," starring Friend of the show Pan European. This was a solid entry that everybody loved so do yourself a favour and check it out:
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The Margins Episode 1

The Laughing Man and Pan European discuss the next edition of the Magazine "Veterans of the Culture War", and then cover three substacks during "Substack Roundup" Finally TLM covers some memes for a b...

5🔥 5👍 1
just reading excerpts from Angry Video Game Nerd's autobiography.
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🫡 7🔥 5😎 2😢 1
👻 A Premium-Mediocre Investigation Into Phantom Time ⏱ [After recounting an article about the concept of Premium Mediocrity, Dimes segues into the concept of phantom time through the book “A Guide to the Phantom Dark Age” by Emmett Scott. There they learn of a conspiracy to invent the Middle Ages for regency purposes, the myth of Charlemagne, and the implications the absence of a dark age occurring after the fall of an empire has on our dreams of collapse.]
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🔥 2 1
🤣 19 12🔥 4