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azadius (Shane Cooper)

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Please take notice that the People have assembled and realized that many tribunals have been used to attack the fundamental rights and liberty interests of the People by bypassing Constitutional provisions which are mandatory,  The People realize that attorneys and bad actors have created a statutory system that has no historical basis in the common law, which is necessary to interfere with rights to life, liberty and property. Maxim: A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles, and a firm adherence to justice, virtue, and original law, are indispensably necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and good government. American Maxim. All people, in all 50 states, please read, autograph and share this notice.
Please take notice that we the People have assembled and become aware of the erroneous adoption of procedures and processes by prosecutors and attorneys in America who have failed to follow fundamental due process of law. Maxim of Law 46d: Where the law prescribes a form, the nonobservance of it is fatal to the proceeding, and the whole becomes a nullity. Best, Ev. Introd. s. 59. All people in all states, please read, autograph and share this jotform notice as the people are standing on their absolute guaranteed constitutional right to due process of law.
Russia are sending a warships, including a nuclear submarine, to Cuba for joint exercises in the Caribbean. Russia and Cuba claim will be no nuclear weapons aboard any vessel, posing no threat to the US, but Russia have stated that they plan to arm US enemies with long range weaponry, after Ukraine used US-made missiles to strike inside Russia earlier this week. This could be the opening stages of another Cuban Missile Crisis… We are inching closer to nuclear escalation.
Last night on CNN, disgraced former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, created the greatest Trump campaign ad imaginable. McCabe says he and other bureaucrats are concerned about Trump’s “retribution”, and they might have to flee the country to avoid being detained. All the right people are extremely fearful of Trump’s 2nd term. Which makes me want to vote for him even more. This also blasts a gaping hole in the anti-Trump narrative that Trump is pro-FBI and/or is not going to drain the swamp. All the swamp creatures are scared of Trump, because they know he is the greatest threat to their empire. They know what’s coming.
Dirty Merrick Garland on Jack Smith! This is proof that Garland appointed Jack Smith without authorization or confirmation from Congress! Garland created an office that does not exist! Garland bypassed protocol to get Jack Smith as Special Prosecutor!
Former FEC Commissioner Says #Trump Guilty Verdict ‘Makes No Sense’
Some Americans will never appreciate America, until after they have helped destroy it, and have then begun to suffer the consequences. - Thomas Sowell
Do y’all realize America is already a communist country. Let’s critically think for a second. We have a credit score. This credit controls if you can rent a house or apartment. This credit score controls if you can buy a house. This credit score controls if you can buy a car. The credit score controls if you can get a loan. (When it’s YOUR money to begin with). The credit score controls everything within our lives. So, we are on a credit based system and we all just go along with it??? This credit based system is just like Chinas. Difference is China is open about their communism. Americans are being forced into this slavery without our consent! We need to stop! Get educated! Let’s STOP allowing communistic Satanist to play with our money and control our lives! When are people going to get mad enough and start rising up???? Subscribe for more:
NEW - Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he "made up" covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids. @disclosetv
End the Fed Now! Sign the Notice to Pass H.R. 8421! The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 overstepped its bounds, bypassing the Constitution's clear mandate. Article I, Section 8 of our Constitution grants Congress the exclusive power to “coin Money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” It does not authorize Congress to delegate these powers to an external entity, especially one with foreign ties. As representatives accountable to the people, we urge you to take action and support H.R. 8421: a bill to dismantle the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve banks, repealing the Federal Reserve Act. Join us in reclaiming our economic sovereignty. Sign the document to end the Fed today!
The “what has happened to the United States of America” response is common. Americans have been trained to complain. Believing complaints are sufficient for action. This inaction is what we must repent from. Yes, the Trump trial was unlawful & wicked, and our complaining about that is irrelevant unless we take action. “Taking action” is: 1) repenting of sin & obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ; which has a byproduct of fearing God more than government 2) repenting of bad knowledge regarding our constitutions; casting aside the foolishness that People are subject to the governments we created, and embracing the truth that People have all political power 3) repenting of internet solutions - the podcaster folly - and focusing our actions locally and in fellowship with others. This video will get a lot of views bc a common man is saying what many believe, but if there is no repentance then this video’s distribution will fade and the underlying wickedness will continue.
