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Ireland Watchman

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Just listen to this and then make it viral!
02 Mary lou & Sinn Fein have completely lots the plot. Anyone who votes for SF are in the dark & have mental health problems. Muslims want to introduce Sharia law into Ireland so they can behead those they don't like. This ideology is so dangerous!!!
Let's get this straight, the Irish people are not racist past present or future. What is unfolding in Ireland for those brain dead brain washed gullible & easily deceived so called Irish diluted people is this. We are been flooded with African, Middle Eastern & Asian people who have come to Ireland by invitation of Roderic O'Gorman & those in the EU, UN & WEF who invited them in & funded it. They are not here running from war but running toooo war on white Irish & European Nation's disrupt & dismantle the Christian heritage & culture of our Nation's. In the mix is military migrants who have uniform & military equipment to kill & stand up against the indigenous people who live there. Irish mothers & fathers are in fear for their lives & the lives of their sons & daughters. The Irish people can clearly see that Ireland is been invaded. The sad thing about these situations is, we have the stupid so called Irish that cannot tell the difference between up & down & black or white. They think they are doing right but what they are doing is serving a globalist far-left liberal Marxist agenda to try & destroy Ireland from within use stupid so called Irish people that are completely brain dead. A far-left liberal Marxist agenda is the vehicle to overrun & overthrow a Nation when u can control the idiots of that Nation who are like remote controls & need to be guided, just like fools. Anyone who claims to be Irish yet works to destroy Irelands culture heritage and identity, is not real Irish but a clone or an airhead who cannot think clearly. The real Irish stand by each other & fight along side each other. Those who get in the way of protecting this Nation has lost the plot & will end up in a plot sooner or later. Ireland is a Nation of struggle for centuries. We as the real fighting Irish must not make the Same mistake as those in old times done by leaving God out of our hope & our future. If & when u go out to battle. Remember this & say it, God be with me to help & protect me, by your name!
At Leinster House & on that site since 1897, nothing has happened till now 2024 but career politicians getting rich on the gravy train of corruption & while they deceive the people & stab them in the back by choice. Time for change in Irish politics & all the white collar criminals are served Justice for their crimes against the Sovereign Men and Women on eire land. The Irish people have been defrauded & hoodwinked by 2 faced politicians who serve money & the slavery of it as their god & did not give a flying crap about anyone but their greedy selves. We did not ask for them & they did not deserve us, we the Irish people. They got rich using Ireland & the Irish people while they cunningly set us all up to be robbed by them in their evil corrupt system of Slavery of many crimes against we the people. These same slimy politicians & Banksters sacked the blood life out of us & the children while they masquerade as honest & trustworthy. Prisoners in jail were more trustworthy & reliable than most of Ireland's Politicians over the past 80 years. They went from bad to worse in the past 4 years when a lot of them showed their true poison colours against we the people. They got bolder & bolder in their evil ways against we the people when they thought they were untouchable because they had control of the courts & An Garda Siochana which are a disgusting disgrace against we the people. Now in 2024, we the people have no choice but to take the war to them because they took the war to we the people who done them no wrong but they did us many wrongs. Our small Nation is under seage like never before & it was all done by politicians we trusted but they were gangsters & fraudsters from the beginning. They even created a movement of mobsters & put uniforms on them & called them An Garda Siochana. They are a disgraced movement because they never served the people but served the mobsters & fraudsters who put them together to one day attack, we the people. Leinster House runs on lies & fraud since 1922!!!
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Eddie Hobbs 🙂 (Twitter) RT @james_freeman__: 👹 THE GLOBALIST EVIL PLAN - THIS IS WHERE WE ARE 🎯 Eddie Hobbs nails it! Listen back: @RealEddieHobbs @tntradiolive #WHO #WHOPandemicTreaty #IHR
‌Eddie Hobbs 🙂 (Twitter) FAILURE IN GENEVA posted this morning June 1st, as WHO cannot, yet, get its technocracy on the artificial runway that is the 'Pandemic'
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London Olympics 2012 opening ceremony, plandemic predictive programming and spell casting. Some people are unaware this actually happened. Bonus clip: Tranny Annie Lennox at the closing ceremony flashing 666 while saying "we reap what we sow", (as in, souls).
