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Rethinking the Dollar

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Cashless Control: The WEF's Stealth Push for Digital Currency Dominance - Rethinking the Dollar

Examine the World Economic Forum's campaign for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), a cashless world, and financial privacy and independence.

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Cashless Control: The WEF's Stealth Push for Digital Currency Dominance - Rethinking the Dollar

Examine the World Economic Forum's campaign for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), a cashless world, and financial privacy and independence.

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Russia prepares for total crypto ban as geopolitical tensions rise

Starting September 1, Russia will enforce a strict ban on crypto to reinforce the ruble. The ban exempts crypto miners and Central Bank test projects.

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Congressional inaction on debt 'irresponsible, inequitable, and immoral' says former comptroller

David Walker, former Comptroller General, said recent economic data should prompt lawmakers to take action. The IMF warned the U.S. that government spending and increasing national debt are not sustainable.

🚨 The Japanese Yen has fallen to a 34-year low against the U.S. Dollar, raising questions about whether it is a genuine reflection of economic weakness or a fleeting reaction to market jitters. The sudden plunge aligns with geopolitical maneuverings and international trade deals. As a skeptic I question the underlying forces at play and consider who stands to gain from this fall, as currency markets are as much about perception as economics.
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👍 1🔥 1
This graph signifies the discontinuation of a critical measure in the banking system, the Required Reserves of Depository Institutions. By no longer enforcing a minimum reserve requirement, banks are now theoretically allowed to loan out almost every single penny deposited with them, with no mandated financial buffer. In a short-term view, this might appear beneficial, leading to more loans and ostensibly juicing the economy. However, this also implies that the safety net for depositors is disturbingly thin. Should too many depositors decide to withdraw their funds at once, or should the loans turn sour, the banks could face a dire liquidity crisis with no required reserves to fall back on. It's a classic recipe for a run on the banks, putting the financial system and the money of ordinary citizens at substantial risk. The 'discontinued' tag on the graph raises eyebrows — it hints at a silent removal of a protective barrier without public debate, leaving one to wonder: who truly benefits from such a change?
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👍 5 2
🚨‼️🇩🇪 The WEF has begun experimenting on German citizens by including ‘insect derivative ingredients’ in supermarket foods.🪳 The German people were smart enough to develop apps which allow for scanning products, identifying them. “We will not eat the bugs” has become reality.
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👍 2😱 2😈 2🔥 1
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