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Canuck Law Returns

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Just putting it out there
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AOC Too Many Whites.mp46.95 KB
AOC Heritage.mp417.23 MB
Repost from Race to the Bottom
What's a citizen anymore, but a walking talking wallet for goons also known as -Politician's. Expect a two way flow of southern illegals to flow into Canada while fly in legals are trying to flow southbound as illegals. Then politicians lose their composure when you mention this is planned mass replacement migration. What a shit show. "most illegal border crossings are reported from the southwest, i.e., the U.S.-Mexico border. In 2023, over 77% of all illegal migrants entering the U.S. were apprehended from the southwest border with the northern border — along Canada — accounting for roughly 6%. This was true of illegal Indian migrants too, but lately, an increasing number of them are choosing to enter the U.S. through the northern border" Source -Hindu Times
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Repost from Race to the Bottom
What's a citizen anymore, but a walking talking wallet for goons also known as -Politician's. Expect a two way flow of southern illegals to flow into Canada while fly in legals are trying to flow southbound as illegals. Then politicians loose their composure when you mention this is planned mass replacement migration. What a shit show. "most illegal border crossings are reported from the southwest, i.e., the U.S.-Mexico border. In 2023, over 77% of all illegal migrants entering the U.S. were apprehended from the southwest border with the northern border — along Canada — accounting for roughly 6%. This was true of illegal Indian migrants too, but lately, an increasing number of them are choosing to enter the U.S. through the northern border" Source -Hindu Times
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👍 1
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Over 200 Canadian charities found funding the Israeli occupation

By: Hannah Fraser, News Writer On June 3, a public letter by Just Peace Advocates and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI) revealed over 200 Canadian charities have been funding Israel with…

👍 2
Repost from MoonMaidenMusings
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Try to understand something about establishment puppets: they will never give you the full truth. They are meant to distract and feed you bits and pieces and never the full picture. This is another classic example of “info” being released in a manner that can be controlled. That way when they tell you something that has already reached a tipping point that cannot be denied, they can do damage control and ensure the info that is of any value is still kept hidden. Assange didn’t tell us anything most weren’t already aware of. Another distraction…
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👍 2🔥 1
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Don't worry, it's not like they'll all be demanding PR
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🤮 3🤬 1
Repost from Endeavour
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Here's a perfect illustration of the true contempt "based anti-Zionist Arabs" really have for Europeans. Syrian Girl is angry that the outrage the English feel at seeing Stonehenge, one of their ancient cultures heritage sites, being defaced could distract them from feeling sorry for Arabs. These people use legitimate dissatisfaction with the West's relationship with Israel to garner support from well-meaning Europeans with nationalist leanings. But they demand that Europeans put this sympathy they ask from us above our own interests. When it comes to what's important to us, they couldn't care less. They are no different than the Zionist lobby which uses legitimate distaste for Islam to do the same. Thankfully, the Zionist lobby has been exposed for this. These people need to be exposed too.
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🔥 1
Repost from Race to the Bottom
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Wanna go digital lol Remember trade your privacy and anonymity for security and ease... "After receiving a couple of error messages, she started thinking something was wrong, but it was already too late. Over 10,000 Swedish kronor ($1,000) had been siphoned from her account and the thieves disappeared into the digital shadows. “The fraudsters are so skilled at making things look legitimate,” said Bagley, who was born after BankID was created. “It’s not easy” to identify scams." Link to archived article
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👍 1
Genuinely surprised, but nice to see. Expected UN to claim that prostitution was some weird form of empowerment
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