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English with Aliboev

This channel is run by 👨‍🏫 Mr.Aliboev, a General English and IELTS teacher with an overall band score of 8.0. 🎬 Video va 🎙Audio darslar shaxsan o'zim, Aliboev, tomonidan tayyorlangan va mualliflik huquqiga ega.

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Alright... Let's gooo @abdulkabiiryusuf
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Live stream da asosan ba'zi Agency larning sizdan sir tutadigan hiylalari haqida gaplashamiz va shu bilan birgalikda Londonni aylanamiz.
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Uzr. Telegramga sodiq qolar ekanmiz.
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Telegram love stream da yaxshi ko'rinmaydi deb shikoyat qilishyapti 😊 Uchrashuv manzilimiz o'zgardi. Instagram profilimda qilamiz online tourni. Instagramda Jurabek Aliboev profilidaman. I'll go live in an hour.
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Live stream ni personal blogimda qilaman, English with Aliboevda emas! Kuzatmoqchi bo'lganlar, iltimos, yuqoridagi postda link qoldirdim shu orqali a'zo bo'lsangiz bo'ladi.
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In shaa Allah, in about an hour, I'll give the green light to the live stream. Please, join my new personal blog and leave your questions in the comment section. ➡️ @abdulkabiiryusuf Taxminan bir soatdan keyin Londonning eng go'zal joylaridan biriga sayohat qilamiz. Ahamiyatli savollar bo'lsa, shaxsiy blogimga a'zo bo'lib commentda yozib qoldiring, iltimos. ⏰ 1 soatdan keyin ko'rishguncha.
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Londonda kechki sayohat qilamizmi live stream da?Anonymous voting
  • 🤩 Yahoo
  • 🤗 100% Yes
  • 🤔 I don't like you, so I don't wanna see you and your tour in London
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For the record, I'm an economist by profession...not a linguist....By this I mean that even though I do NOT belong to the field of teaching English, I did, alhamdulillah, manage to achieve something most linguists still dream of. Therefore, I'm in an acute dilemma over whether I really wanna be an IELTS instructor. In no way am I gonna give up further discovering IELTS world though.
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For the record, I'm an economist by profession...not a linguist....By this I mean that even though I do NOT belong to the field of teaching English, I did, alhamdulillah, manage to achieve something most linguists still dream of. Therefore, I'm in an acute dilemma over whether
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