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Ethio Psychiatry

No Health Without Mental Health! ☎️ +251949114685 📩 [email protected]

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Even anyone of us can become a little too depressed from the daily grind. It's okay to not feel okay. You can receive supportive mental therapy. Join us on this journey towards mental well-being and discover ways to cope with life's challenges. Hii 🙋‍♂ I'm Yordanos. Psychiatry Professional. I offer support and guidance To individuals facing Mental health Issues 📞 +251949114685 #ethiopsychiatry #feelbetter #changeforbetter #love #health #therapy #traumatherapy #mentalstress #mentaldisorder #talkisnotenough #consultancy #psychiatryprofessional ✅Join Us @ethiopsychiatry @ethiopsychiatry
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It’s World No Tobacco Day! In the African Region, an estimated 300,000 people die from tobacco use and exposure every year. These deaths are entirely preventable! 🔴 Say No to tobacco and Stay Healthy. #TobaccoExposed World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Organization African Region Ministry of Health Zambia
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ዛሬ ዓለም አቀፍ ከትምባሆ ነፃ ቀን ነው፤ ትምባሆን ማጨስ ለጤና ጠንቅ ነው ፤ በራስ የመተማመን አቅምንም ይቀንሳል፤ እራሳችን ከትምባሆ በማራቅ መልካም ህይወትን እንምራ። Arsho Medical Laboratories. በትውልድ የታመነ!
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ዛሬ ዓለም አቀፍ ከትምባሆ ነፃ ቀን ነው፤ ትምባሆን ማጨስ ለጤና ጠንቅ ነው ፤ በራስ የመተማመን አቅምንም ይቀንሳል፤ እራሳችን ከትምባሆ በማራቅ መልካም ህይወትን እንምራ። Arsho Medical Laboratories. በትውልድ የታመነ!
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የአእምሮ ጤናዎ ከማንኛውም ስራ ከማንኛውም ጓደኝነት ወይም ከማንኛውም ግንኙነት የበለጠ አስፈላጊ ነው። Fayyaan sammuu kee hojii kamiyyuu caalaa hiriyummaa ykn hariiroo kamiyyuu caalaa barbaachisaa dha. Ethio Psychiatry (ኢትዮ ሳይካትሪ) "ጤናማ አዕምሮ ለጤናማ ህይወት!!!" ✅Join Us @ethiopsychiatry @ethiopsychiatry
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Mental disorder stigmatization and lack of advocacy for mental health are the issues we are not taking seriously. Mental disorders are more prevalent than we think and statistically they are public health problems. They are under reported and seem rare as people hide their pain because of the defame and prejudice they get as a result of mental illness. many comit suicide looking their door inside that's when we learn they were living with the pain all along. even we, a health workers, are not free of this flawed thinking of general public about mental health. Stigmatization arises from not knowing. fear of the unknown seems part of human nature. and we stigmatize what we don't know. it wasn't a long ago a cause and treatment of infectious and other medical diseases were