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Science | Facts💡

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San Francisco authorities have decided to forgive all marijuana-related crimes over the past 40 years.
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👍 6👎 1
Cockroach can live for over a week without a head until it starves to death
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👍 5 1🤮 1
The hippopotamus can open its mouth incredibly wide, forming an angle of 150 degrees.
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😱 2👍 1
In hot weather, the nectar can ferment and the bees can get very drunk. Drunk bees are not allowed in the hive.
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👍 9😢 3
The heart of a blue whale is so huge that a person can swim through its arteries.
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👍 9😱 2 1
Metro logo lion Goldwyn Mayer killed his trainer the day after filming
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😱 10👍 3
There are no pain receptors in the brain. Therefore, neurosurgeons can perform surgery on the human brain without anaesthesia
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😱 5👍 3
Until 1956, children in Parisian school canteens were entitled to half a litre of wine, cider or beer of their choice.
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👍 6🔥 5
The real colour of the sun is white, we see it yellow because of the atmosphere.
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👍 14 1
Human trafficking makes $150 billion a year.
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😢 12🤬 11👍 1🤯 1