Hadn’t spoken much this week about what happened in NY with Trump and the legal system but I share many of the same thoughts you’re reading on other channels, with a few additions. Having been through a good deal of it myself during the past 7 !!! years , with the truth finally coming out about my own cases, (they were even more ridiculous than DJT’s, but I was attacked by some of the same Democrat groups by virtue of past relationships) , it’s clear everything was made-up by them and a complete lie. So. This is what they do. Of course, we’re so familiar with it now. They use the “color of authority” to make up cases, “control the system,” and try to manipulate public opinion the way they do, because it’s easy for them. It just involved making some calls and “pushing some buttons.” They like and want everything “easy.” But this so-called “easy life” (the way they see it), is truly a false prize for them. The lifestyles they are living, surrounded by “yes people” who are temporary fake friends, only there for the handout, selling out the country to China, to Mexico who apparently is the middle-man in all of this yet remains “invisible” for the most part, it’s brought the worst of the worst of international concerns to our doorstep, inside of our country and the North American continent where they are living amongst us. The “easy life” and “fake friends” that give them “comfort” will fade away in an instant while the changes to society and the future of the world are much more difficult to undo. All of it is, as DJT rightfully says, a complete disgrace. a COMPLETE disgrace. The way I see it, much of it comes down to complete laziness, incompetence, and wanting an easy life, by the entitled, entrenched “lifers” of the D.C. establishment. But seriously, HOW HIGH A PRICE does our entire nation, and by extension, the entire world need to pay, to keep these windbags behind their desks eating junk food all day while they drone innocent citizens in developing countries in the name of “Democracy.” They ALL need to go.
They do need to stop! But they won’t unless the people stand up and take action.
Media files
Hava Lynn also made a run for Secretary of State here in Ohio in 2022. She was not able to gain much traction but I know she would have done a great job if had been successful.
If you do not follow Hava Lynn, I recommend you do. She is a hard worker at bringing awareness to child sex trafficking here in Ohio.
Freedom is one of those things you don't know the importance of until you no longer have it. Freedom is one of those things that can be taken bit by bit until one day you wake up and realize you no longer have it. For some of us, freedom is something we take for granted. But there are many who don't know what it's like to be free. And so today, I'm grateful. I'm grateful for those who paved the way for me to live in the Land of the Free- to those who were brave, and gave everything. I'm eternally grateful to Jesus Christ for freeing me from bondages and weights in so many ways. But I'm also mindful of those who do not enjoy this freedom. The many persecuted Christians around the world Those bound by human trafficking all over the world The children being trafficked across our border at record rates And so many more I also realize that here in the US, our freedom is slipping. Again, I'm grateful for the Brave who are pushing back against this & I hope enough will join ranks before it is too late
Newsgate: Reporters Caught Coordinating With Political Hacks
Did you know Los Angeles has roughly 10 million residents? A quarter of the population of California. Bigger than 40 US States 5.6 million registered voters on the voter rolls. The liberal California supreme court told Los Angeles they needed to remove 1.7 million voters from the voter rolls in 2019. (Just under 30% of our registered voters!!!) In 2023 they FINALLY removed 1.3 million. Within 2 weeks they put them all right back on. Nearly a full 1/3 of Los Angeles voters are FAKE. This isn't speculation. Lawsuits, and judgements from a liberal California supreme court support what I say. Yet nobody stands up or speaks up. Out of 10,000,000 in my county I don't know of ANYONE who highlights this FACT. Most don't care. They just allow the wicked to rule us. Comfortable California. Destruction will come suddenly if we allow this to continue.
The House passed a bill to block the Federal Reserve from implementing CBDCs, and here's my thought on that: 1) It won't pass the Senate 2) They don't need CBDCs to lock in the control grid Read both reports: Visa & Mastercard: The Real Threat To The Digital ID Control System Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid
Don’t worry! The feds execute heavily armed pre-dawn raids of their innocent political opponents all the time! It’s “standard protocol,” no “departure from the norm.” They’re pros at this banana republic thing. @LizHarrington76
Corrupt and godless government will always want to destroy God fearing people because know that God fearing people will expose who they are. This is why you see the abusive heavy handed tactics of government against people for trivial or even made up charges.
☝️☝️☝️Government systems when controlled and run by corrupt and godless people are corrupt and do corrupt and godless things it can not and never will be any other way. Government systems run by God fearing and moral people although not perfect will strive to be honest, just and do good. It is just the natural way things work. The hearts of the people will always be reflected by the decisions and choices they make. Your spiritual and personal life will always effect your professional and public life and every other aspect of your life. "By their fruits you will know them" - Mat. 7:20
Six families speak out against Camden County DFCS "According to a police report, a Camden County DFCS employee was arrested in April and charged with sodomy." “Camden County has one of the lowest reunification rates in the state of Georgia. They hover around 10 to 11%,.." Excerpted from ⬇️:
If like my channel please give it a boost.
Los Angeles is NOT blue. It's manipulated.
I think I just realized why they were so bold as to put the fake registrants back on the LA voter rolls last year. If they left them off our analysis would have likely shown that the majority of the fake/removed registrants would have been Democrat.  The false narrative of Los Angeles bring 2-1 dem vs rep would have been exposed. It would be the largest and most impactful exposure of their blatant cheating. The original number was 1.7 million out of 5.6.  Just shy of 30% of our voters are fake.
At some point, many of those who still cling to their iPhone, iPad, iWhatever will look back and wonder why they didn't see the writing on the wall sooner.
BREAKING: The State of Minnesota has changed its state flag, and it is similar to the flag of Somalia, from which Ilhan Omar originated. @GeneralMCNews
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If you think the FBI has become a rogue corrupt organization working against US citizens wait until you find out how rogue corrupt and anti American the CIA is.
