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Patrick Bouvier Kennedy


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FEDERAL RESERVE ACT 1913 “If you do not exclude them [Orthodox Jewish], in less than 200 years our Descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them Sustenance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands.” -Benjamin Franklin (The federal reserve act of 1913 was passed during Christmas break, when Congress was not in session, making it unconstitutional) Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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The Illuminati families who can influence world events Somewhere nearby, at the very top of the pyramid, sits an elite organization known as the Council of 13 Families that controls all major world events. As the name implies, the Council is made up of 13 of the most powerful families on earth. Most people are beginning to realize that 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by one percent of the "elite," but the Council of 13 families is made up of less than 1% of the "elite" and no one on Earth can claim membership on this Council. In their view, they are entitled to power over everyone else because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royalty. These families include: The Rothschilds (Bayer or Bauer). Bruce Cavendish (Kennedy). Medeci Hanover Habsburg Krupp Plantagenets Rockefeller Romanovs Sinclair (St. Clair) Warburg (del Blanco) I suspect this is not a complete list, and some of them are still unknown to us. Join 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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Elon Musk Joins Forces with Trump: A Powerful Alliance for America's Future Link
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🔥 UNMASKED: Illuminati's Sinister Plot for a New World Order 🔥 Prepare to have your mind blown as we expose the Illuminati's diabolical scheme to reshape the world using the principles of enlightenment. Banished by the Bavarian government in 1782, Weishaupt's group hides in the shadows, orchestrating a grand utopian agenda. 💀 SECRET ALLIANCES & GLOBAL INFLUENCE: From Rothschilds to Papal Knights 💀 Hold onto your seats as we uncover the dark alliances that bind the powerful elite. Discover the astonishing truth that the Archbishop of Canterbury himself holds the prestigious title of Papal Knight of Francis I. Jacob Rothschild, a figure entrenched in European knighthoods, commands the Queen's Order of the British Empire and the Order of Merit. Through a tangled web of connections, the Rothschilds wield immense power, with the Queen deferring to the Pope, ensuring their direct influence over European knighthoods. 🌍 THE SINISTER TRUTH: Masonic Grand Masters and Jesuit Secrets 🌍 Prepare for a journey into the heart of clandestine power structures. Unveil the shocking revelation that the Duke of Gloucester, brother of the Duke of Kent, assumes the esteemed position of Grand Prior of the Knights of St. John and holds the coveted title of First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Royal Arch Masons of England. As the Pope bows to the Jesuit Superior General, the tentacles of influence spread far and wide. Even King Abdullah of Jordan carries the mark of Jesuit training from Georgetown University. 🔺 ANCIENT MYSTERIES AND SYMBOLS: Phoenix Rising and Hidden Agendas 🔺 Unlock the secrets hidden within the Jesuit World Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Behold the captivating image showcasing nests, symbolizing the emergence of a growing Phoenix. According to experts, the Phoenix represents not only resurrection but also a false Christ of the new Aquarian Age, a revelation that will send shockwaves through your perception of spirituality. ⚔️ THE FAR-REACHING GRASP: Papal Knighthoods and Global Domination ⚔️ Prepare for an astonishing revelation as we expose the power wielded by Papal Knighthoods. From Jewish to Arabic leaders, their influence extends to the Middle East and beyond. Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-British billionaire, stands as a member of the Papal Royal Order of Francis I, with alleged links to Saddam Hussein's former regime. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's rendezvous with Syrian President Al-Basshad, another Knight of the Order of Francis I, reveals a web of connections that intertwines with the Constantinian Order and the Vatican-loyal Constantinian Order. 💥 THE ILLUMINATING TRUTH: Vatican's Hand in Global Affairs 💥 Prepare for the shocking revelation that the Vatican's influence extends to world leaders and pivotal geopolitical events. Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres, known for his support of the Vatican, remarkably deeded the Temple Mount to the Vatican after the Oslo Accord. Knighted into the British Queen's Orders of Saints Michael & George, Peres's loyalty to the Vatican raises profound questions about his true allegiance to regular Jewish people. As the dark shadow of apostate Labor Zionists looms large, their collaboration with Hitler's Nazi Empire during WWII, harmful radiation experiments on Sephardic Jewish children, and enduring influence in Israel today will leave you speechless. 🔒 UNVEILING THE MYSTERY: Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and Ancient Babylon 🔒 Prepare for a paradigm-shifting revelation as we explore the enigmatic world of Freemasonry and its eerie connections. Discover the esoteric teachings of the Kabbalah , a mystery school that believes the Torah holds hidden codes, rooted in ancient Babylonian origins. The striking similarities between Romanism and the Babylonian religion will make you question the true nature of power and its ties to ancient mystical traditions. #IlluminatiExposed #NewWorldOrderRevealed #GlobalPowerElites #SecretSocietiesUnveiled #AncientMysteriesRevealed Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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WHY did Q tell you that. Israel was saved for last? The reason is Israel is the KEY to bringing down the global deep state.... ( This isn't antisemitism.. Im referring to the Kazarian Jews the fake northern European Kazars who stole the identity of real Jewish people and created the ROTHSCHILD'S. ROCKEFELLERS who all came from South Germany where they created the Illuminati in 1776 ... And took control of the local governments and financed the trains and public roads and created the ROTHSCHILD'S banking systems through Europe and help JP Morgan take over the U.S. banking system after the Titanic killed the biggest U S. Bankers and richest tycoons who were against creating a federal reserve controlled by the ELITES ( kazariams. The Fake AshkenNAZI Jews , who only made a deal with the Roman empire and bought of the Jewish Leaders to become into Judaism and name themselves Jews..) Now to this day the The Elite families of Kazariams descendants control Israel ( it was [they] Kazarians who created Rothchilds banking etc etc ECT etc.... And then created the WORLD WARS to install governments and loan money for wars and created 70% European laws through war and propaganda........ To this day the GLOBALIST/Kazariams run Israel and created the United Nations and took over countries and governments...... Most people are unaware that the U.S. government and most democratics and Republicans are runned by the Kazarians Fake Jews. This is why Q told you Israel is saved for last (taking down fake Jewish sector that intertwined with the real Jews ...... You must Remember the real Jews are also fighting against the fake Jews Zionist kazars ... This is happening right now.... ) Your are watching the EXPOSURE of how a Captured U.S. government by outside foreign entities created a MILITARY COUP using the CIA. 3 LETTER AGENCIES TRUMP was PLACED to EXPOSE the THE CAPTURED U.S. GOVERNMENT. This is all happening and being recorded into Congressional records and The United States Archives and the Military sectors are recording everything. You are highly unaware the world is going to change. On a massive level as the CIA. GLOBALIST Western funds and fiat currency comes near extinction level . Right now in Congress a huge topic is taking place on Globalist powers and their reach into the U.S. system that is connected to an OPEN MILITARY COUP. World courts are looking to documents, files and servers that prove Netanyahu could be held accountable for crimes against humanity and mass murder and corruption..... If this fails. > WHITE HATS from other several United countries are going to keep pushing for his arrest. ( Later after the near Death civilization EVENTS come to a close.. military courts will go after Netanyahu) ..... Right now in Israel a near CIVIL War is brewing and white HATS inside the Israeli government are initiating a military COUP to unseat the puppet masters of Israel..... ____ The real story of the Illuminati reaches far back into the Nights Templars who created the earliest banking systems through Europe ..... The story of the Nights Templars goes back to the middle East where they found kings Solomons gold and the real Ark of the Covenant. Hugh De Payens one of the leaders of the Nights Templars. De Payens had family that was sufi Islamic Faith and they had deep connections to the secret society of the Brothers of the East. The secret society met with the Templar's Nights and De Payen and gave them the secrets of the ATLANTIS. The real story connected to the original hidden Bible and the Angels, aliens and different deity's that were connected to old Sumar Gods Mesopotamia and the civilization before Christ and the other several civilization hundreds of thousands years older and much like ATLANTIS. And their connections to the Anunnaki . Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
