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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem May Allah allow us to use this channel in a way which pleases Him and may He guide our tongues and hands in all advices we present. Aameen

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Muhammad bin Sīrīn (rahimahullāh) once heard someone cursing Hajjāj bin Yūsuf after his death, so he said: "Hush, O my nephew! Hajjāj has returned to his Rabb. When you appear before Allah, you will find that the most insignificant sin which you had committed in the world, weighs heavier against your soul than the greatest sin which Hajjāj had committed. Each one of you will have a matter occupying him on that day. And know, O my nephew, that Allah Azza wa Jal will take qisās from Hajjāj on behalf of those whom he has oppressed, just as He will take qisās on behalf of Hajjāj for those who have wronged him. So never occupy yourself with cursing anyone after today." (Translated excerpt from Suwar min hayāt al-tābi'īn)
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Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi (rahimahullah) set up meetings with the commanders and leaders of every freed city. He would listen attentively to all they had to say, registering all their complaints, and writing down all their advices. During these meetings, he took it upon himself to listen carefully, and speak very little.   Just as Al-Ghafiqi met with the Muslim leaders, so too he met with those in charge from the contracted dhimmis. He would often ask them regarding those matters in their cities which he was unaware of, or the conditions of their kings and leaders which troubled his mind.   Once, he called one of the leading French dhimmis, and he spoke to him about different topics, then enquired; “Why is it that your great leader, Charles, does not advance against us in war, and assist the kings of the districts against us?”   “O Amir,” he replied, “You have fulfilled your part of our contract, so your right over us, is that we remain truthful in that which you ask from us. Your great commander, Musa bin Nusayr, has established his hold over all of Spain, then his power increased when he crossed the Mountain of Pyrenees, which separates Andalusia and our beautiful city.   “The district leaders then turned to our great king (Charles) and said to him; “What is this humiliation which he has imposed on us and our grandchildren forever, O King? We used to hear things about the Muslims, and we would fear their advances against us from the East, and here these people have now come from the West.   “They have taken governorship over the whole of Spain, and they now possess whatever equipment and ammunition was within it, and they have ascended the peaks of the mountain which separates us from them! This, despite their small number, and their basic weaponry – and most of them do not even own a shield to protect him from the strikes of swords, or a horse to carry him into the battlefields!”   The king replied to them; “I have pondered a lot about that which has crossed your mind, and I gave it intense consideration. I believe we should not present ourselves against these people’s attack, for they are currently like a running stream, which uproots everything in its path, carrying it with it, and throwing it wherever it wishes. I have found them to be a people with belief and sincerity, independent of huge numbers or excessive equipment.   “They have faith and truthfulness, which stand in the place of shields and horses. But give them some time, until their hands are full of spoils of war…and they have taken houses and castles for themselves, and they have abundant slaves and servants, and they compete in leadership amongst themselves…at that point, you will gain the advantage over them in the easiest way, and with the least effort.”” Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi (rahimahullah) lowered his head sadly, sighed deeply, concluded the meeting, and said; “Come for salah; it’s time is near.”   (Translated excerpt from Suwarun min hayaatit taabieen)
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We always complain to never have time for the good deeds. Yet, when we make time for something, Allah gives us an abundance of it. I used to wonder how the salaf finished a khatam in a single night, but never understood the concept of barakah in time. It's amazing how real it is.
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Ahnaf bin Qays (rahimahullah) became the leader of his people, despite not having the highest lineage amongst them, nor the most recognised parents. Many asked him the secret for that, and one said to him; “What makes someone the leader of his people, O Abu Bahr?” “Whoever possesses four qualities will be the undisputed leader of his people,” he replied. “Which four qualities?” it was asked of him. He responded; “One who has dīn to restrain him, honour to preserve him, intellect to guide him, and modesty to restrict him.” (A translated excerpt from Suwarun min hayaatit taabieen)
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The death of the great scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Ali Sabuni - may Allah have mercy on him, elevate his status through his love for the Quran, and illuminate his grave. It's a sad loss for the ummah, where ulama are leaving this world in quick succession: may Allah enable our remaining scholars to keep alive the knowledge which would otherwise leave with them. Aameen
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Ahnaf bin Qays (rahimahullah) was asked about the source of his tolerance and wisdom, to which he quoted Umar (radhiyallāhu anhu): "Whoever jokes, is taken lightly And when one does something excessively, he is known for it And one who talks excessively, errs a lot And one who errs a lot, his modesty decreases And one whose modesty decreases, his piety decreases And as for one whose piety decreases, his heart dies." (Translated excerpt from Suwarun min hayāt al-tabi'īn)
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Rabī bin Khuthaym's (rahimahullah) advice: "O Hilal, do not let the people's excessive praise deceive you; and realise that you are the sum of your actions. And every action with which the pleasure of Allah is not sought, is futile." (Translated excerpt from Suwar min hayāt al-tābi'īn)
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Rabī' bin Khuthaym's (rahimahullah) advice: "O Mundhir, none of you should say: 'o Allah, I repent,' then he doesn't truly repent, for that is a lie. Rather, he should say: 'O Allah, pardon me,' for that is an invocation." (Translated excerpt from Suwar min hayāt al-tābi'īn)
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