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The Barbarian Clergyman

~The expendable writings, sharings, and personality of an American National Socialist, Wotanic theocrat, and Folkish author~ ☀︎卍 Blood and Soil! 卐☀︎

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"Conversion" and "Reversion" There is no shame or wrongfulness in saying, professing, that you "converted to Paganism" if you were not one before. Hear me out on this. Let me explain. In order to "revert" to something, one must have previously held that position in the past. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a reversion means "an act or the process of returning (as to a former condition)", while the definition of a conversion means "an experience associated with the definite and decisive adoption of a religion". In this case, both reversion and conversion pertain to religious affiliation. In this era, most modern-day Pagans (of any kind) are ex-Abrahamists, typically having been born into Christianity or Islam, though a minority of them may have been Gentile practitioners of Judaism. Therefore, their claim of "reversion to Paganism" as an individual makes no sense. A lot of Pagans will not like to hear that, but this is an inaccuracy to claim. I am not a "Pagan revert", but a "Pagan convert". I was not born into or raised with it growing up, and, chances are, anyone Pagan reading this message has the same story. Now, with this being said, Europeans and Americans do have a collective prehistoric consciousness that permeates throughout the eras, I affirm, and thus I do think it would be accurate to say that we are "reverting to Paganism" per our spirit's collective decision as time goes on, as Abrahamic religion loses appeal amongst the masses. Spiritually, we are reverting, but many of us are still individual converts nonetheless.
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💯 1
By refusing to become a "citizen of the world", a cosmopolitan, one guarantees that the world is more natural, safer, self-sustainable, well-adjusted to its tribal cycles, and, above all, unhypocritical in achieving peacetimes.
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👍 8🔥 2💯 2 1
On Hitler's Divinity (Opinion) Should we venerate Adolf Hitler? This is the question. Let me offer a brief discourse on this topic with a summary of my judgement. Wherever the movement is active, the memory of the admired Leader is not far away. In fact, most political parties, active clubs, and other groups dedicated to bringing the ideology to power in their homeland constantly mention his name, typically with great reverence. The face of the beloved Leader was featured in newspapers, donned on portraits, drawn in visual propaganda – he and his name and face were everywhere, then in 1930s-40s Germany, and today around the world in similar forms of media. You can find him on busts, plaques, medals, in paintings, pretty much anywhere where the message of the ideology permeates. Given these considerations, it is safe to assume he already is elevated to a semi-divine status. Hitler has become immortalized. Okay, now, some Esoteric Hitlerists go a step further: some claim he is the incarnation of Lord Wotan, while others may profess that he is an avatāra of the Vedic Lord Viṣṇu; I even hear the assertion that he fulfilled the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Entire graven and molten images may be dedicated in his honor. Is Adolf Hitler far more than just a heroic man of his time? Is he timeless? So far as I know and studied, the man did not serve any particular personal god, nor did he ever make many divine claims about himself, nor did he even seem interested in becoming a deified icon for the masses. He was that selfless. In his mind, he was just trying to elevate both his nation and the races of Europe. So I think it ought to be up to one's own decision whether or not to deify him for worship. Come to think of it, this desire reminds me of the Imperial Cult of Rome, and some Roman leaders were elevated to a divine status of some sort, so we should not say that this idea is totally ridiculous or dismiss it, as it is not foreign to Western consciousness. If you want my own interpretation, Hitler is indeed beyond an ordinary man – a prophetic visionary, a timeless orator-statesman, a righteous entity, a grand personality – a martyred Demigod of his own type. I do not attach him to any particular lord, but he is indeed saintly, an angelic voice of hope amongst the likes of ancient Germanic heroes. This is my view. One thing, above all else, is certain. His legacy lives on.
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🔥 13❤‍🔥 3👍 2 2
On the Eastern Faiths and Codes By all means, study and examine the scriptures and literature of Sanātana Dharma, Buddha Dharma, Jain Dharma, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintō, and so forth. A well-rounded person begins with wholesome self-discipline and education. There are many things to learn from the Eastern paths. What I oppose, though, what I believe is a very bad idea, is the complete fusion, the amalgamation, between pre-Abrahamic Western spiritual traditions with Eastern religious systems. In all seriousness, it is my experience that these accounts and channels that advocate this type of syncretic way are equally dismissed by both the Western and Eastern religious parties. (In layman's terms, for instance, pure Buddhists and pure Hellenists tend to reject the Hellenized Buddhists as inauthentic, misguided fools. The same can be said for those mixing up Wotanism and Sanātana Dharma, for example: the pure devotees of Lord Kṛṣṇa are displeased with it, as are the followers of Lord Wotan. Amalgamators are typically disliked for their amalgamation of these very distinct and separate paths.) One would be much better off choosing one or the other, not both at the same time, or three, four, or five at the same time.