unknown and people were prejudiced for having one. We learned the unknown, we knew the causes and how to treat them as a result stigmatization of medical illness is becoming rare. this has been and is a the case for psychiatric illness. but treating mental illness have come a long way and now most of mental illness can be treated, only other factors, mainly unawareness, blocking the way. bellow are some of the things people are unaware about mental illness leading to it's stigmatization: 1. mental illness is not a choice or an individual weakness. we empathize some one with cardiac illness but we use psychiatric diagnosis as an insult. empathizing the person with mental illness is the least we can do to help him/her. 2. mental illness can be treated. but the same as other part of medicine, early treatment better outcome. but the delay caused by many factors, the main being fear of stigma, costs the treatment out come and prognosis of the illness. 3. mental illness is not thing to be ashamed of. people detain themselves and their loved ones to hide out of sight when they learn they have developed mental illness, further exacerbating the situation. as much as an individual issue shouldn't be public, it shouldn't also be a thing to be ashamed of. no one chooses to be mentally ill, no mentally ill person is less human. The other issue is lack of advocacy for mental health. this may be partly because of absence of large industrial complex behind mental health, and a product of big industrial complex's that are there are against mental health. also policy makers focus on financially profitable issues. Generally I can say the matters we are facing around mental disorders is as result of lack of awareness. protecting our mental health is cheaper than exposing ourselves to mental health problems. we , health workers, should advocate for mental health, because we can not talk health when there is no mental health. Dr. Samuel Fekadu (Psychiatry resident) #Mayismentalhealthawarenessmonth 💚 Ethio Psychiatry ✅Join Us @ethiopsychiatry @ethiopsychiatry
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ይህንን ነጻ የሕክምና ዕድል የተቸገሩ ሰዎች ሊጠቀሙበት ስለሚችሉ ሼር ብናደርገው መልካም ነው🙏
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It’s okay to set boundaries to protect your mental health. #Mayismentalhealthawareness month 💚 Ethio Psychiatry ✅Join Us @ethiopsychiatry @ethiopsychiatry