Far right crime links exposed by a Git. 🚨🚨🚨
Looks like this unwieldy hashtag is catching on...some good people behind these videos and lots more to come. More shares and we might get it trending. #TTPTPO For the win
🇩🇪Mannheim (false flag?) stabbing. Warning Graphic. Possible false flag for me (I know, people are sick of nothing being real, but it looks bullshit, unless these cops are the most poorly trained in response time too! Armed cops there in seconds lol). Copper stabbed twice before other copper shoots attacker. Gun was pulled. FOUR COPS WITH GUNS PULLED LET HIM STAB THEIR COLLEAGUE (theatrically it could be argued). What cop doesn't shoot there? Stabbed copper ignores rampaging knifeman and leaves himself exposed to multiple blows, instead of helping. What cop does that? Plus, close up filming by someone and not helping, and who stays that close when he's stabbing literally everyone - except the camera man. No one stays that close to that situation if it's real, with one hand on a phone. THINK. Why are helpers wearing hoods and glasses and masks? Try think of one reasonable they have head protection on underneath to protect from dummy knife blows? Passers by are not wearing hoods and no rain indicators. The actors are getting better, and I see a bloody leg with an apparent cut so kudos for production values. Face masks a nice touch (previously used cast or mouth/face guards?). Possible reasons? Who knows - cause fear, make people regret singing Auslander Raus everywhere ('look, you racists got innocent Germans stabbed'), general trauma fuckery event. They're desperate to keep a lid on rising populism and economic nationalism. There are too many Muslims, goes without saying. And they're killing and raping and robbing everywhere. But this looks staged. Don't use their made up lies to further your own valid agenda. It may feel like validation but big picture you'll always lose when you give credence to their shabby hoaxes. This is an advanced theatre group. Could well be a stunt crew that works on films.
It's Saturday the 1st of June, and we still don't know a thing about the four children and teacher who were apparently stabbed last November on Parnell square. The only thing we found out since then is that the parents of one child bizarrely sent her back to the same school. Because that's what you do isn't it, after your daughter witnesses a massacre that nearly killed her friend, send her back like she had just fell and cut her knee, like nothing major happened... Why do we still know nothing about the stabbed child? And why is everything still so vague? Because it didn't happen the way they said it did, and their bullshit story has been torn to shreds. So much so that they're still having trouble putting backstories and a believable sequence of events together. Ireland is too small. Too many people are now wise to it all. It was a shabbily put together false flag because they thought you the Irish were too stupid to see through it, or that your psychology would make you lap up and amplify the lies, because it suited a narrative or played the right chord in your (rational) threat identification system. We all naturally jumped on it at first, but the the low quality of the production was accompanied by a million plot holes and it quickly became apparent that the story was a dud. The British agency who ran it thought we were so innocent and thick over here, they clearly sent over their B team with the travelling BIC delegations to Dublin Castle. The litany of inconsistencies to this story should be overwhelming for anyone who truly wants to look at it. If this type of thing isn't exposed they'll run them again and again and again, as they probably have been doing for decades. There is a war for our people's minds: this event was designed to make our side look bad and normalise the plantation (migrant heroes) and to boost the floundering hate speech/free speech law initiative (staged riots). Feeding the crocodile and going along with the lie because we think we still derive some tiny benefit from this event narrative will only help us be devoured by it in the end. Some people (there are more than you think) still refuse to face up to the blatant lies presented to them with smiling faces. And that's fair enough, it ain't easy facing up to how bad it all is.
COPIED "The Uncomfortable Definition of an Infidel.... Allah or the Lord Jesus Christ? The Muslim religion is by far the fastest  growing religion in the UK . Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for  maintaining my prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their beliefs. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked:  'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven.  If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?' There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, ‘Non-believers!' I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?' The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command  to that of  'a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.' He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.' I then stated, 'Well, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope Benedict commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!' The Imam was speechless! I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you  because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?' You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam remained speechless. Needless to say, the organisers and promoters of the 'Diversification'  training seminar were not happy with this way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs. Within twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect a government of their choice, complete with sharia law I think everyone in the U.K. should be required to read this, but with the Liberal justice system, liberal media and political correctness madness, there is no way this will be widely publicised."
Vote rigging is a reality. About 7 major Nation's have had their elections rigged within the past few years. Ireland elections can be tampered with because certain parties do not want to give up control or power. Every voting station will need to be watched for vote tampering. Its very easy to have a million votes set aside that say u voted to keep in the present coalition of corruption. Everything must be done to protect the votes so we get a true result & not a rigged result. The far-left movement in Ireland hold certain positions that could throw the vote in their direction. We are living in very dishonest times. Those who hold power at present tell lies daily to the public. This will take a major patriotic move in all counties to watch & protect the votes. Make sure u video every movement of vote boxes & get as close to those boxes to make sure they are not swapped or tampered with. These gangsters in power have lost their positions because they took the money & committed treason against we the people!