Why the U.S. is Pivotal to Global Freedom and the Importance of the First Amendment --- The U.S. as the Battleground for Global Liberation The quest to dismantle the complex web of the Cabal — dominated by the DARPA/CIA axis, and financial moguls like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds — begins in the U.S. This nexus of corruption, intertwined with elite families from South Germany who forged the U.S. financial systems alongside magnates like J.P. Morgan, has orchestrated a global dominion over military industrial complexes and world banking institutions. Historically, the CIA, an extension of these conglomerates, has destabilized over 70 countries, installing pro-Cabal central banks and puppet governments to maintain control under a guise of democracy. The Infeasibility of European Revolt Europeans, overwhelmed by the deep-rooted Cabal networks within their borders, find themselves powerless. The strategic military and covert operations led by U.S.-based elite forces crush any dissent. The populace, mostly unarmed and unprepared, cannot contend with the militarized enforcements of totalitarian regimes backed by these globalist syndicates. America's Unique Position In contrast, the United States holds a unique resistance capability thanks to its heavily armed citizenry — with gun ownership exceeding 120% per capita, the highest in the world. This armament empowers Americans to oppose the tyrannical machinations of the UN, CIA, and globalist entities like DAVOS, who aim to usher in an era of continuous warfare, population control, and Orwellian surveillance states under the guise of chaos management. Crucial Role of the First Amendment The First Amendment is not just a domestic right but a cornerstone of potential global revolution against these oppressive powers. It protects the free speech that enables Americans to criticize, expose, and mobilize against the Cabal's insidious agenda. In essence, it ensures that Americans can freely educate and organize themselves to resist the dystopian futures planned by these elite overlords. The Domino Effect of U.S. Resistance The fall of the Cabal must be initiated from the U.S., as its financial and military infrastructures are pivotal to the Cabal's global operations. By dismantling these from within, the U.S. can catalyze a comprehensive collapse of Cabal influences across major global institutions like the EU, UN, and NATO, inspiring similar liberations across the world. Global Unity and the Call to Arms As Americans stand up to reclaim their freedoms and rights, their actions will send ripples worldwide, encouraging and strengthening the resolve of people globally to stand against their corrupt governments and deep state operatives. 2024: The Year of Global Revolutionary Tides As we move into 2024, a unified global revolution seems imminent. Behind the scenes, enlightened military alliances are subtly undermining the deep state, laying the groundwork for public uprisings against totalitarian regimes. These military interventions will appear only as a last resort, ostensibly at the urgent request of the oppressed societies, to maintain the facade that the liberation was solely by the people's will. The Unfolding Reality and The Final Push The truth is, the collapse of the globalist agenda is already underway; what we observe now are the final throes of a dying beast. As these covert operations continue, the public must ready themselves to take up the mantle in their nations, to navigate through potential martial laws, civil unrest, and the pivotal moments of societal reformation. Trust the Plan. The Awakening is Here. TRUST THE PLAN. Q TOLD YOU. 🎥 Q has forewarned us. The scenes unfolding are the culmination of a well-orchestrated devolution strategy to reclaim governance and restore power to the people. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for every global citizen to participate actively in their liberation. Rise, unite, and be the revolution. --- Embrace your role in this historic upheaval as we stride towards a free and fair world.
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Quantum Inertia & Magnetism — The truth of the human body have been erased by the medical industrial complex. Read this old but fascinating article on magnetism & the human body. Qi, Chi, Prana, Toroidal Field, Life Force Energy, Zero Point Energy, Quantum Field, Connecting Consciousness, Aetheric Field — all labels for the same thing. Know ThySELF — You are a Divine Bio-Electromagnetic Quantum Being. ✨ Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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🚨🇮🇱 BREAKING. Video The International Criminal Court's prosecutor asks for ARREST WARRANTS against Israel's PM NETANYAHU and Defense Minister GALLANT.
