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It will not take long before the Muslim vote makes waves here in Australia. To paraphrase George Lincoln Rockwell, "If they vote Muslim and they vote Jewish, you gotta vote White!" Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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In the Westfield shopping centre in Adelaide, two groups of teenage boys fought with expandable batons, according to SBS Australia. What sort of future are we meant to have when these events occur during the day? Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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These gun laws do not protect you from migrants who attack your children, rape women or firebomb buildings. We need mass deportations before we enact the constitutional right to self-defence! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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All you need is this: Eggs/milk (raw if you want) as well as exposure to the sun. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Namibia's High Court has announced that it has struck down a law banning gay sex. In other words, a victory for gay niggers. I wish the rest of Africa followed suit. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Fairly simple. Also funny how the only counter-argument against nuclear energy involves using cartoons from The Simpsons. Just goes to show the level of intelligence regarding this debate. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Astroturfed movement "Just Stop Oil" has defaced Stonehenge. JSO and Extinction Rebellion care more about tearing down the heritage of White people around the world. That is their true motive, not climate change. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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We'll be live shortly Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat
On a lighter note, it is good to see this absolute Chad still alive to share the wisdom with the policeman who falsely arrested him. "Gentlemen, THIS. IS. DEMOCRACY. MANIFEST." Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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This is just one of many pieces of propaganda used against White Australians. The JBD would rather side with the migrants that come here in the last 18 months and expect the rest of us to simply shut up! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Abul Rizvi warns of "civil unrest" if immigration becomes key issue for the 2025 election. There is scaremongering over this while buildings have been firebombed, homes invaded and innocent people attacked. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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The pay packets of parliamentarians have risen by 3.5% in line with inflation. In the midst of non-White invasion they allegedly can't/won't control, it also appears that they can't/won't stop the pay rises! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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New powers which won't end the scourge of knife crimes. They will do everything except for mass deportations. Unless Vic ALP are cleared out of power, get used to having your mother/daughter patted down by cops on a power-trip. VicPol will never call a spade a spade (since crimes by nationality haven't been disclosed since 2018), so now they cope by wanting new powers to enforce Anarcho-Tyranny Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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On the verge of recession and promoting migrant yoga teachers and African home invaders ahead of Aussie workers, the Albanese Government gives a new proposal: *checks notes* The Algorithm of Disrespect! The youth won't touch this shit! And the leftie boomers who support this shit will have to ask their disinterested grandchildren how to work the computer/tablet to access the website lol. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Over 350,000 hectares of land in Queensland has been handed over under the guise of Native Title. Half our nation is under Native Title and the other half is being flooded with non-White immigration. We will turn things around, White Australians are not stupid or cowardly to take this lying down! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Yesterday marked Father's Day. Give your dad a hug, a call, or celebrate the men that honour their duty as a father. You don't have to be Gary Plauche to be the best dad, your kids will love you all the same. Hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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And yet the anti-White political class reckons the best thing forward is to import more Indians, more Chinese, more Africans and more people from the Third World! AUSLÄNDER RAUS! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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"As I look ahead I am filled with foreboding, like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood. That tragic and intractable phenomenon, which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic, but which is interwoved with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect." - J. Enoch Powell, British MP, 20th April 1968 What was prophetic by Powell is reality for Australia. We allow this to happen simply because we don't want to be called racist! AUSLÄNDER RAUS! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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If you want to know how and why 100,000 Victorians have been terrorised by home invasions since 2014, here's the answer: Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Despite being an "approved" puppet of globalism, Giorgia Meloni managed to show with one awkward interaction the truth about what women feel when near Indians. Even far-right propaganda can't make this up haha! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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After seeing the results of EU elections and comparing with the Teals/middle-aged women who love talking about climate change/*insert shitlib politics, I reckon Australians want something radical. We don't want discussions on giving money to Twiggy Forest and Simon Holmes a Court. We want to end immigration and engage in mass deportations. AUSLÄNDER RAUS! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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No surprises if the supermajority of this number comes from the Third World. If the system allows for 10,000 a week to arrive here from India/China/non-White nations, then that is the purpose of Australia's immigration system. It will continue to happen unless we engage in mass deportations! AUSLÄNDER RAUS! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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You can call them Nazis and ban their symbols and force mass immigration and rapefugees onto their country, but Germans are looking to rise up against globohomo. German zoomers are rising up, the same with the youth in Sweden and France. Soon Australia must and will join the ranks. AUSLÄNDER RAUS! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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We'll be LIVE in half an hour Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat
