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Science Facts Today : Amazing, Crazy & Unknown Facts

📌Science Facts Today 🌟 Crazy Facts 🐼 #science #facts #crazy #daily #amazing Paid Promotion :- @Yeeti04

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🪚 China is now firing lasers at trees Laser cutting technology is a great substitute for sawing. How's that for technology?
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💔 4
Interaction of magnetic fields in the circuit with the liquid,🌪 This phenomenon where a fluid interacts with magnetic field is called Magnetohydrodynamics or simply MHD.
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👍 4💯 1
Strength in Unity 💪 These juvenile striped eel catfish glide across the ocean floor like one giant animal, a daunting sight for predators. In this undulating dense entity, the vulnerable protect each other until each is mature and independent. If you focus on one or two you will see how it's a cycle where all get a turn at looking for food on the ocean floor. @science_facts_daily
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👍 5
Repost from World & Science
Strength in Unity 💪 These juvenile striped eel catfish glide across the ocean floor like one giant animal, a daunting sight for predators. In this undulating dense entity, the vulnerable protect each other until each is mature and independent. If you focus on one or two you will see how it's a cycle where all get a turn at looking for food on the ocean floor. Join @World&Science 🐟
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❓You see the centre moving? Interestingly the central square is NOT moving.This is a color-dependent motion illusion in a stationary image. Join @science_facts_daily 🧪
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👍 6
Repost from Gyan BoostUP
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👍 1
Repost from Gyan BoostUP
Top 15 Interesting Facts About Venus Planet
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Repost from Gyan BoostUP
Top 15 Interesting Facts About Saturn Planet
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