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The jews in power want whites to waste their energy backing one horse in a sham election that’s rigged against white people either way. Trump and Biden are both jewish-controlled puppets. The jews will make one of these puppets slightly better than the other to create an illusion of difference and choice, but none of it amounts to much in terms of actual policy. Trump won’t rescind birthright citizenship or deport all the illegals. He won’t stop brown people from flooding in the country every year. Biden will open the borders and legalize all the border jumpers. They don’t support us, so we shouldn’t support them. Putting white energy into a jewish sham election is a mistake. American whites, and whites around the world, should either be attempting to create new political parties that we control or some other form of activism designed to promote white segregation. Perhaps building a town like South Africa’s Orania as a safe-haven for whites. Elections are shams. Only rich people can win elections in a fake democracy ruled by media and jew fiat currency. White nationalists can never win this game because our enemies control the game. It’s like trying to beat the casino at blackjack or roulette. You may win a few hands or spins of the wheel, but will eventually lose it all. It’s time for whites to make a clean break from the Beast System and go our own way. Start small by moving out of the big shitlib cities where all the degenerates and non-whites are. Move to a smaller white town, start a small business, and live frugally until you can get on your feet. Find a white female suitable for mating and start a family. Red-pill your fellow white neighbors. Some of us are committed to the propaganda war and this is our mission. Not all are good at this or capable of it, so you can financially or otherwise support the people who are on the front lines fighting the information war. Start small, grow, and take back your destiny white man!
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The homosexual communists ruling Spain with an iron fist have approved a law that downgrades Castellano, also known as Spanish, as the state’s official language and the primary language used in public schools. The communists in Spain desire to destroy the nation, rip it apart, and eliminate the historic Spanish culture and language. This is all done in the service of subjugating the majority to the minority. The sadomasochistic race-traitor Spaniards who occupy high positions in government are playing out their guilt fantasy of being ass-raped by “minorities,” whether those are linguistic minorities or racial minorities. In the minds of sadistic deranged communists, any “minority” needs to have advantage and preference over the majority. This is why they pander so hard to fags, dykes, non-white immigrants and other self-identified minorities. Soon enough these wretched communists will start pandering to pedophiles, currently the most despised group in society. They will tell us that these child-raping animals are “victims” of prejudice and exclusion and that we must begin to “understand” and tolerate their “preference” to rape little boys and girls.
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Aprobada la enmienda de la «ley Celaá» que elimina al castellano como lengua oficial del Estado y vehicular en la educación

En contra han votado Vox, PP Cs y UPN y se ha abstenido el PNV

Africans rape white children on London streets in broad daylight, because jews lead niggers & brown invasion into Europa A lady recorded a school girl getting abducted in London
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A lady recorded a school girl getting abducted-London

Security camera recorded a school girl getting abducted on the way to school. Also a brave lady followed the guy who abducted a girl and saved the girl. SUBSCRIBE to be updated with the latest events! #truehero #london #abduction #girlabducted #bravewoman #videocam #caughtoncamera #girlalmostkidnaped #kidnapping

Jews: “Biden or Trump? It doesn’t matter! Both are Obedient Goy Puppet Cattle Slaves to Zion”
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No Reason for Panic: What Awaits US-Israel Relations if Biden is Elected?

The Jewish state has nothing to worry about if Biden wins the White House, believes a vice chair of Democrats Abroad. Although he is known for his objection to... The Swedish state, under the total control of the brutal Hebrew occupation, has been financing an Arab book shop and Arabic book fair. As soon as these moslems released the accurate and factual book “The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination” by the legendary Aryan truthseeker and revolutionary White researcher Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, the mood suddenly changed. Bloodthirsty sadistic Jews slithered out like poisonous snakes from the shadows and demanded that: “these disobedient goyyim cattle slave sandnigger dunecoon Arabs must repent and suffer for thought crime against Gods Chosen People”. Funding was immediately cut and Yids mobilized a giant and synchronized campaign of hatred and slander against these Arabs, even inciting violence against them.
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Skattefinansierad arabisk bokshop sålde böcker om "judiska världsherraväldet"

"Helt oacceptabelt" Nu avbryter kommunen samarbetet.

Instead of heeding calls of Remove Kebab from Aryan white men, leftists and liberal white women demand more of these animals be allowed into Europe. Instead of listening to the sound Aryan advice of white men to deport all Hajis from Europe, marxist race traitors continue to plead for more refugees, immigrants and backwards ape savages from moslem countries. The results are predictable. Malevolent jews will be more than happy to appease the white liberal female’s passionate desire to be raped and killed by sand niggers.
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Vienna shooting: fourth victim dies as police make several arrests - as it happened

Government confirms five people including suspected attacker have died

So the government bankrupts the country through various covid lockdowns and then says it needs to flood the country with negroid immigrants to “recover” from its own self-imposed economic slump. Problem, reaction, solution. These transsexual globalists will use any excuse to destroy the white race. One day it’s “economic recovery,” other days its “economic growth,” other days its “to fight climate change”…. no matter the pretext, it’s all designed to dilute our white race and replace us with low-IQ turd worlders who are better slave workers for the jewish corporations than whites are.
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Canada plans record levels of immigration in ‘roadmap’ to post-COVID-19 economic recovery

Canada will welcome more than 1.2 million new immigrants over the next three years, with an annual intake that could reach 401,000 in 2021; 411,000 in... The bolshevik political party ‘Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna’ (Party of the Left in Sweden) was founded by murderous genocidal jews and is still run by vicious kikes. They are asking for donations to financially support the abortionist yearning of Zion to snuff out the lives of innocent defenseless White babies in Central Europe.
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En gång i tiden reste svenska kvinnor till Polen för att göra abort. Nu kan vi återgälda den solidariteten. Stöd gärna Vänsterpartiets kongressinsamling! #ståuppföraborträtten #vkongress

The dykes and degenerates are on the march in Poland, one of the last few white holdouts of traditionalism. These deranged femoids and dykes want to overthrow the Catholic-oriented government and implement a satanic Abortion State where women sacrifice their unborn children en masse at the altar of Satan. This is why women’s rights is so dangerous. THIS IS WHAT THEY DO! They wreck nations, they incite against the natural order and drag the whole nation down with them into the pits of hell. When given “freedom,” women are a grave threat to everyone around them and themselves. Modern women are driven by selfish impulses, desires and fetishes implanted in their pea brains by the jew-run international media and jew-controlled education system. They are the most zealous foot soldiers of ZOG’s agenda to destroy the white race and they must be stopped at all costs!
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Poland abortion protests explained

Thousands of people have been protesting a near-total ban on abortion in Poland. Major roads and bridges have been blocked across the country, scuffles have erupted in parliament and church services have been interrupted. Here’s why the ruling has caused such anger, and why the unrest there matters. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter:


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