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Repost from MJTruth
I’ve been thinking about the Solar Eclipse all day… Not in a bad or worrisome way, and not really about the event itself… but more so on a soul searching level. I tried talking to wifey about all this… she listens, but I can tell she doesn’t fully get it. I imagine lots of our frens, family members, and spouses may react the same way. And that’s ok… but for some reason, we are just more spiritually connected to what’s going on in this world, at this point right now. I believe God is using us specificly for what we all feel is on the horizon. It’s very clear that our Government has tried to remove God from our lives, more so with each passing generation. I’ve lived 32 years of my life without ever truly noticing the walls that have been built around us our entire lives. Now I can see those walls so clearly and vividly. Those walls have been steadily moving in on every single one of us, no matter our differences, inch by inch, Day after day. They close in… So whatever everyone believes is going to happen or NOT happen tomorrow, or throughout the rest of this year, I truly believe the purpose of all this is that we need to repent and find our way back to God as a nation. I’m talking about the embodiment of living a Christ-like life; and during these times become a beacon of light for many; to demonstrate kindness, empathy, and faith. And to guide people. If you’re awake on this journey with me; God chose us and we have a lot of work to do. I’m ready for Gods calling. Are you? Will you stand on that unshakable rock of Faith with me?
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Repost from N/a
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He has risen, indeed! Wishing you a blessed Easter Sunday 🕊
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Today is Good Friday. Even if you aren't Christian, you have to admit that the story of Christ is spectacular in every way.  The fact that God would be willing to sacrifice the way a friend lays down their life for another when other religions have God(s) wanting others to sacrifice for them in sometimes cold ways.  I just love thinking upon that thought. The mere fact that Christ turns the status quo on its head for the people.  They expected a conquering king, yet the unthinkable occurred. He went and gave himself up out of love, for his friends, as a meek and humble man.  A sacrifice that shook the darkness to its very core.  Something all of us can dwell on and remember.
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Repost from MJTruth
I’m beat… 🥱 Listen fam. The realities we face right now are difficult and it may feel like a steep uphill climb. But I’d argue that we’ve been on that hill for quite some time now. The mountain just kept growing higher and higher and we didn’t notice. But now we do. Now we know. So is it too late? Are we doomed? Is there nothing we can do? No… we’re doing all we can do right now. At least we see it collectively now, right? God placed our collective spirits and minds together for a reason. Share what you can, where you can, and keep your chin up and do not give up. Do not give in to satan. Give it all to the man upstairs. Let the chips fall where they fall. Let your faith guide you. I believe we’re going to be ok. I feel like these are Birthing pain’s. It’s always darkest before the dawn. Unshakable _________?
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👍 1
Repost from Silence DoGood, MBA
It's March of 2024, and everything feels so upside down. I can imagine this "upside down feeling" is also how our founding fathers felt, before they decided to overthrow their Government via a declaration written out on paper, for the world to see - especially the prominent signatures of those who had a hand in its creating, in order to fulfill a mission of creating a more perfect union between God and man, forming a Republic, in the best way they saw fit. Founders such as Benjamin Franklin understood that "a Republic is the best form of Government, if you can keep it". Things that are cherished must be fortified, AND maintained. Whether the decay of the United States morally and ethically was a lack of fortification or maintenance will be determined by future historians. Whether or not we will have a future country that can study the past is dependent on us in the present. There are lessons for us to learn today, most notably, that bad governments are easy to proliferate and will take a stronghold at every possible turn, while good Governments must be fought for and are easier to topple with time without fortification and maintenance. But it's not impossible to defend a good government. Nothing is impossible when God is behind you, your region or your state! Our nation has lost its moral compass, and has strayed away from God Almighty, most unfortunately due to a decay in many movements over the decades that have left most places of worship in a neutered state! 95% of the population in the 18th century preferred to keep their King of England as the leader of the colonies! Only 5% of colonists at the time wanted a republic separated from the King and were willing to fight for it... Are you part of the modern day 5%ers? Comment and hit 👍🏻❤️🔥 if you are! Blessings! Silence DoGood @familyman20181 ☕✝️
