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TNPSC History in Tamil

History in Tamil

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முகலாயர்கள்-6 ஔரங்கசீப்-1 || Aurangazeb Alamgir || Mughals || History in Tamil

History of Mughal Empire along with Advanced study of Aurangazeb Alamgir in medieval India explained with simple stories in Tamil.You can remember the stori...

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முகலாயர்கள்-5 ஷாஜஹான்-1 | Mughals-5 ShahJahan-1 || Medieval History in Tamil

History of Mughal Empire along with Advanced study of ShahJahan in medieval India explained with simple stories in Tamil.You can remember the stories, which will help you to choose the correct answer in TNPSC and other competitive exams The reference book list will be uploaded soon Category

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முகலாயர்கள்-4 ஜஹாங்கிர்-1 || Mughals-4 Jahangir-1 || Medieval History in Tamil

History of Mughal Empire along with Advanced study of Jahangir and his rule along with study of Malik Amber in medieval India explained with simple stories in Tamil.You can remember the stories, which will help you to choose the correct answer in TNPSC and other competitive exams The reference book list will be uploaded soon

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முகலாயர்கள்-3 அக்பர்-3 || Mughals || History in Tamil || Medieval History in Tamil || Akbar History

History of Mughal Empire along with Advanced study of Akbar and his Administration,Revenue reforms,Military and his religious views in medieval India explained with simple stories in Tamil.You can remember the stories, which will help you to choose the correct answer in TNPSC and other competitive exams The reference book list will be uploaded soon