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የምርት ማጠናቀቂያ ሰራተኛ #minaye_plc #engineering #Addis_Ababa በቀድሞ የትምህርት ፖሊሲ 12ኛ ክፍል ወይም በአዲሱ የትምህርት ፖሊሲ በኬሚካል/ኢንዱስትሪያል ምህንድስና ክፍል ያጠናቀቀ እና ተዛማጅ የትምህርት ዘርፍ አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ ጋር ተግባራት፡ - በድርጅቱ የምርት ሥራ አፈጻጸም ደንብና መመሪያ፣ተመርተው እንዲታሸጉ ከምርት ክፍል መቀበል - ለምርቶቹ የሚያስፈልጉ አክሰሰሪዎችን ከመጋዘን በመጠየቅ ማዘጋጀት - ምርቶቹን በአይነታቸው የማሸግ ሂደትን መጀመር - እያንዳንዱ ምርት በሚገጠምበት ወቅት አስፈላጊ የሆኑ ግብአቶችን በአግባቡ በሚታሸግ ምርት ላይ በትክክል መግባታቸውን ማየትና ማረጋገጥ ፡፡ Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #1_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years Deadline: April 30, 2024 How To Apply: አመልካቾች የትምህርት፣ የሥራ ልምድ ደብዳቤ የማይመለስ ኮፒ ይዛችሁ በድርጅቱ ኢ-ሜይል [email protected] ወይም ቃሊቲ ገብርኤል ኢንዱስተሪያል መንደር አካባቢ ዴሉክስ ፈርኒቸር ፋብሪካ በአካል በመቅረብ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናስታውቃለን። ለበለጠ መረጃ ስልክ 0114717381 @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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ሲኒየር ገጣሚ (አናጺ) #minaye_plc #low_and_medium_skilled_worker #Addis_Ababa በቀድሞ የትምህርት ፖሊሲ 12ኛ ክፍል ወይም በአዲሱ የትምህርት ፖሊሲ 10+3 የቴክኒክ እና ሙያ ት/ት በፈርኒቸር ሜኪንግ ያጠናቀቀ/ች እና በሙያው 5 አመት የስራ ልምድ ያለው/ላት ከዚህም ውስጥ 3 ዓመት በፈርኒቸር ሙያ ልምድ ያለው ያላት፡፡ ተግባራት፡ - የገጠመውን ምርት ጽዳትና ደህንነቱን ጠብቆ እንደሁኔታው ማስረከብ ወይም ለሚቀጥለው የምርት ሂደት ማስተላለፍ፡፡ - ለእሸጋ ክፍል የሚያስፈልጉ የስራ ሂደቶችን በጥራት እና በፍጥነት ጨርሶ ማስረከብ ይኖርበታል፤ - በተገጠሙ የሙከራ ምርት ላይ የሚኖሩትን ችግሮች ለይቶ ማወቅ እና አስፈላጊውን የመፍትሄ እርምጃ መውሰድ አለበት፤ Quanitity Required: 5 Minimum Years Of Experience: #5_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #6_years Deadline: April 30, 2024 How To Apply: አመልካቾች የትምህርት፣ የሥራ ልምድ ደብዳቤ የማይመለስ ኮፒ ይዛችሁ በድርጅቱ ኢ-ሜይል [email protected] ወይም ቃሊቲ ገብርኤል ኢንዱስተሪያል መንደር አካባቢ ዴሉክስ ፈርኒቸር ፋብሪካ በአካል በመቅረብ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናስታውቃለን። ለበለጠ መረጃ ስልክ 0114717381 @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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Repost from HaHuJobs
Project Management Office Manager #ie_network_solutions_plc #business #Addis_Ababa PMP certification or MSc in Project Management is mandatory with relevant work experience as a Project Manager Duties & Responsibilities: - Lead and manage projects from inception to completion, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards. - Identify and mitigate project risks and issues proactively. strategies Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #3_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #4_years Deadline: May 4, 2024 How To Apply: Please use HaHujobs primary or telegram bot to apply or via email: [email protected] or using the link @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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HaHuJobs Primary