Mehole Msrtin has fooled only those he can fool by falsely claiming he represents those who voted for him over years. He is a globalist puppet in Ireland & does not give a flying crap about u or your culture because he is compromised. He supports everything global. He is a tyrant masquerading as an accountable politician. He has fooled the people of for years while he got very rich. He is a traitor. Do not give this man another vote when the Nation election starts. Do not be fooled by career politicians who lie to u to get your vote. Vote independent & Irish freedom party & all National patriotic people who love our culture & identity!
Niall McConnell is a true patriot standing up for Ireland & its people. One thing I truly like about Niall is his sincerity & energy to get out there & make his voice & conviction known. He is so sincere & trustworthy working on behalf of Irish culture & Irish identity. The only fault I find with him is his religious view & what he believes is a true religion working on behalf of God in the Catholic religion, whish it is not. The Catholic religion is also a Corporation or corporate institution selling its religion to all who are willing to buy into it. Here's how this religion works. The Roman Catholic religion is a man made religion put together to deceive & misguide all who fall for their deception. The priests dress up & perform religious ceremonies that hold a hint of truth but its foundation is sinking sand. Who needs to dress up only actors & performers. They act & you react to them by following what they say & do. In secret, they are not all you think. Nothing holy about any of them. It's all rituals they perform. The Catholic religion is full of idols & contradictions to the word of God. True Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with the roman religion of trickery & deception. Read the bible for yourself & read it like It was written to you in a personal way. God gave each of us a measure of faith to know him personally. He is always near you waiting for your call to him for help. Seek the truth & read the Bible often. There you will encounter God. Go to a good book store or Christian book shop and buy an easy to read bible. Let your journey begin like it has begun for millions upon millions over time. Don't miss out because only regrets follow those who miss the gift of eternal life. Fully support Niall McConnell as he is a good man worth supporting because he cares about you & Ireland!!!
This is what they have become. They have been hoodwinked. They have abandoned their oath to obey a criminal empire operating as legitimate institutions but are really gangsters in high positions & office. So, An Garda Siochana have gone rogue. They are the real law breakers & not the people who are only standing for what's safe & right for their children & surroundings. The social order agreement between the State & its institutions have been broken by the State & its institutions. The Sovereign people on eire do not have to obey any public order demands because the enforcers have broken their oath & code of conduct on the people since 2020. The Sovereign people have a lawful right to use force to stand against tyranny & lawlessness from a rogue government & rogue State that have abandoned the people to obey unelected & unaccountable criminals in positions of power & influence. The people have a lawful right to create a new policing service thats serves the people & follow the real Constitution. People you must unite behind strong Irish patriotic leaders working for eire land & its Sovereign Men and Women!
The real An Garda Siochana headquarters under Drew Harris & his British circle pushing a lawless agenda to destroy Ireland, be warned!
An Garda Siochana have become the laughing stock of the people because they are now fools & lawless in their behaviour towards the Sovereign Men and Women on eire land. Gangsters in uniform & armed with potential to harm & even kill innocent Irish people who only want safety & just laws to protect them & their Sovereign Nation & heritage. An Garda Siochana have gone rogue & become a very dangerous unlawful entity working for a globalist Luciferian agenda been pushed by unelected faceless crooks who want them to break the law under the cover of false science & false programmes that are very dangerous to ordinary & vulnerable people. An Garda Siochana operate under Maritime Sea laws that have no power or jurisdiction over land. They are pushing a lawless agenda to destroy their own Nation under the false pretences of, the better good & false sustainability projects that lead to murder & chaos of that which was safe & good!
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Muslims think they follow God. But the real fact is, they follow the nature of the one they follow who is, Satan, Lucifer, the devil or the Draggon. Christians follow Jesus, who is the love of God, the restored fellowship with God, the mediator to God, the eternal sacrifice for God & your peace & moral life full of good things & all things good. Chose whom you serve. Make your choice because whoever you choose, you must perform the nature of the one you serve???!!!
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33 Israel is misrepresented in Ireland. Your Government legal dead entities & your media hate Israel. The Irish people need to realise they are been gaslit by propaganda from Gaza & the conflic there. Hollywood is working their movie skills to promote Israel as terrorists when the acts of atrocities were carried out by Palestinians who are also Hamas soldiers building many tunnels under Gaza with the purpose of sneaking up on the Jewish people to anialate them & the Nation of Israel. Do your research & find the truth & not what your been told because much of it is staged with actors pretending they are dead. Children are also acting in parts to make it look like they were murdered. Have u heard of make-up & false blood & false scenes or props for camera films. Ireland has turned a dark corner supporting a far-left Marxist agenda which suits the globalists who are using Palestine to create more conflic into as many Nation's as possible. If the EU, the UN or the WEF says its true or your Government says its true including the lame stream media, then u know its a lie & all propaganda to divide & conquer the people & the Nation's!