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ጽቡቕ ናይ ኣእምሮ ጥዕና እንታይ እዩ?    ** ጽቡቕ ጥዕና ኣእምሮ ካብ ዘይምህላው ሕማም ኣእምሮ ንላዕሊ እዩ። ብመሰረት ውድብ ጥዕና ዓለም ጽቡቕ ጥዕና ኣእምሮ  ዘለዎ ሰብ እቶም ዝስዕቡ ክዕለታት ይህልዎ  • ንቡር ጸቕጢ ህይወት ምጽዋር • ብኣፍራዪ መንገዲ ይመሃርን ይሰርሕን • ክእለትካን ፍልጠትካን ምጥቃም •  ኣብ ሕብረተሰብ ኣበርክቶ ምግባር •  ሕጉስ አርሰ ምትእምማን ተስፋን ብሓፈሻ ብህይወት ዕግበት ክስምዓካ ይኽእል እዩ። መዓልታዊ ተግባራት ንጽቡቕ ጥዕና ኣእምሮ እዞም ኣብ ታሕቲ ዘለዉ ተግባራት ብቐጻሊ ዝገብሩ ሰባት ካብቶም ዘይፍጽሙ ሰባት ዝሓሸ ናይ ኣእምሮ ጥዕና ክህልዎም ይኽእል። ነዞም ተግባራት ብብዝሒ ብዝገበርካዮም መጠን ጥዕና ኣእምሮኻ ዝሓሸ ክኸውን ከም ዝኽእል ይሕበር። 1. ትርጉም ዘለዎ ንጥፈት   (Meaningful Activities )     እዚኦም ዝኾነ ዘሐጉሰካ ወይከኣ ናይ ምዕዋት ስምዒት ዝህቡካ ተግባራት እዮም። ንአብነት ዝፈትዎ ሙዚቃ ምስማዕ፡ ወይ ዝፈትዎ መደብ ቲቪ ምርኣይ ክኸውን ይኽእል። 2.  ኣዎንታዊ ኣተሓሳስባ (Positive Thinking )                                         ኣዎንታዊ ኣተሓሳስባ ኣረኣእያ ብዛዕባ  ነገራት ክህልወና ምኽኣል ኣገዳሲ ኮይኑ ንረክቦ 3. ዕላማን መደባትን (Having Goal and Plan  )  ዕላማ አብ ጉዕዞካ ጽንዓትን ተገዳስነት ንክህልወካ ይሕግዝ እዩ። ሸቶታት ብሃንቀውታ እትጽበዮ ነገር ይህበካ፡ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ጸገማት ንኸይትሓድር ድማ ክሕግዘካ ይኽእል እዩ። 4.  አዎንታዊ ልምዲ(Healthy Routine )    ጥዑይ ልምዲ ምሕላው ዝተሓላለኸ ክኸውን ኣየድልዮን’ዩ። መዓልታዊ ኣብ ሓደ ሰዓት ምድቃስን ምትንሳእን ዝኣመሰለ ቀሊል ክኸውን ይኽእል፡ ወይ ድማ ምስ ተራናን ዝምድናታትናን ዝተኣሳሰር ልምዲ ክኸውን ይኽእል።   5. ማሕበራዊ ምትእስሳር (Social Interaction )  ምስ ኣዕሩኽን ቤተሰብን ስጡም ምትእስሳር ምህላውካ ቅኑዕ ኮይንካ ንኽስምዓካ ይሕግዘካን ​ የዘኻኽረካን Salegzer Getaye (የስነ-አእምሮ ባለሙያ) Ethio Psychiatry (ኢትዮ ሳይካትሪ) ✅Join Us @ethiopsychiatry @ethiopsychiatry
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የአዕምሮ ህመም ሕክምና አንዳለው ስንቶቻችሁ ታውቁ ይሁን? አብዛኛውን ጊዜ አንድ ሰው የአዕምሮ ህመም ከታመመ እንደማይድን እና በሰውየው ደካማነት(ስተት) ወይም ከፈጣሪ ቁጣ ብለን ማሰር እና ቤት ወስጥ ቆልፈን ማስቀመጥ እንደመፊቴ እናያዋለን.... እውነታው ግን የአዕምሮ ህመም እንደሌሎች የአካል ህመም መታከም የሚቺል ነው። ሌሎች አካሎቻችን እንደሚታመም ሁሉ አዕምሮዎችንም በBiopsychosocial ምክንያት እክል ሊገጥመዉ እናም ሌሎች እንደሚታከሙት የአዕምሮ ህመምም ይታከማል። የአዕምሮ ህመም በጊዜ ካልታከመ ህመሙ እየከፋ ሊሄድ ይችላል እና ለሕክምናም አስቸጋሪ ሊሆን ስልሚቺል በጊዜ አስፈላጊዉን ድጋፍ ከዘርፉ ባለሙያ ብታገኙ ውጤቱ ከፍ ያለ ነው። የአእምሮ ጤና መዛባት ማለት እራቁት ሆኖ ጎዳና ለይ መዞር ብቻ አይደለም። እነዚያ የምናያቸው በጊዜ የመታከም እድል ያላገኙ/ ስለ ሕክምናው ግንዛቤ የሌላቸው ማለትም መቼ የት እና እንዴት ህክምናው እንድሚስጥ መረጃ ያላገኙ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ። ማንም በማንኛውም ጊዜና ቦታ የአዕምሮ ጤና እክል ሊገጥመው ይችላል። ቅድመ ማስጠንቀቂያ ምልክቶች በጥቂቱ 👇 1. የእንቅልፍ ወይም የምግብ ፍላጎት ለውጦች። 2. የድብርት ስሜቶች፣ በቀላሉ ብስጭት/ የስሜታዊነት መጨመር። 3. ከወትሮ በተለየ መልኩ ብቸኝነትን መምርጥ - ማህበራዊ ህይወትን ማቋረጥ እና ከዚህ ቀደም በሚዝናኑባቸው እንቅስቃሴዎች ላይ ፍላጎት ማጣት። 4. በሥራ እና ትምህርት ለይ ፍላጎት መቀነስ- ያልተለመደ ተግባር ፣ በትምህርት ቤት ፣ በሥራ ወይም በማህበራዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች ላይ/ በማንኛውም እንቅስቃሴ ውስጥ ተነሳሽነት ወይም ፍላጎት ማጣት። 5. የማሰብ ችግሮች - ለማብራራት የሚከብዱ የትኩረት፣ የማስታወስ ችግሮች። 6. ከራስ ወይም ከአካባቢው የመለያየት ግልጽ ያልሆነ ስሜት፤ ከእውነታው የራቀ ስሜት። 7. ፍርሃት ወይም ጥርጣሬ ወይም ያልተለመደ ባህሪ። መቼ ነው ባለሞያ ማማከር ወይም ሕክምና ማግኘት ያለብኝ? የአእምሮ ጤና መዛባት ማንኛውም የአስተሳሰብ፣ የስሜትና የበህርይ ለውጥ ሲኖር ሲሆን ይህም ለውጥ የእለት ተእለት ተግባርዎ፣ በሥራዎ፣ በትምህርትዎ እና በማህበራዊ ሕይትዎ ለይ እክል የሚያስከትል ከሆነ የአእምሮ ጤና ባለሙያን ያማክሩ። የአዕምሮ ህመም ምን አይነት አማራጭ ሕክምና አለው? 👉የመድሃኒት ሕክምና(medication) እና 👉የንግግር ሕክምና(psychotherapy) NB. ያለ ባለሙያ ትእዛዝ መድሃኒት አይውሰድ። ነብዩ ጃግሶ (ስነ አእምሮ ባለሙያ) ግንቦት የአእምሮ ጤና ግንዛቤ ወር ነው!!💚 Ethio Psychiatry (ኢትዮ ሳይካትሪ) "ጤናማ አዕምሮ ለጤናማ ህይወት!!!" ✅Join Us @ethiopsychiatry @ethiopsychiatry
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