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Coronavirus Plushie

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I FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH UPLOADING ABOUT 25 'OVERDUE' VIDEOS TO MY BITCHUTE AND RUMBLE CHANNELS. YOU CAN FIND THEM AT THE LINKS BELOW. Bitchute: Rumble: OK, back to Telegram 'retirement', until something major happens. Keep well everybody. Hare Krishna! 🙏
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Coronavirus Plushie

My Telegram Channel:

My first you tube channel, now deleted, but archived here:

My second you tube channel, now deleted, but archived here:


🏆 11👍 10 10🙏 4🔥 1
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Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 - Citizen Space

Find and participate in activities run by Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19

Відео недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
The Health Forum NZ has for 3 years supported and represented a community of tens of thousands of New Zealanders whose lives were quite literally smashed apart through the NZ Covid response. Those who were severely Pfizer Covid vaccine injured. Those who continue to grieve loved ones who died shortly after their injection. Those who were employment mandated and were unable to obtain medical exemptions....despite very legitimate pre existing health conditions; or experiencing serious injury with a first dose. They lost their jobs. They lost their health. They lost their families through being ostracised and labelled "anti vaxers" . . . yes, even those who took the injection and were injured! The scope of harm is beyond the comprehension of any New Zealander who was not harmed in such a way. There can be NO meaningful inquiry without extensive analysis of the harms bestowed upon our population by Covid vaccination. PLEASE MAKE YOUR SUBMISSION TO THE COVID INQUIRY HERE:
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ssstwitter.com_1707463882083.mp428.61 MB
👍 10💯 3 1
On 23 July 2023, during a public meeting in Dunedin, Winston Peters said "New Zealanders are entitled to the truth, and nothing short of the truth". He also said that a Covid Inquiry cannot be restricted or narrow in its scope, and that it must be a public, wide-ranging Inquiry so that "New Zealanders will know the truth and be properly informed". But yesterday, Tony Blakely, Jacinda Ardern's choice for Chair of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid, said that vaccine harms are "Probably beyond what a Royal Commission of Inquiry should do and that that can be done by others" (which I take to mean, it will never be done). The Health Forum NZ has for 3 years supported and represented a community of tens of thousands of New Zealanders whose lives were quite literally smashed apart through the NZ Covid response. Those who were severely Pfizer Covid vaccine injured. Those who continue to grieve loved ones who died shortly after their injection. Those who were employment mandated and were unable to obtain medical exemptions....despite very legitimate pre existing health conditions; or experiencing serious injury with a first dose. They lost their jobs. They lost their health. They lost their families through being ostracised and labelled "anti vaxers" . . . yes, even those who took the injection and were injured! The scope of harm is beyond the comprehension of any New Zealander who was not harmed in such a way. There can be NO meaningful inquiry without extensive analysis of the harms bestowed upon our population by Covid vaccination. I have used clips from the documentary 'Silent No More' in this video. If you haven't seen it yet, I will post it below. Please retweet this.
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Coronavirus Plushie (@c_plushie) on X

On 23 July 2023, during a public meeting in Dunedin, @winstonpeters said "New Zealanders are entitled to the truth, and nothing short of the truth". He also said that a Covid Inquiry cannot be restricted or narrow in its scope, and that it must be a public, wide-ranging Inquiry…

👍 6💯 3 2🔥 1
Tony Blakely, Chair of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid, speaking to Mike Hosking. A few notable quotes from Blakely: "Vaccine efficacy is a very wide area. This is just my view as one citizen, is that it wouldn't be a good use of our time to go and review the international literature and work out exactly what the vaccine effectiveness was." 'There are other issues about vaccines, for example vaccine harms and things like that, which I think, personally, as just one expert here, are probably beyond what a Royal Commission should do, that can be done by others. But let's see what comes in on the engagement with the New Zealand public." "It's actually up to the New Zealand Public to come in with what their views are. We live in a democracy, so what's going to happen is we'll be collecting all those views on our terms of reference, on behalf of the New Zealand government. We then forward that data on to the Department of Internal Affairs, they analyse it, give it to Minister Brooke van Velden in April or May. She then sits down with the rest of the government cabinet and they decide how they want to tweak our terms of reference. It's their call." "We have been charged with doing the Inquiry in a non-adversarial way, so we speak to a lot of people and ask them to be free and frank, and we protect their confidentiality. The British and the Scottish are doing it in an adversarial way, where you have the lawyers in the room and it's cross examination, all the rest of it. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, at the moment though, our Inquiry is doing it in a non-adversarial way."
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Coronavirus Plushie (@c_plushie) on X

Tony Blakely, Chair of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid, speaking to Mike Hosking. A few notable quotes from Blakely: "Vaccine efficacy is a very wide area. This is just my view as one citizen, is that it wouldn't be a good use of our time to go and review the…

👍 4 1
Your submission is confidential. You can request it to remain confidential forever. When you submit (online) there are a series of questions about demographics like age, sex, area of NZ etc. THESE ARE OPTIONAL QUESTIONS ... You have until March 24 2024 to make your submission. Please summon the strength to do this. If you need help go here: USE YOUR VOICE TO TELL YOUR GOVERNMENT WHAT YOU HAVE SUFFERED Please share this everywhere including other platforms, messenger etc. (watch the video in this post to see what especially important factor has been completely left out of the inquiry. SHOUT for it to be included!!) Link here:
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The Covid-19 Inquiry - Voices For Freedom

👍 4 2🔥 2
Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
COVID RESPONSE INQUIRY NZ - WE NEED YOUR VOICE!! Dear New Zealand It's 8th February 2024. Today the new Government opened public submissions to contribute to the Royal Commission of Inquiry (Covid). You are invited to 1) Share your story of how the Covid response impacted YOU 2) Make suggestions for changes to any future Pandemic responses 3) Tell the Government what questions you would like including in the revised Terms of Reference - what do you want the Inquiry to research and report on? You can do 1, 2 or 3 of these options. SUBMISSION LINK HERE: ...👇
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🔥 4 2
I felt the need to come out of Telegram 'retirment' for a little while in order to share the following important video from Lynda Wharton at The Health Forum NZ. I'm also working on another video that I might share if it comes out OK . . . .
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14👍 2🙏 2
Just to let you all know . . . For the forseeable future at least, this will be my last post here on Telegram. But as I have a lot of videos in my media here, and I might want access those videos one day, I won't delete the account, as this would mean I would lose all those videos. In a couple of days however, I will be deleting the Telegram Ap from my laptop. If you want to 'follow' me elsewhere, you can do so on the platforms below: X, formerly Twitter (although I'm currently having a bit of a break from X) 👉 Rumble: 👉 Bitchute: 👉 You Tube (I hardly use this account any more, as You Tube just deletes videos too readily) 👉 My other You Tube channel While I appreciate most people might not be interested in this channel, it's making videos for this channel that I want to focus most on at this time: 👉 ........................................................................................................................ Thank you to everyone who's followed me and supported my efforts here in Telegram in the last 3 years, I wish you all a happy Christmas and New year, and all the very best for the future.
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Coronavirus Plushie (@c_plushie) on X



You Tube:

RT = not always endorsement

36👍 27🙏 12🫡 4🥰 3🏆 3👏 1
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