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👏 6
On the Nature of Political Transformation Should a national constitution formed by competent statesmen be prevented the action to necessary amendment, the nation's upward mobility comes to a standstill. I can say for certain that this is why no "Constitutionalist" movement in the United States has been able to be a successful bulwark against the routine infringements of rights committed by a rogue Congress, for, the fact of the matter is, they are filled superfluously with halfcocked militants that believe precisely this, that they believe in an unalterable piece of paper. It matters not if the majority of the consent of the governed wills it. It does not matter to them if even God Almighty himself wills it. No nation stays stuck in a particular era; the same can be said for its legal documents directing the soul of the fatherland. If a people desires in their political direction gradual reform, if not sweeping revolutionary changes, then they must hop onboard the train of the notion of inevitability of amending a constitution in order to redress the people for their grievances. People must want beneficial change for the common countryfellows rather than blind loyalty to a document's initially-written words. Instead of claiming their loyalties to the so-called legitimate regime, to the disrepaired power structures continuing to misfunction, they must accept that, yes, the original state will have to evolve accordingly to the needs of the people.
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👍 3
The Framers Were Anti-Injun Most Americans that quote the famous Declaration of Independence, citing the beloved phrase, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." actually believe that these men literally meant "all men" as in those regardless of their bloodline. Yet in the same exact document, when addressing the grievances held against King George III, Grievance 27 states that, "He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." If only these wannabe patriots actually read the historic texts in full.
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👍 10 2
On the Importance of Names Have you ever realized just how many names out there that people give their kids are completely foreign to both Europe and America? Let me provide dozens of examples: for males, you have ones like John, Joseph, Thomas, Saul, Zachariah, David, Joshua, Seth, Benjamin, Adam, Simon, Noah, Gabriel, James, and Caleb; and for females, you have ones like Abigail, Danielle, Esther, Gabriella, Jordan, Judith, Rebekah, Deborah, Elizabeth, Hannah, Sarah, Eve, Bethany, Malachi, and Jessica. All of those names (not including their shortened alternate forms) derive from Hebrew, Aramaic, and similar Semitic languages, and many can be found in the Tānāḵh (the three portions comprising the Hebrew Bible). A lot of common names in the 21st century are adopted from these scriptures. Let me suggest some alternative Germanic names that could be used instead: for males, Sheffield, Walther, Ferdinand, Edwin, Erwin, Wilhelm, Harold, Cyneric, Sigor, Vandal, Wulfric, Morgen, Wesley, Edgar, and Ashen; for females, Matilda, Summer, Winter, Helga, Hazel, Wilhelmina, Brooks, Godiva, Auda, Bertha, Ethel, Inge, Meadow, Lutgardis, and Spring. [Of course, hundreds more of them exist.] Very rarely do I ever hear of parents naming their children after the actual meaning of the name; they usually just go by auditory appeal. These also could make good tribal names or pseudonyms.
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👍 8 2🥰 2💯 2
My current stance on Platonism remains neutral; I simply am too ill-educated to formulate a proper judgement on that school of philosophy. I know other channels like Pagan Revivalism, APTA, and Folkish Worldview routinely condemn or criticize it, but I must stay nonbelligerent for the time being. Maybe in the very distant future I will have something of substance to provide, positive or not.
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👍 8
"Death is the creature of a poltroon's brains; 'tis immortality to sacrifice ourselves for the salvation of our country." — John Hancock
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👏 4
My Overall Impressions of Patriot Front I shall keep this brief and concise. For anyone unaware of them, Patriot Front is an American Nativist organization that routinely holds marches and participates in political protests against a vast array of issues, from illegal immigration to instances of sociocultural decadence. They sport the traditional US colors of red, white, and blue in their uniforms and are led by their leader, Thomas Rousseau. So far, I have nothing but positive things to say about their membership and leaders. I hear about their activism very frequently, and they appear well-trained, fit, disciplined, and ready for any engagement against all enemies foreign or domestic. They have their cake and eat it too! With Pride Month underway, we can expect to see them especially on the ground emboldened to take action against degenerate exhibitions and to expose the pedophilic scum present therewith. I see very few, very few red flags in their mission, have read their manifesto and other literature, appreciate their branding and vision for the United States, and cannot help but laugh at people on the sidelines calling them federal agents. Mr. Rousseau also appears well-educated and shows signs of an even temper in interviews and discussions. I wish them all the best of luck!
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👍 19