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[RARE] The Voice of Hirohito - 1945 Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送)

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This is a 1945 recording of the 'Jewel Voice Broadcast'. The 'Jewel Voice Broadcast' (玉音放送) was the radio broadcast in which Japanese Emperor Hirohito read out the 'Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the Greater East Asia War' (大東亜戦争終結ノ詔書), announcing to the Japanese people that the Japanese Government had accepted the Potsdam Declaration demanding the unconditional surrender of the Japanese military at the end of World War II. This speech was broadcast at noon Japan Standard Time on August 15, 1945. The speech was the first time that an Emperor of Japan had spoken to the common people. It was delivered in the formal Japanese that few ordinary people could easily understand. It made no direct reference to a surrender of Japan, instead stating that the government had been instructed to accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration fully. This created confusion in the minds of many listeners who were not sure whether Japan had surrendered. The poor audio quality of the radio broadcast, as well as the formal courtly language in which the speech was composed, worsened the confusion. Nevertheless, it is an important and fascinating piece of history, one which marks the end of an era of suffering for humankind.

👍 10🤮 1
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