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The Faith Of the Fathers

Re-igniting the faith of men through the Gospel & connecting the fatherless to the heroes of our faith. Support: Website:

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Saved, Healed, and Delivered in That Order

Can a Christian have a demon? Do Demons cause sickness? Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit something beyond initial salvation? Today, I have a story from the archives of Argentinian evangelist Carlos A

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For Every Christian #christianity #christian #christfollower #discipleship #jesus #holiness #surrender #fullsurrender #submittoGod
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This is our once, God-fearing, town. This is our region, our responsibility. Please, pray with us for this region. We belong to Jesus, not to this cult and its demons. We want ownership over this region in Jesus’ name. The neighbors of our Church meeting place today are celebrating “Pride Sunday” in a building that was once called a Church. May our praise and obedience re-establish the reign of Heaven in our dominion.
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10 Signs of Pride #Pride #SpiritOfPride #evilspirits #deliverance #deliveranceministry #leviathan #spiritofleviathan
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Never Stop #deliverance #Warfare #prayers #pray #fightback #ForTheKingdom #thekingdomofGod
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A Confession of Faith and Surrender in Suffering. This is my faith: Jesus is always the good guy, never at fault, never to be blamed nor abandoned, and never will He leave me, not even for a second. Jesus is with me right now. (Matthew 28:20, Deuteronomy 31:8, Hebrews 13:5). Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with me. His rod and staff, they comfort me. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil, and my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23). I will not blame God. I will not point my finger at Jesus in accusation. Instead, I will lift up my hands and bless His name. (Psalm 63:4) “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1:21 NASB Jesus is not on trial, so that I might determine if He is good; I have already decided to follow, trust, and believe Jesus to the end. I have rendered my verdict and there is no turning back. “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him.” Job 13:15 NASB
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