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𝗪𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞? — 𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬⁣ ⁣ 1) 𝐈𝐧 𝟑𝟖𝟐 𝐀𝐃, 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬 presided over the Council of Rome that determined the Canon — or official list of Sacred Scripture. He chose the Scriptures which he divinely considered genuine, ordered and divinely revealed⁣ ⁣ 2) Between 397 and 467 AD, 𝐒𝐭. 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 — aided by the Holy Spirit — translated holy Scripture for thirty years in a cave in Bethlehem. It was called the “𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞.“⁣ ⁣ 3) When 𝐒𝐭. 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 had finished his works, he presented it to 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐮𝐬 who called it the “𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞,” — which means ‘𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬.’⁣ ⁣ 4) In 200 AD, 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 — a prolific early Christian writer — gave the term ‘New Testament’ to the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Tertullian is also the oldest extant Latin writer to use the term “trinitas” or “𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.” Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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A look into what role the Vatican plays in the cabal and what it has been able to influence and continues to influence in moving agendas forward. Join 👇🏻👇🏻 @MJ_Innocent
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🔥President Putin ignored King Charles. Why??!! New World = Plan A Join The Real Great Awakening
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THE SET UP< SETTING UP THE RICO ACT AGAINST THE DEEP STATE CORRUPT ORGANIZATION (getting this into Congressional records, U.S. archives and U.S. court docs is important to military operations to be activated) _Why did trump deny the existence of aliens UFOs and extraterrestrials in June 2017 (Trump says he doesn't particularly believe in UFOs When ABC News' George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he would know) BEHIND THE SCENE>]: CONGRESS/Senate/AG's guided by white hats Military operations and procedures are setting up the PENTAGON/CIA/[ DS] MILITARY/ MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX SYSTEM by placing some of the most important traps operations ever created to bring down the CABAL.>Through the RICO ACT< (which WILL all connect to open overt military intervention///military occupation/// Laws of War Department of Defense Military protocols_ _These very important plans to EXPOSES the deep dark operations of the [DS] that has stolen over 100 trillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in the past 75 years from United States citizens and government through illegal unsanctioned and unconstitutional programs are deep dark operations that were never approved by Congress, the Senate and sitting presidents. (This was one of the reasons JFK was assassinated, he wanted to EXPOSE the CIA regimen and dark deep projects and missing money, JFK also knew the CIA was behind a massive human trafficking ring with drug trafficking ring and JFK knew Henry Kissinger and CIA were behind the plans of depopulation with the Rockerfellers, Rothschilds >>>>> this is a large reason the JFK assassination files are still being surpressed... but that WILL change in a very important moment COMING) *Note_* When Donald J. Trump was elected and had his inauguration in Washington DC in 2017 his wife Melania Trump wore the SKY-BLUE ( Tiffany blue ) dress , ...> This dress color was very important and military COMMS ; This color was worn by JFK's wife Jackie Kennedy and the same color JFK JR wore after his father JFK assassinated. ... More over after JFK JR'S (supposed) death his family carried his ashes inside a SKY-BLUE ( Tiffany blue ) box and scattered his ashes over the oceans (* it should be noted that when JFK Jr body was found a quick 4 hour autopsy was done and his body was hidden and immediately he was cremated and within hours his funeral took place and his Ash's scattered...... NO time in history was a royal or Famous family's or descendent of Elites funerals quickly pushed into a half day event>>>> i have told you behind the scenes JFK Jr security and detail was called Q . and they had known the CIA, Rockefellers wanted to kill JFK JR... Because [ THEY] knew the white hats MILITARY were preparing for THE STORM operations>>>> _BEHIND THE SCENES>]; SKY-BLUE , BLUE SKY MILITARY OPERATIONS CONNECTED TO Q( THE SOURCE INTELLIGENCE DATING BACK TO BIBLICAL ERA AND MUCH MORE CONNECTED TO FUTURE _EVENTS > TESLA > MILITARY TECHNOLOGY> SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY> FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT TECHNOLOGY AND CIVILIZATIONS ) .... SKY-BLUE > BLUESKY CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS HAD BEEN BATTLING THE DEEP STATE >SATANIC CABAL> *TRUE SATANIC FORCES* that creates wars. Human trafficking. Child sex, Adrenochrome. Devilish rituals,mind control , human slavery systems, spirit control Spanning TIME</// That's the reason Melania Trump wore the SKY-BLUE (Tiffany blue) dress to the inauguration, and why she and Donald Trump Publicly handed the SKY- BLUE box to the Obama's on national TV. >>> THESE WERE MILITARY COMMS; To the deep state and cabal that the SKY-BLUE EVENTS OPERATIONS ACTIVE AND HAPPENING>>>MILITARY COVERT OPS AND DEVOLUTION PLAN +++ WAS SO HAPPENING/// and the end of DEEP STATE POWERS WOULD GO INTO COLLAPSE, THE END OF THE CABAL//// >This is reason the DEVOLUTION PLAN was activated by military and why TRUMP was installed. Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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The powerful death cult ruling Earth for all recorded human history. Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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Unveiling the Shadows: The Hidden Truth Behind UFOs, UAPs, and Secret Military Bases [CRITICAL DISCLOSURE: MILITARY ENTANGLEMENTS AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECRETS] --- Complex Dynamics of Military, Government, and Extraterrestrial Tech In the complex world of UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), the underlying truth involves a tangled narrative with Congress, certain Senators, and military commands, many recently briefed on real occurrences through White Hat Disclosure operations. ### Military Conundrums and Sensitive Technologies The scenario is fraught with risks as military laws and protocols are scrutinized to manage these sensitive issues effectively. The technology behind UAPs includes man-made devices, reverse-engineered alien tech, and actual recovered UFOs. This tech is so potent that it could arm terrorists and hostile nations with capabilities for mass destruction akin to Star Wars, potentially unleashing global chaos within minutes. ### Disclosure Dilemmas The primary challenge lies in revealing these technologies without compromising their operational secrets. Post-disclosure risks include: - A rush by millions, including billionaires and influential entities, to obtain these blueprints. - International allies demanding full disclosure, potentially sparking a vast black market fraught with corruption aimed at replicating this powerful technology. ### Historical Conflicts and The Nevada Incident The internal conflicts within U.S. military operations trace back to the 1950s, with factions within the military-industrial complex, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, CIA, Pentagon, and Raytheon, often clashing violently to control alien tech and UAPs. Case in Point: The Nevada Gunfight of 2004 A stark example occurred in 2004 in Northern Nevada, where a UAP powered by infinite energy technology crashed during a Lockheed Martin test flight. The recovery operation by U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal quickly turned into a deadly skirmish against Lockheed contractors, intent on keeping the technology private. This incident was swiftly classified by President George W. Bush, illustrating the extreme measures taken to maintain secrecy around extraterrestrial engagements. --- Conclusion: Navigating a Path of Secrecy and Revelation The journey towards full transparency in UFO and UAP-related disclosures is complex, filled with strategic releases and intense skirmishes. As this narrative unfolds, it reveals the precarious balance between maintaining national security and fostering global cooperation on extraterrestrial matters. The pursuit of truth not only involves looking to the skies but also understanding the deep shadows cast by those orchestrating these profound disclosures. Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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🚨🚨Shocking Revelation: Manhattan Project's Hidden Legacy of Human Radiation Experiments🚨🚨 Journalist Eileen Welsome has revealed a series of unethical human experiments conducted by the U.S. government during the Manhattan Project. These classified experiments involved exposing soldiers, pregnant women, and the mentally ill to radiation without consent. The shocking exposé details how radioactive substances were administered to unknowing subjects, leaving lasting health effects and violating basic human rights. Welsome's findings have prompted urgent calls for stricter ethical standards and accountability in scientific research, highlighting the need for transparency and respect for human dignity in all governmental and scientific endeavors. Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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🔥 Explosive Revelation: US Military's Shocking Plans 🔥 Back in 2001, an eye-opening revelation from retired 4-Star U.S. Army General Wesley Clark sent shockwaves across the globe. He exposed an astonishing grand strategy to overthrow not just one but seven countries within a mere five years timeframe! The countries targeted for potential regime change were: 1) Iraq 2) Libya 3) Syria 4) Lebanon 5) Somalia 6) Sudan 7) Iran Consider the weight of this revelation. With the US already intervening in multiple nations on this list, speculation reaches a boiling point: Is Iran the next target for regime transformation? Drawing connections from past events, it becomes imperative to analyze whether history is destined to repeat itself. As tension escalates on the global stage, the world eagerly awaits the unfolding of future developments. Stay informed as we delve deeper into this intriguing geopolitical puzzle. Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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FEDERAL RESERVE ACT 1913 “If you do not exclude them [Orthodox Jewish], in less than 200 years our Descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them Sustenance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands.” -Benjamin Franklin (The federal reserve act of 1913 was passed during Christmas break, when Congress was not in session, making it unconstitutional) Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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The Illuminati families who can influence world events Somewhere nearby, at the very top of the pyramid, sits an elite organization known as the Council of 13 Families that controls all major world events. As the name implies, the Council is made up of 13 of the most powerful families on earth. Most people are beginning to realize that 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by one percent of the "elite," but the Council of 13 families is made up of less than 1% of the "elite" and no one on Earth can claim membership on this Council. In their view, they are entitled to power over everyone else because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royalty. These families include: The Rothschilds (Bayer or Bauer). Bruce Cavendish (Kennedy). Medeci Hanover Habsburg Krupp Plantagenets Rockefeller Romanovs Sinclair (St. Clair) Warburg (del Blanco) I suspect this is not a complete list, and some of them are still unknown to us. Join 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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Repost from Michael Jackson
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Elon Musk Joins Forces with Trump: A Powerful Alliance for America's Future Link
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🔥 UNMASKED: Illuminati's Sinister Plot for a New World Order 🔥 Prepare to have your mind blown as we expose the Illuminati's diabolical scheme to reshape the world using the principles of enlightenment. Banished by the Bavarian government in 1782, Weishaupt's group hides in the shadows, orchestrating a grand utopian agenda. 💀 SECRET ALLIANCES & GLOBAL INFLUENCE: From Rothschilds to Papal Knights 💀 Hold onto your seats as we uncover the dark alliances that bind the powerful elite. Discover the astonishing truth that the Archbishop of Canterbury himself holds the prestigious title of Papal Knight of Francis I. Jacob Rothschild, a figure entrenched in European knighthoods, commands the Queen's Order of the British Empire and the Order of Merit. Through a tangled web of connections, the Rothschilds wield immense power, with the Queen deferring to the Pope, ensuring their direct influence over European knighthoods. 🌍 THE SINISTER TRUTH: Masonic Grand Masters and Jesuit Secrets 🌍 Prepare for a journey into the heart of clandestine power structures. Unveil the shocking revelation that the Duke of Gloucester, brother of the Duke of Kent, assumes the esteemed position of Grand Prior of the Knights of St. John and holds the coveted title of First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Royal Arch Masons of England. As the Pope bows to the Jesuit Superior General, the tentacles of influence spread far and wide. Even King Abdullah of Jordan carries the mark of Jesuit training from Georgetown University. 🔺 ANCIENT MYSTERIES AND SYMBOLS: Phoenix Rising and Hidden Agendas 🔺 Unlock the secrets hidden within the Jesuit World Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Behold the captivating image showcasing nests, symbolizing the emergence of a growing Phoenix. According to experts, the Phoenix represents not only resurrection but also a false Christ of the new Aquarian Age, a revelation that will send shockwaves through your perception of spirituality. ⚔️ THE FAR-REACHING GRASP: Papal Knighthoods and Global Domination ⚔️ Prepare for an astonishing revelation as we expose the power wielded by Papal Knighthoods. From Jewish to Arabic leaders, their influence extends to the Middle East and beyond. Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-British billionaire, stands as a member of the Papal Royal Order of Francis I, with alleged links to Saddam Hussein's former regime. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's rendezvous with Syrian President Al-Basshad, another Knight of the Order of Francis I, reveals a web of connections that intertwines with the Constantinian Order and the Vatican-loyal Constantinian Order. 💥 THE ILLUMINATING TRUTH: Vatican's Hand in Global Affairs 💥 Prepare for the shocking revelation that the Vatican's influence extends to world leaders and pivotal geopolitical events. Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres, known for his support of the Vatican, remarkably deeded the Temple Mount to the Vatican after the Oslo Accord. Knighted into the British Queen's Orders of Saints Michael & George, Peres's loyalty to the Vatican raises profound questions about his true allegiance to regular Jewish people. As the dark shadow of apostate Labor Zionists looms large, their collaboration with Hitler's Nazi Empire during WWII, harmful radiation experiments on Sephardic Jewish children, and enduring influence in Israel today will leave you speechless. 