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Have you ever thought that “You are working as hard as those who are clearing prelims but you couldn’t make it. This group’s objective is to enable you to channelise your effort in a right way.

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Check List for Tomorrow, 10th October: Tangible items: 1. Admit Card 2. ID proof 3. Passport size photo , if appearing blurry in admit card 4. Water bottle and chocolates 5. Mask, Sanitisers and Face cover etc whatever essential stuff you deem fit 6. 2 Black ball point pen
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Greetings from Shankar IAS Academy Preparing for Civil Services Exam is a long journey. A journey full of uncertainties. It is however, this uncertainty that tests the strength of your character. With a million plus aspirants applying for this exam for a few coveted posts, not many would even dare to enter this competition. In this final hour before you enter into the examination hall, here are our few words of wishes to every aspirant we enjoy an association with. Our ten commandments for our aspirants:- 1.       Tomorrow’s test is not going to be about how much you have memorized. It is instead about how well you can manage the question paper from what you have understood about the different subjects. 2.       Do not be surprised if you have not even attempted 50% of the question paper in your first round of answering. The toppers are in the same position as well. Go for the second round with a cool and patient mindset. 3.       Never force yourself into attempting questions that your instinct says to avoid. Your gut is always right. Defend so as to not be hurt by incorrect answers. Remember that the cut-offs have come down. It is not the 100 marks barrier anymore. 4.       Don’t read and re-read the same question beyond two times. You would either waste too much time or most probably your answer for that question would be wrong. Move on. There are many more questions to attempt. 5.       Keep the question paper at an arm’s length. If you bring it too close, your vision and thought would narrow down. The problems would be magnified if it is viewed too close. Maintain dignified distance from the questions. 6.       Forget about the questions in the previous pages. Only focus the question in hand. By-gones are by-gones. 7.       No matter how you perform in General Studies, attempt CSAT. 8.       It is human nature to focus on what we don’t know. Remember the number of tests that you have solved. You are already in a position to get at least 40 questions correct in tomorrows test. You have mastered so many areas in the last many months of your preparation. Trust your preparation. 9.       Tomorrow’s exam is after all one more full test. 10.   Take intermittent breaks. Drink water. And carry a watch. We wish you all great success in CSE Prelims 2021
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All the best everyone. 👍
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As a customary address (impact of reading Polity😄) I have to tell this because prelims is on tomorrow. Please go to exam hall without any preconceptions I mean forgot all you studied (I hope everyone of us already did that😂). Read the question, understand it(very important) apply the information (whatever you studied all these days) you know ,think the way UPSC thinks, first eliminate wrong options then choose the right one. Remember there is no right answer in UPSC it is all about appropriate one, so if the probability of being right is greater than wrong then it is right. If you focus on exception you can make every right option wrong and vice versa. To do all these effectively, you need to be emotionally balanced..don't get too frightened or excited. From 1st minute to last minute you should dominate the question paper🙈 and don't let question paper to dominate you. All the best everyone
Показати все... Just go through this and decide for yourself. From my experience I can say this will help you in scoring 5 6 marks extra which is of immense help to clear prelims. But if you are not strong in basics this will not help you much. PS I am not vouching for this so please don’t scold me if it doesn’t work for you😉. All the best
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Guessmastergiri: The Dark-Art of clearing UPSC Prelims WITHOUT Studying ANYTHING

Guessmastergiri's roots are in the incompetency of the UPSC examiner in framing MCQs with cliched structure. Basically you look for certain keywords / structure in the MCQ, and accordingly eliminate the wrong options and in most cases you can do it without having studied anything. Here are the Proofs:

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All you want to know about capital account convertibility

The RBI Governor recently said that India will continue to approach capital account convertibility as a process rather than an event. He also pointed out that capital account transactions in the rupee

I guess it's an UNEP programme.
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India had ratified the TFA in April 2016.
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На вашому тарифі доступна аналітика тільки для 5 каналів. Щоб отримати більше — оберіть інший тариф.