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Vet Service

*Education and informations related to Veterinary Medicine and/Animal Health *Animal production/farming *Vacancy announcements/promotions ✍For your questions or ideas use Email address: [email protected]

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2 115Підписники
-224 години
+187 днів
+7430 днів

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YeDoro irbata ayawatam blachu tesfa atikuretu. Yeinsisat limat zerf sefi new. Leloch zefochn mokiru. Yewotet kebt irbata, yesiga kebt irbata, madlebya, yebegina fyel irbata, nib maneb, yeasa irbata. Yeinsisat zerf ahunm yalteneka zerf new. Siltena yemisetu dirijitochm aktacachewun mefetesh alebachew. Arbiwoch kezerfu balemuyawochga bekinijit keseru bzu lewutochn mamrat indemichilu tirtir yelegnim. Vet Service, (Yeinsisat Tena Hakim)
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👍 1
Nyaata lukkuu Ethiochicken kan qulqullinaa fi beekkamtiin isaa olaanaa tahe namoonni barbaaddan  nu biraa arkachu ni dandeessan Teessan:- Magaalaa Maayaa Bul/ Haramaayaa - koka kolla cinaatti argamna L.bil 0934303434
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A good example from Health sector! Where are Veterinarians? Dear Ethio Health Alliance family, Our partner organization beloved mission is here to play it's part regarding financial difficulties General practitioners in Ethiopia are facing. Please helps us to identify areas that needs special attention by filling the form below. Those who fill the form will get priority when we start the program.
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Ethiopian General Practitioner Support Survey

If you are an active General Medical Practitioner within Ethiopia in need of additional support to successfully perform in your occupation, please complete this below survey.

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Ethiopia chicken/poultry farm | Theatre of the nature | Facebook

Theatre of the nature! 5:1

👍 2
Fina projects aimed to solve problems arise from drought. #Borena
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Repost from Vet Service
Some books on animal production
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