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Chinese team reports patient’s diabetes cured with cell therapy in world first Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Chinese team reports patient’s diabetes cured with cell therapy in world first

A breakthrough cell therapy in Shanghai is reported to have cured a man’s diabetes, giving hope to other sufferers.

Researchers have discovered that zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient. This finding, along with the transcriptional regulator Fixation Under Nitrate (FUN), could revolutionize legume-based agriculture by optimizing crop efficiency and reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient

Climate change, drought, increased temperature and other stressors challenge agricultural sustainability. Researchers have now made an unexpected discovery: zinc plays a pivotal role in the plant response to abiotic stress. This groundbreaking discovery not only sheds light on the intricate mechanisms of plant growth but also holds promise for revolutionizing crop resilience, especially in legume-based agriculture.

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A recent study shows that Bird flu, or H5N1 virus, in unpasteurized milk is stable on metal and rubber components of commercial milking equipment for at least one hour, increasing its potential to infect people and other animals. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Bird flu stays stable on milking equipment for at least one hour

H5N1 virus in unpasteurized milk is stable on metal and rubber components of commercial milking equipment for at least one hour, increasing its potential to infect people and other animals.

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A study of multiple Mycena mushroom species has found that they have unexpectedly large genomes. This collection of genes enable them to adapt to different lifestyles as circumstances change.  Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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These mushrooms have “massively expanded” genomes to make them more adaptable to multiple lifestyles

A study of multiple Mycena mushroom species reported in the journal Cell Genomics has found that they have unexpectedly large genomes. While the mushrooms had been thought to be purely saprotrophic – living by degrading dead organic material alone – the discovery suggests that they may instead have a collection of genes to enable them to adapt to different lifestyles as circumstances change. Interestingly, they show certain Mycena strains living in the Arctic have some of the largest mushroom genomes ever described. These mushrooms show widespread growth across their genome. This includes not only the genes that help them invade or interact with plants and break down carbon, but also genes whose functions are not yet known but are likely important. Additionally, there are many repetitive, non-coding elements and genes that they have acquired from other, unrelated fungi through horizontal gene transfer.

A recent meta-analysis found that individuals who consume psychedelics exhibit significantly higher levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) compared to healthy non-users. This increase in BDNF suggests that psychedelics might enhance the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize itself. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Psychedelics show promise in enhancing brain plasticity

People who use psychedelics tend to have higher levels of BDNF, a brain protein that promotes neuroplasticity and neuron growth, suggesting potential mental health benefits.

A study stated that alligators can become “nuisance gators” when they associate people with food. Feeding alligators causes them to lose their natural fear of humans and associate us with a readily available source of food. They are then more likely to approach the next adult, child, or pet. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Serotonin 2C receptor in the brain regulates memory in people and mice, providing new insights into the factors involved in healthy memory but also in conditions associated with memory loss (like Alzheimer’s disease) Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Serotonin 2C receptor regulates memory in mice and humans - implications for Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and collaborating institutions have shown that serotonin 2C receptor...

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A more accurate way to scan for tuberculosis (TB) has been developed by researchers using positron emission tomography (PET). In addition, radiotracers are radioactive compounds that give off radiation that can be detected by scanners and turned into a 3D image. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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First specific PET scan for TB could enable more effective treatment

A more accurate way to scan for tuberculosis (TB) has been developed by UK and US researchers, using positron emission tomography (PET). The team, from the Rosalind Franklin Institute, the Universities of Oxford and Pittsburgh and the National Institutes of Health in the USA, have developed a new radiotracer, which is taken up by live TB bacteria in the body. Radiotracers are radioactive compounds which give off radiation that can be detected by scanners and turned into a 3D image. The new radiotracer, called FDT, enables PET scans to be used for the first time to accurately pinpoint when and where the disease is still active in a patient’s lungs. The researchers have put the new radiotracer through extensive pre-clinical trials with no adverse effects and it is now ready to go into Phase I trials in humans. Published in Nature Communications, the research was funded by the Gates Foundation and UK Research and Innovation.

New research suggests that people may expect to engage in more unethical behavior when they perceive higher levels of economic inequality in society. This finding could have implications for societal trust and cooperation. The studies involved over 3,000 American participants in total. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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Can inequality affect morality? Research shows potential connection

Research suggests that people may expect to behave more unethically when they perceive higher economic inequality, potentially decreasing societal trust and cooperation.

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An international team of researchers has identified specific bacteria in the gut that are associated with both mice and humans developing an addiction to food that can lead to obesity. They have also identified bacteria that play a beneficial role in preventing food addiction. Read Full Article #Science #ScienceNews #News #Research #Breakthrough #Facts
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