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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

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Repost from N/a
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“In our society growing food ourselves has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can ―and will ― overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world ― we change ourselves.”
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The gym is barely even about muscles. The gym is about developing your character as much as it is about developing your body. A man who commits himself to the iron undergoes immense spiritual self-overcoming.
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Repost from N/a
Welcome everyone! We are wannabe homesteaders just trying to carve a healthier, more wholesome path through this crazy world for our children. We are excited to share our journey with you!
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About 10 years ago I traveled to Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa.  Walking around the city and seeing the beautiful classic architecture surrounded by literal waves of garbage blowing down the street, homeless camps, and drug dealers walking right up to me, it's a memory that has always stuck with me.  As an American, this was my first glimpse of life in a third world country where White Europeans were living as unwanted minorities.  Back in 2018 I went to England and Germany and I could see the consequences of mass immigration, In London they had just put up sidewalk barriers after the terrorist attack.  Just like you see in the videos online, it was like being in India, or Africa just blocks from each other. I have been all around the world and have had the opportunity to have very deep conversations with the locals.  The things that I've seen out there are unfolding even faster than I imagined here at home.  If you want things to be different, network and keep company with like minded people.  Start a family and raise your children around people like you that share your culture and values.  We are everywhere, and we're not hard to find.
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👍 4
Repost from Wandering SpΛrtan
Little consideration should be given to the opinion of a man or woman whose physique is not on point. One must establish oneself within natural order for one's words to have potential value. What weight can words hold if the man who speaks them is a stranger to the lifelong initiation of pain and struggle­? What thing of value to share, what wisdom can such a fool proclaim to possess, he who has never stepped into the brutal reality of life?
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👍 5
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"History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives, and we die, his truth becomes written - and ours is lost. He will be a hero, 'cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. His truth will be the truth. But only if he lives, and we die... " Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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In my dogs I trust, loyal to the end... ❤️ Dutch shepherds are a magnificent breed.
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14👍 1
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I think it's safe to say that anyone reading this has had a protein shake from a big plastic container.  I'm probably one of the most lactose tolerant people out there, but protein powder shakes always ruined my stomach.  Store bought protein powders are known to contain toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and micro plastics that wreak havoc on our bodies.  When I first started lifting weights I fell into the same trap as most people, supplementing my diet with ultra processed powders and heat pressed vitamins because that's what the top athletes are doing when they pose for pictures so it must be legit...When I stopped and looked at how much money I was spending on vitamins, protein powder, pre workout, etc, I could no longer justify it, and I never really felt that great when I was taking all of those things.  It's been several years since I first started looking into the farce that is the supplement industry.  The majority of companies out there get their ingredients from the same places, slap their companies logos on it and promise the moon and stars.  The reality is that we can get much better results from eating a proper diet. The best thing I did was learn about how easy it is to get what our body's needs from whole foods, and the more I deviate from the FDA guidelines the better I feel.  I start my mornings off with a 6 raw egg, 2 cups of Bulgarian yogurt shake.  It's around 60 grams of protein and costs less than 2 $ for me to make.  Different diets serve different needs.  It's always important to consider what your goals are long term and adjust your nutrition accordingly.  Vince Gironda had some of the coolest experiments out there and I highly recomend reading up on the information he left behind in both nutrition, and exercise.
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👍 7
Repost from Strength Kvlt
“A knife less man is life less man.” I apply this old Norse quote to many different levels in my life. At its most basic literal translation, all men should carry a good knife on them at all times. Folding or fixed, pick what you prefer to carry. At a deeper level I apply this to all areas of my training. An out of shape man (knife less man) is both slowly dying, and completely unprepared for a violent interaction (life less man). You have to maintain a consistent work out schedule to keep yourself in a ready state. It doesn’t have to be a seven day a week “death by” whatever workout. You have to take your health serious, especially if you’re a father.
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👍 7
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"Wise is not the one who knows a lot, but the one whose knowledge is useful."
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