🔒 UNVEILING THE MYSTERY: Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and Ancient Babylon 🔒 Prepare for a paradigm-shifting revelation as we explore the enigmatic world of Freemasonry and its eerie connections. Discover the esoteric teachings of the Kabbalah , a mystery school that believes the Torah holds hidden codes, rooted in ancient Babylonian origins. The striking similarities between Romanism and the Babylonian religion will make you question the true nature of power and its ties to ancient mystical traditions. #IlluminatiExposed #NewWorldOrderRevealed #GlobalPowerElites #SecretSocietiesUnveiled #AncientMysteriesRevealed Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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WHY did Q tell you that. Israel was saved for last? The reason is Israel is the KEY to bringing down the global deep state.... ( This isn't antisemitism.. Im referring to the Kazarian Jews the fake northern European Kazars who stole the identity of real Jewish people and created the ROTHSCHILD'S. ROCKEFELLERS who all came from South Germany where they created the Illuminati in 1776 ... And took control of the local governments and financed the trains and public roads and created the ROTHSCHILD'S banking systems through Europe and help JP Morgan take over the U.S. banking system after the Titanic killed the biggest U S. Bankers and richest tycoons who were against creating a federal reserve controlled by the ELITES ( kazariams. The Fake AshkenNAZI Jews , who only made a deal with the Roman empire and bought of the Jewish Leaders to become into Judaism and name themselves Jews..) Now to this day the The Elite families of Kazariams descendants control Israel ( it was [they] Kazarians who created Rothchilds banking etc etc ECT etc.... And then created the WORLD WARS to install governments and loan money for wars and created 70% European laws through war and propaganda........ To this day the GLOBALIST/Kazariams run Israel and created the United Nations and took over countries and governments...... Most people are unaware that the U.S. government and most democratics and Republicans are runned by the Kazarians Fake Jews. This is why Q told you Israel is saved for last (taking down fake Jewish sector that intertwined with the real Jews ...... You must Remember the real Jews are also fighting against the fake Jews Zionist kazars ... This is happening right now.... ) Your are watching the EXPOSURE of how a Captured U.S. government by outside foreign entities created a MILITARY COUP using the CIA. 3 LETTER AGENCIES TRUMP was PLACED to EXPOSE the THE CAPTURED U.S. GOVERNMENT. This is all happening and being recorded into Congressional records and The United States Archives and the Military sectors are recording everything. You are highly unaware the world is going to change. On a massive level as the CIA. GLOBALIST Western funds and fiat currency comes near extinction level . Right now in Congress a huge topic is taking place on Globalist powers and their reach into the U.S. system that is connected to an OPEN MILITARY COUP. World courts are looking to documents, files and servers that prove Netanyahu could be held accountable for crimes against humanity and mass murder and corruption..... If this fails. > WHITE HATS from other several United countries are going to keep pushing for his arrest. ( Later after the near Death civilization EVENTS come to a close.. military courts will go after Netanyahu) ..... Right now in Israel a near CIVIL War is brewing and white HATS inside the Israeli government are initiating a military COUP to unseat the puppet masters of Israel..... ____ The real story of the Illuminati reaches far back into the Nights Templars who created the earliest banking systems through Europe ..... The story of the Nights Templars goes back to the middle East where they found kings Solomons gold and the real Ark of the Covenant. Hugh De Payens one of the leaders of the Nights Templars. De Payens had family that was sufi Islamic Faith and they had deep connections to the secret society of the Brothers of the East. The secret society met with the Templar's Nights and De Payen and gave them the secrets of the ATLANTIS. The real story connected to the original hidden Bible and the Angels, aliens and different deity's that were connected to old Sumar Gods Mesopotamia and the civilization before Christ and the other several civilization hundreds of thousands years older and much like ATLANTIS. And their connections to the Anunnaki . Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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Why the U.S. is Pivotal to Global Freedom and the Importance of the First Amendment --- The U.S. as the Battleground for Global Liberation The quest to dismantle the complex web of the Cabal — dominated by the DARPA/CIA axis, and financial moguls like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds — begins in the U.S. This nexus of corruption, intertwined with elite families from South Germany who forged the U.S. financial systems alongside magnates like J.P. Morgan, has orchestrated a global dominion over military industrial complexes and world banking institutions. Historically, the CIA, an extension of these conglomerates, has destabilized over 70 countries, installing pro-Cabal central banks and puppet governments to maintain control under a guise of democracy. The Infeasibility of European Revolt Europeans, overwhelmed by the deep-rooted Cabal networks within their borders, find themselves powerless. The strategic military and covert operations led by U.S.