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😎 Ingliz tilidagi so'zlarning yuqori darajadagi sinonimlari! 📌 Urgent 👉 Pressing Shoshilinch 📌 Beginner 👉 Amateur Havaskor, yangi 📌 To mean 👉 To intend Ma'no anglatmoq 📌Excess 👉 Surplus Keragidan ortiq 📌Planned 👉 Deliberate Rejali 📌 Produce 👉 Yield Ishlab chiqarmoq 📌 Stubborn 👉 Obdurate Oʻjar, qaysar 📌Weird 👉 Bizarre Ajoyib, gʻayrioddiy P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅ 👉@REAL_MOCK_EXAMS👈
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🆒 6💯 3🙈 2🌭 1
Ingliz tilida "Itdek ishladim" gapi qanday tarjima qilinadi?
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👌 2🙏 1💯 1
I worked as a dog!
I worked like a dog!
Note 🍎Summarize the specific and detail information in the recording • Form 🍏Summarize  the details in the recording such as name, phone number, and data • Table 🍓Summarize information related to some categories (for instance place, cost, time…) • Flow-chart 🍊Summarize a process with particular steps displayed by arrows. • Summary paragraph 🍇You are responsible for filling in the gaps in the given paragraph. Notice that your answer must meet all the requirements about spelling, grammar, and word limit. #types_of_Listening 🗓To be continued.... P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz ✅ 👉@REAL_MOCK_EXAMS
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PRONUNCIATION TEST (B2/ C1) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 GRAMMAR TEST Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 VOCABULARY TEST (B2/ C1) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Test 13 Test 14 Test 15 Test 16 Test 17 Test 18 Test 19 Test 20 Test 21 Test 22 📝Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov Channel: @Khusan57
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Dars 👉 @tarjimator
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British vs American English: What are the Differences? Popular Words 🇬🇧lorry 🇺🇲truck 🇬🇧lift 🇺🇲elevato 🇬🇧lolly 🇺🇲 lollipop 🇬🇧ladybird 🇺🇲ladybug 🇬🇧dustbin 🇺🇲garbage can 🇬🇧market garden 🇺🇲truck farm 🇬🇧drinks party 🇺🇲cocktail party 🇬🇧drink-driving 🇺🇲drunk driving 🇬🇧crisps 🇺🇲chips; potato chips 🇬🇧crocodile clip 🇺🇲alligator clip 🇬🇧driving licence 🇺🇲driver’s license 🇬🇧faith school 🇺🇲parochial school 🇬🇧drinks cupboard 🇺🇲liquor cabinet 🇬🇧dressing gown 🇺🇲robe; bathrobe 🇬🇧current account 🇺🇲checking account #learnenglish #ielts #toeic Share & follow 🚥 🏛 @Islomacademy
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Siz xohlagan PODCASTLAR shu kanalda 👇
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Audio Books
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IELTS Listening tips
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🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️ 📔 Fan: INGLIZ TILI 🇬🇧 🛎 1-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9026 🛎 2-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9027 🛎 3-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9028 🛎 4-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9029 🛎 5-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9030 🛎 6-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9031 🛎 7-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9032 🛎 8-sinf uchun test kodi ➪︎ 9033 🛎 9/10/11-sinflar test kodi ➪︎ 9034 Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, 1 - May soat 22 00 gacha @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓 ❗️Javoblarni aynan 👉 @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot 👉 @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:      👉 abcdac... (5/10/15/20 ta) Ойлик ҳисоблаш учун бот: ✈️ @Oylik_hisoblovchibot | @Mandatlar_robot 👩🏻‍🏫 @Oqituvchi | Обуна бу‌линг👇
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📝 "- ing" qo'shimchasini olmaydigan 38 ta fe'l: 1. Know - bilmoq 2. Believe - ishonmoq 3. Doubt - shubhalanmoq 4. Recognize - tanimoq 5. Remember - eslamoq, yodda tutmoq. 6. Suppose - faraz qilmoq 7. Understand - tushunmoq 8. Like - yaxshi ko'rmoq 9. Appreciate - qadrlamoq 10. Care - o'ylamoq 11. Please - yoqmoq, istamoq. 12. Prefer - afzal ko'rmoq 13. Dislike - yomon ko'rmoq. 14. Fear - qo'rqmoq 15. Hate - nafratlanmoq 16. Mind - qarshi bo'lmoq 17. Belong - tegishli bo'lmoq 18. Own - ega bo'lmoq 19. Posses - egalik qilmoq 20. Desire - qattiq xohlamoq 21. Need - kerak bo'lmoq 22. Want - xohlamoq 23. Wish - istamoq 24. Consist of - dan iborat bo'lmoq 25. Contain -o'z ichiga olmoq 26. Exist - mavjud bo'lmoq 27. Matter - ahamiyatga ega bo'lmoq M28. Hear - eshitmoq, eshitilmoq 29. Sound - eshitilmoq 30. Seem - tuyulmoq 31. Look like - o'xshamoq 32. Resemble - o'xshamoq 33. Disagree - norozi bo'lmoq 34. Agree - rozi bo'lmoq 35. Mean - anglatmoq 36. Promise - va'da bermoq 37. Amaze - xayron qolmoq 38. Surprise - xayron qolmoq. Yuqoridagi fe'llarga "ing" qóshib bolmaydi yani I am knowing deyish xato. Mazmuniy jihatdan Ba'zan "ing" qabul qiladi ammo har doim emas, masalan urgʻu berayotgan paytimizda yoki kesatayotgan paytda.
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