🤫 A story shared by Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, uncovered that the current leaders of Signal, an allegedly “secure” messaging app, are activists used by the US state department for regime change abroad 🥷 🥸 The US government spent $3M to build Signal’s encryption, and today the exact same encryption is implemented in WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Google Messages and even Skype. It looks almost as if big tech in the US is not allowed to build its own encryption protocols that would be independent of government interference 🐕‍🦺 🕵️‍♂️ An alarming number of important people I’ve spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media. But whenever somebody raises doubt about their encryption, Signal’s typical response is “we are open source so anyone can verify that everything is all right”. That, however, is a trick 🤡 🕵️‍♂️ Unlike Telegram, Signal doesn’t allow researchers to make sure that their GitHub code is the same code that is used in the Signal app run on users’ iPhones. Signal refused to add reproducible builds for iOS, closing a GitHub request from the community. And WhatsApp doesn’t even publish the code of its apps, so all their talk about “privacy” is an even more obvious circus trick 💤 🛡 Telegram is the only massively popular messaging service that allows everyone to make sure that all of its apps indeed use the same open source code that is published on Github. For the past ten years, Telegram Secret Chats have remained the only popular method of communication that is verifiably private 💪
The DNC’s worst nightmare is unfolding in New Jersey right now. NFL legend, Lawrence Taylor, openly endorsing Trump, and vowing that his entire family will never vote Democrat again. This is a microcosm of the larger ongoing movement away from the Left. America wants Trump!
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Please take notice that the People have assembled and realized that many tribunals have been used to attack the fundamental rights and liberty interests of the People by bypassing Constitutional provisions which are mandatory,  The People realize that attorneys and bad actors have created a statutory system that has no historical basis in the common law, which is necessary to interfere with rights to life, liberty and property. Maxim: A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles, and a firm adherence to justice, virtue, and original law, are indispensably necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and good government. American Maxim. All people, in all 50 states, please read, autograph and share this notice.
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Please take notice that we the People have assembled and become aware of the erroneous adoption of procedures and processes by prosecutors and attorneys in America who have failed to follow fundamental due process of law. Maxim of Law 46d: Where the law prescribes a form, the nonobservance of it is fatal to the proceeding, and the whole becomes a nullity. Best, Ev. Introd. s. 59. All people in all states, please read, autograph and share this jotform notice as the people are standing on their absolute guaranteed constitutional right to due process of law.
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Repost from BioClandestine
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Russia are sending a warships, including a nuclear submarine, to Cuba for joint exercises in the Caribbean. Russia and Cuba claim will be no nuclear weapons aboard any vessel, posing no threat to the US, but Russia have stated that they plan to arm US enemies with long range weaponry, after Ukraine used US-made missiles to strike inside Russia earlier this week. This could be the opening stages of another Cuban Missile Crisis… We are inching closer to nuclear escalation.
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Repost from BioClandestine
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Last night on CNN, disgraced former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, created the greatest Trump campaign ad imaginable. McCabe says he and other bureaucrats are concerned about Trump’s “retribution”, and they might have to flee the country to avoid being detained. All the right people are extremely fearful of Trump’s 2nd term. Which makes me want to vote for him even more. This also blasts a gaping hole in the anti-Trump narrative that Trump is pro-FBI and/or is not going to drain the swamp. All the swamp creatures are scared of Trump, because they know he is the greatest threat to their empire. They know what’s coming.
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IMG_6849.MP458.52 MB
Repost from SantaSurfing
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Dirty Merrick Garland on Jack Smith! This is proof that Garland appointed Jack Smith without authorization or confirmation from Congress! Garland created an office that does not exist! Garland bypassed protocol to get Jack Smith as Special Prosecutor!
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6 6 Garland.mp42.98 MB
👍 4
Repost from Enthéos
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Repost from NTD
Former FEC Commissioner Says #Trump Guilty Verdict ‘Makes No Sense’
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Former FEC Commissioner Says Trump Guilty Verdict ‘Makes No Sense’

Bradley Smith, a former Federal Election Commission head appointed by President Bill Clinton, argued in a June 1 thread that the timing of the payments in the New York criminal case against former President Donald Trump means they could not have constituted a Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) violation. Mr. Smith was a sought-after congressional […]

Repost from Garrett Ziegler
Some Americans will never appreciate America, until after they have helped destroy it, and have then begun to suffer the consequences. - Thomas Sowell
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🔥 2
Repost from Tucker Carlson TV
Do y’all realize America is already a communist country. Let’s critically think for a second. We have a credit score. This credit controls if you can rent a house or apartment. This credit score controls if you can buy a house. This credit score controls if you can buy a car. The credit score controls if you can get a loan. (When it’s YOUR money to begin with). The credit score controls everything within our lives. So, we are on a credit based system and we all just go along with it??? This credit based system is just like Chinas. Difference is China is open about their communism. Americans are being forced into this slavery without our consent! We need to stop! Get educated! Let’s STOP allowing communistic Satanist to play with our money and control our lives! When are people going to get mad enough and start rising up???? Subscribe for more:
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