Показати все... UPDATE ON THE FED: The FED had a nice little scheme going, but that game is over! The Fed just had a record operating loss last year of $114 billion, which has already grown over the last couple months to $141 billion! (See below)The Fed had always made money for over a century until 2022.The FED always portrayed itself as a nonprofit institution because they would give back any earnings above its expenses to the treasury.However, the treasury has been part of the IMF for decades, so they were really giving their earnings to the cabal! So ,of course ,they were deceiving the public! And they have their own little accounting system. When a regular bank loses money, it’s recorded as a loss on the balance sheet and a reduction of equity,or capital. But at the FED, an operating loss is put into an account called “remittances due Treasury” and they hold it on the balance sheet as an asset to hide the losses! Their own unique accounting system turns a loss into a gain! But under GAPP accounting, (you can’t hide the loss )the Federal Reserve is insolvent! It shows a capital deficit of -$88 billion! (see below) And that’s not even accounting for the losses on the securities they hold! Instead of marking to the market to show the real value of what they hold, they use the par value instead, which is much much higher, and they use the excuse that they’re going to hold the securities to maturity. This way they have an unrealized loss which they don’t have to disclose. The real loss number at the FED by reporting the real market value of the securities they hold is $1 trillion! Now everyone thinks that it doesn’t matter if the FED is losing money, because they can simply print unlimited amounts of money. But that is a lie perpetrated by media, financial analysts, etc… the FED DOES NOT have the ability to print unlimited amounts of money! Printing of federal reserve notes requires the putting up of collateral by the Federal Reserve bank that’s printing it! Here is the statement from the FED’S 2022 annual report: “Federal Reserve Notes- Federal Reserve notes are the circulating currency of the United States. These notes, which are identified as issued to a specific Reserve Bank, must be fully collateralized. All of the Reserve Banks' assets are eligible to be pledged as collateral.” So contrary to what everyone in the world is telling us,the FED can’t print as much money as it wants! And most of its collateral is losing value rapidly! So the main source of collateral has become the member banks deposits. But the banks don’t know that the Fed doesn’t have the collateral to cover the deposits! If the member banks got wind of this, they could potentially pull their money out of the FED, and it would go bye bye! lol They can’t pull all their money out because the FED guarantees their transactions, and keeping some money there is a requirement. But you don’t need all of the money to be pulled out in order to see the Fed collapse! So again, the FED, and many other central banks around the world are insolvent, or basically bankrupt! This will become more apparent over time. They won’t be able to hide this forever! And they are already limited In monetary policy actions, because of the destruction of their balance sheet. If they sell their bonds , they will have realized losses, and that’s a no no ! So it’s only a matter of time before we finally see the end of the FED and Central Banks! Everything I’m telling you has never occurred before! And this is concrete evidence that the FED is bankrupt! So this is a very exciting time to be alive!
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Fed reports record loss for 2023 amid surge in interest expenses

Rising income expenses pushed the Federal Reserve system deep into a record loss last year, the central bank said in preliminary figures released on Friday.

Some people think we're doomed, that there's no hope of taking back the White House, or turning back the socialist agenda to destroy America... when in doubt ZOOM OUT. Take a look at the real war, and how far we've come. In our entire nations history, compromised lawmakers have ensured the interests of our unlawfully appointed rulers, while granting us just enough of the illusion of freedom to keep us in line. The idea of the People unleashed is terrifying to the “elite” who spent centuries inbreeding, hunting kids in the woods for sport, being pedos, doctoring history, perverting law, and keeping people like Epstein on the payroll. We are trying to break free from a cult that has run the world for a very long time, and this is the closest we have ever been to seeing it actually happen. God saved you & me for this day. I’m so proud of all of you rascals who refused to swallow the narratives and truly Awakened! It’s an honor to be here with you. 🫡 🔥❤️
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Repost from MJTruth
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Every Single American needs to Realize what is Happening to the United States… Ever since the 2020 election year, the quality of life for Americans, our safety, and common sense have all seen a sharp decline.. The Defund the Police movement wasn’t an ideology that magically came to fruition from George Floyd’s death (Overdose). It was the perfect catalyst to bring about what they’ve planned for for decades; to try and convince people to accept the very decisions that would ultimately destroy them. • They want law abiding citizens to have whistles, to protect themselves, not guns. • They say people who break the law are victims, instead of the criminals they are. • They say criminals can steal up to $999.99 without proper punishment. • They want social workers to replace police officers • They say schools will be safer without police officers • They’re removing officers during certain times, to give criminals a window of opportunity to commit more crime. • Our borders are wide open, allowing entire prison populations into the US • They’re prioritizing criminals and illegals over law abiding American citizens. They are doing this for a reason… They want societal chaos. They want a civil war. These people are insane and a danger to the world. THE GOOD news if you are reading this is that we recognize it as clear as day now.. Society has been collapsing for decades; but it was happening at such a snails pace, it was difficult for each generation to recognize it. We see it now. We see what they’re doing… We must continue to Fight against their agenda with every ounce of our being for the sake of our children and future generations to come. The time is right now…
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