🤯This is the perfect ad for why to home school your children!! 😡😡😡 Join ➣ SHOCKING TRUTH
Watch as Alan Jones completely destroys The Climate Change Carbon Dioxide Hoax. Join ➣ SHOCKING TRUTH
Just listen to this and then make it viral!
Показати все... Mary lou & Sinn Fein have completely lots the plot. Anyone who votes for SF are in the dark & have mental health problems. Muslims want to introduce Sharia law into Ireland so they can behead those they don't like. This ideology is so dangerous!!!
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Sinn Féin can't figure out why they're plummeting in the polls...

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Let's get this straight, the Irish people are not racist past present or future. What is unfolding in Ireland for those brain dead brain washed gullible & easily deceived so called Irish diluted people is this. We are been flooded with African, Middle Eastern & Asian people who have come to Ireland by invitation of Roderic O'Gorman & those in the EU, UN & WEF who invited them in & funded it. They are not here running from war but running toooo war on white Irish & European Nation's disrupt & dismantle the Christian heritage & culture of our Nation's. In the mix is military migrants who have uniform & military equipment to kill & stand up against the indigenous people who live there. Irish mothers & fathers are in fear for their lives & the lives of their sons & daughters. The Irish people can clearly see that Ireland is been invaded. The sad thing about these situations is, we have the stupid so called Irish that cannot tell the difference between up & down & black or white. They think they are doing right but what they are doing is serving a globalist far-left liberal Marxist agenda to try & destroy Ireland from within use stupid so called Irish people that are completely brain dead. A far-left liberal Marxist agenda is the vehicle to overrun & overthrow a Nation when u can control the idiots of that Nation who are like remote controls & need to be guided, just like fools. Anyone who claims to be Irish yet works to destroy Irelands culture heritage and identity, is not real Irish but a clone or an airhead who cannot think clearly. The real Irish stand by each other & fight along side each other. Those who get in the way of protecting this Nation has lost the plot & will end up in a plot sooner or later. Ireland is a Nation of struggle for centuries. We as the real fighting Irish must not make the Same mistake as those in old times done by leaving God out of our hope & our future. If & when u go out to battle. Remember this & say it, God be with me to help & protect me, by your name!
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👍 3
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At Leinster House & on that site since 1897, nothing has happened till now 2024 but career politicians getting rich on the gravy train of corruption & while they deceive the people & stab them in the back by choice. Time for change in Irish politics & all the white collar criminals are served Justice for their crimes against the Sovereign Men and Women on eire land. The Irish people have been defrauded & hoodwinked by 2 faced politicians who serve money & the slavery of it as their god & did not give a flying crap about anyone but their greedy selves. We did not ask for them & they did not deserve us, we the Irish people. They got rich using Ireland & the Irish people while they cunningly set us all up to be robbed by them in their evil corrupt system of Slavery of many crimes against we the people. These same slimy politicians & Banksters sacked the blood life out of us & the children while they masquerade as honest & trustworthy. Prisoners in jail were more trustworthy & reliable than most of Ireland's Politicians over the past 80 years. They went from bad to worse in the past 4 years when a lot of them showed their true poison colours against we the people. They got bolder & bolder in their evil ways against we the people when they thought they were untouchable because they had control of the courts & An Garda Siochana which are a disgusting disgrace against we the people. Now in 2024, we the people have no choice but to take the war to them because they took the war to we the people who done them no wrong but they did us many wrongs. Our small Nation is under seage like never before & it was all done by politicians we trusted but they were gangsters & fraudsters from the beginning. They even created a movement of mobsters & put uniforms on them & called them An Garda Siochana. They are a disgraced movement because they never served the people but served the mobsters & fraudsters who put them together to one day attack, we the people. Leinster House runs on lies & fraud since 1922!!!
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Disgusting, ungrateful migrant continues to threaten the Irish

Repost from Eddie Hobbs
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Repost from Eddie Hobbs
Eddie Hobbs 🙂 (Twitter) FAILURE IN GENEVA posted this morning June 1st, as WHO cannot, yet, get its technocracy on the artificial runway that is the 'Pandemic'
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TikTok · Eddie Hobbs Counterpoint

1059 likes, 163 comments. Check out Eddie Hobbs Counterpoint’s video.

Repost from Fall of the Cabal
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