-based elite forces crush any dissent. The populace, mostly unarmed and unprepared, cannot contend with the militarized enforcements of totalitarian regimes backed by these globalist syndicates. America's Unique Position In contrast, the United States holds a unique resistance capability thanks to its heavily armed citizenry — with gun ownership exceeding 120% per capita, the highest in the world. This armament empowers Americans to oppose the tyrannical machinations of the UN, CIA, and globalist entities like DAVOS, who aim to usher in an era of continuous warfare, population control, and Orwellian surveillance states under the guise of chaos management. Crucial Role of the First Amendment The First Amendment is not just a domestic right but a cornerstone of potential global revolution against these oppressive powers. It protects the free speech that enables Americans to criticize, expose, and mobilize against the Cabal's insidious agenda. In essence, it ensures that Americans can freely educate and organize themselves to resist the dystopian futures planned by these elite overlords. The Domino Effect of U.S. Resistance The fall of the Cabal must be initiated from the U.S., as its financial and military infrastructures are pivotal to the Cabal's global operations. By dismantling these from within, the U.S. can catalyze a comprehensive collapse of Cabal influences across major global institutions like the EU, UN, and NATO, inspiring similar liberations across the world. Global Unity and the Call to Arms As Americans stand up to reclaim their freedoms and rights, their actions will send ripples worldwide, encouraging and strengthening the resolve of people globally to stand against their corrupt governments and deep state operatives. 2024: The Year of Global Revolutionary Tides As we move into 2024, a unified global revolution seems imminent. Behind the scenes, enlightened military alliances are subtly undermining the deep state, laying the groundwork for public uprisings against totalitarian regimes. These military interventions will appear only as a last resort, ostensibly at the urgent request of the oppressed societies, to maintain the facade that the liberation was solely by the people's will. The Unfolding Reality and The Final Push The truth is, the collapse of the globalist agenda is already underway; what we observe now are the final throes of a dying beast. As these covert operations continue, the public must ready themselves to take up the mantle in their nations, to navigate through potential martial laws, civil unrest, and the pivotal moments of societal reformation. Trust the Plan. The Awakening is Here. TRUST THE PLAN. Q TOLD YOU. 🎥 Q has forewarned us. The scenes unfolding are the culmination of a well-orchestrated devolution strategy to reclaim governance and restore power to the people. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for every global citizen to participate actively in their liberation. Rise, unite, and be the revolution. --- Embrace your role in this historic upheaval as we stride towards a free and fair world.
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Quantum Inertia & Magnetism — The truth of the human body have been erased by the medical industrial complex. Read this old but fascinating article on magnetism & the human body. Qi, Chi, Prana, Toroidal Field, Life Force Energy, Zero Point Energy, Quantum Field, Connecting Consciousness, Aetheric Field — all labels for the same thing. Know ThySELF — You are a Divine Bio-Electromagnetic Quantum Being. ✨ Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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🚨🇮🇱 BREAKING. Video The International Criminal Court's prosecutor asks for ARREST WARRANTS against Israel's PM NETANYAHU and Defense Minister GALLANT.
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𝗪𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞? — 𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬⁣ ⁣ 1) 𝐈𝐧 𝟑𝟖𝟐 𝐀𝐃, 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬 presided over the Council of Rome that determined the Canon — or official list of Sacred Scripture. He chose the Scriptures which he divinely considered genuine, ordered and divinely revealed⁣ ⁣ 2) Between 397 and 467 AD, 𝐒𝐭. 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 — aided by the Holy Spirit — translated holy Scripture for thirty years in a cave in Bethlehem. It was called the “𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞.“⁣ ⁣ 3) When 𝐒𝐭. 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞 had finished his works, he presented it to 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐮𝐬 who called it the “𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞,” — which means ‘𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬.’⁣ ⁣ 4) In 200 AD, 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 — a prolific early Christian writer — gave the term ‘New Testament’ to the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Tertullian is also the oldest extant Latin writer to use the term “trinitas” or “𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.” Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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