All Ethiopian Jobs in one place! Find career opportunities in Ethiopian from 356 Enterprises. 28 open vacancies

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Sales Representative #ie_network_solutions_plc #business #Addis_Ababa Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management or in a related field with relevant work experience in a similar role Duties & Responsibilities; - Communicating with clients and gathering information about a project’s scope, budgets and timeliness - Meeting with other executives to discuss clients projects goals, progress and outcomes Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #1_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years Deadline: April 27, 2024 How To Apply: Please use HaHujobs primary or telegram bot to apply or via email: [email protected] or using the link @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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HaHuJobs Primary

All Ethiopian Jobs in one place! Find career opportunities in Ethiopian from 356 Enterprises. 28 open vacancies

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Logistics Officer #pixel_import_and_export #transportation_and_logistics #Addis_Ababa Bachelor's Degree in Logistics, or in a related field of study Required Gender: Female Duties & Responsibilities: - Help supervise incoming shipments to ensure that they are accurate - Review shipment documentation such as invoices and packing lists - Follow up delivery schedule and shipping document Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years Deadline: May 1, 2024 How To Apply: Apply through HaHuJobs telegram bot @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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Junior Sales #minaye_plc #business #Addis_Ababa Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Management, Architecture, or in a related field of study Duties & Responsibilities: - Assist senior sales representatives in prospecting for new clients and generating leads - Participate in sales meetings, presentations, and negotiations - Collaborate with the marketing team to develop and implement sales strategies Quanitity Required: 5 Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #1_years Deadline: April 30, 2024 How To Apply: Submit your CV, application letter, and relevant supporting documents via email: [email protected] stating the position as “Junior sales" in the subject line of your email. For further information Contact Tel. +251113728667/ +251113728668/ +251113728669 @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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👍 26👎 5
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Electrical Engineer #tibeb_dab_plc #engineering #Addis_Ababa Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering or in a related field with relevant work experience Duties & Responsibilities: - Oversee and manage all aspects of electrical projects from inception to completion - Planning, designing, preparing working drawings, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all activities related to the project to ensure it is completed on time Quanitity Required: 2 Minimum Years Of Experience: #4_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #6_years Deadline: May 1, 2024 How To Apply: Submit your CV along with your testimonial documents via email: [email protected] in a single pdf format @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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👍 30👎 1
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Pharmaceutical Sales Representative #bemen_gobal_trading_plc #business #Addis_Ababa Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy field with previous experience in Pharmaceutical Sales or in a similar role is highly desirable Duties & Responsibilities: - Selling pharmaceutical products and meeting customer needs - Assessing clients needs and present suitable promoted products Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #5_years Deadline: April 29, 2024 How To Apply: Submit your application letter, CV, and copies of credentials via email: [email protected] @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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Purchaser #zobel_alumunium_work_and_importer #business #Addis_Ababa BA Degree or Diploma in Purchasing, Management, or in a related field with relevant work experience Duties & Responsibilities: - Meeting with vendors and clients to negotiate the best contracts. - Inspecting purchased products upon delivery and reporting any issues timely. Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #4_years Deadline: April 30, 2024 How To Apply: Submit your application in person to the Zobel Aluminum Administration Office, located around Gurd Shola, in front of Sahlete Meheret Mariam Church Square, or via email: [email protected] For further information Contact Tel. +251929906397 @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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Sales & Marketing Manager #forward_logistics_technologies #business #Addis_Ababa Master's or Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management, Business Management, Business Administration or in a related field with relevant work experience Duties & Responsibilities: - Identifying target audiences and in creatively devising and leading across Marketing channels; - Develop strategies and tactics to optimize the marketing and pricing policies Quanitity Required: 1 Minimum Years Of Experience: #5_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #10_years Deadline: May 3, 2024 How To Apply: Submit your CV along with supporting documents via email: [email protected] or in person to the company office, located around Bole Rwanda street, beside TZ Hotel, MTD Building, 3rd floor , Office No;301. For further information Contact Tel. 0118889583 N.B: Write the position title in the subject line of your email @hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
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