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kingmo0dz 🌙

my eyes are craving to see you 😍 love + you : my happiness 💍❤️ Creator ; @vndelsm

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life become easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got . @undyingvibes
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you've survived 100% of your worst days so far , keep going . @undyingvibes
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life become easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got . @undyingvibes
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use your mind to dream big . use your hands to achieve it . @undyingvibes
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just a real existence lived struggling for others in an actual beneficial . @undyingvibes
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life doesn't get easier and more forgiving , we get stronger and more resilient . @undyingvibes
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the future belongs to those who prepare for it today . @undyingvibes
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life isn't about finding yourself . life is about creating yourself . @undyingvibes
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strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle . @undyingvibes
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the expectations made her dissapointed , the confidence she got , doesn't give her a best hope she's ever made . @undyingvibes
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