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Men, The tweets today have taught me something 1. Many men acquire knowledge or information from mainstream media. The mainstream media packages information that is easily digested by your emotional senses. For this reason, it is easier for politicians and crooks to use media for manipulating information to arm-twist the perceptions of ordinary citizens. 2. Many men are irrational and linear thinkers. They don't get into retrospection and introspection during the acquisition of new information. They just think along a straight line and if you try to trigger their higher faculties of critical thinking, they get confused and lost. What is the solution? 1. Stop watching TV news. The mainstream media numbs you. It hinders your ability to be rational and to think straight like a man. Mainstream media turns you into a zombie. 2. Read books. They will unlock your higher faculties of thinking and critical analysis of issues. Books will make you a logical and creative thinker. 3. Write more. Putting down your thoughts on a paper or blog or an article allows your mind to crystalize your thoughts. Write longer paragraphs. Avoid short forms and abbreviations. Writing unlocks your creativity. What can you add?
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Nasty 😋 drips For the love of reading the nasty and educative materials. Keep your telegram life amazing 🥰
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Nasty 😋 drips

For the love of reading the nasty and educative materials. Keep your telegram life amazing 🥰 Save a man out there. #BetterTogether
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The Warriors

Men's health and Wellness

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Good Morning, Do you see this? When I write about question marks and dysphoric emojis as symptoms of oneitis, - simps think I am crazy or silly. This is a screenshot of a man whose girlfriend cheated on him and he is trying to convince her to come back. So the woman is threatening to commit suicide. The thing with needy and clingy men is that they operate on the same feminine wavelength as their women therefore you cannot tell who is the woman in the relationship. He is clearly needy and clingy! KICK OUT ONEITIS.
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Men should know how to defend themselves: • Practice a martial art/contact sport • Learn how to operate a firearm • Have situational awareness You'll exude confidence and provide security. Be prepared to fight if you have to. 🤪
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WHAT IS A SIMP First and foremost, you can be rich, famous, high value & still be a simp. A simp is a man who compromises his integrity to please a woman. This means that he values women more than he values anything else in his life.......and will sacrifice these things to obtain the attention and affection of a woman. To a simp, the most important thing in life is the love of a woman. Simps are taught that their happiness depends on a woman's happiness. Simps do not have a backbone. They're "yes men". They do whatever their woman says. They spend their time trying to find new ways to make women like them. They often pander, and every time they speak it's usually about something that benefits women. They will throw the next man under the bus to gain the attention of a woman... They look at every other man as competition instead of comrades. They will use every asset at their disposal to get women including tricking. Simps have no real identity. They become the man that the woman they are pursuing likes...Simps are soft. Simps are cowards. And when women date them, they realize that simps are not leaders they are followers. "Whatever you want baby". That's not what leaders say.... A simp buys a woman's affection. He is always over compensating for his lack of masculine energy by spending money. He spends ridiculous amounts of money on women because he believes money has the power to buy a woman's affection.... A simp is a man who lacks integrity & simply does what a woman wants so he can be in good favor. He doesn't know how to say no. He will do things that are against his best interests to make her happy....He will lie on other men & try to make himself look better than other men so that women will like him. He panders to women to get their approval. Most of them are always online virtue signaling, trashing their own gender for likes from women...But simps never win in the end. They are never completely happy because they are always worried that their woman will leave them. They get broke trying to buy her affection. They never progress further in life, as they put their passions on hold for hers.. It never pays to be a simp. Be a man of value. Be a man of principle. Be a man of morals. That way you can attract the woman who are truly attracted to you and not women you have to "impress" 👌
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Bunch of bright computer science students pale new York😂... Target market ni Africans sanasana wakenya...😂..
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You people should not even vote😂😂..
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