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The Western Journal

The Western Journal aims to equip readers with the TRUTH.

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There are so many creative ideas! via The Western Journal Telegram
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Maybe America will learn from this. via The Western Journal Telegram
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Nature's perfect snack. via The Western Journal Telegram
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Good relationships with parents are one of the joys of life. via The Western Journal Telegram
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In a world marred by broken families and fatherless homes, the role of the father as the pastor, provider and protector is more critical than ever. via The Western Journal Telegram
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Fathers Prepared for Battle: Leading with the Armor of God

The fatherlessness epidemic plaguing our society has far-reaching consequences, contributing to many societal ills.

Kristof all but called his leftist friends parasites. via The Western Journal Telegram
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Not only did the so-called Christian leaders want to strike down the pro-life statute, they argued that its mentioning God was itself the problem. via The Western Journal Telegram
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This Maine 3-year-old was left in a horrifying situation. via The Western Journal Telegram
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Plant Nightmare: 3-Year-Old Left with Horrific Injuries After Scary Discovery in Her Own Backyard - 'Heartbreaking'

The wild parsnip plant contains a toxic sap that can cause extensive burns when skin is exposed to the sun's rays.

The global box office had a rough 2023, and 2024 hasn’t been that much better. via The Western Journal Telegram
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What in the World? Disney's Latest Film Actually Exceeding Expectations Amid Rough 2024 Box Office

Disney has found itself with an unexpected hit in 2024. But what will the House of Mouse actually learn from it?

Imagine making that discovery in such a normally scenic setting. via The Western Journal Telegram
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Pakistanis Make Grisly Discovery in Location Known for Beauty, Immediately Contact Japanese Officials

One climber has been confirmed dead after a days long search discovered a body. His colleague is still missing.