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Memes aside, it is funny to see Barry leave after overseeing the industrial-scale lies of the media on immigration, lockdowns, anti-White racism, the Referendum and beating down on genuine voices for Australia. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Political donations are set to be banned by the South Australian government. Don't be surprised if the ALP finds a workaround to maintain power. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate. They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate. Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate. It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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So they found carcinogens in the water. Hmmm. It's not enough that they have to use poison in medicines, now the water's tainted. Combined with mass immigration, expect disaster unless we clear this mess up! Clear away the filth in the water and clear out all the immigrants that have arrived here! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Remigration and deporting masses of immigrants remains within the minds of the young voters who supported far-right political parties in Europe. We will ensure that the process repeats itself here in Australia! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Premier Scamdrews has been named in the King's Honours List, as well as Samantha Mostyn (incoming Governor-General) and former WA Premier Mark McGowan who oversaw a video translating English into Aboriginalese. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Another statue has been damaged in Melbourne, no doubt by spiteful mutants who despite the history of our nation. We cannot accept the destruction of our White Australian heritage. We will fight back! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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There's an election coming up before May 2025, here's what has happened since 2022. This is not including the paedophiles/rapists/murderers released by the High Court from indefinite detention! The sooner we clear our Albanese and the Labor Party, the better! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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So AnAl and his merry gang of Marxists get to smile in front of the camera as they have banned live exports. This will lead to hundreds of thousands/millions of sheep being culled + family farms going bankrupt! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Albanese is overseeing foreign invaders taking more land simply because of how lucrative the money would be for the Federal Government to spend. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Dutton should also rip up: - UN agreements on immigration - 1975 Lima Agreement - National Firearms Agreement - Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 - Native Title Act 1993 - Migration Act 1968 Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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Not one White Aussie in sight, this is Melbourne in 2024.
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As part of the AfD's political campaign, it has waged a meme war by promoting #Stolzmonat, which involves the use of the German flag to mogg homosexuals, lesbians, transgender activists and their allies. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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A Muslim woman in Melbourne has seen an uptick in graffiti as part of a tit-for-tat slinging match between Israelis and Palestinians in Australia. Deportations must occur, for both Palestinians and Israelis! We don't want to be involved in this fight where White Australians are put in second place in the name of fighting Islamophobia/Anti-Semitism! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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It will not take long before the Muslim vote makes waves here in Australia. To paraphrase George Lincoln Rockwell, "If they vote Muslim and they vote Jewish, you gotta vote White!" Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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💯 18 11👍 5🤣 1
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In the Westfield shopping centre in Adelaide, two groups of teenage boys fought with expandable batons, according to SBS Australia. What sort of future are we meant to have when these events occur during the day? Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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🥴 19🌚 8👍 2🤯 1🤣 1
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These gun laws do not protect you from migrants who attack your children, rape women or firebomb buildings. We need mass deportations before we enact the constitutional right to self-defence! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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👍 38💩 2🤣 2
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All you need is this: Eggs/milk (raw if you want) as well as exposure to the sun. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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👍 30🤣 5 2
Namibia's High Court has announced that it has struck down a law banning gay sex. In other words, a victory for gay niggers. I wish the rest of Africa followed suit. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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🤣 26👍 1🤮 1
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Fairly simple. Also funny how the only counter-argument against nuclear energy involves using cartoons from The Simpsons. Just goes to show the level of intelligence regarding this debate. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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👍 36🤡 3
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Astroturfed movement "Just Stop Oil" has defaced Stonehenge. JSO and Extinction Rebellion care more about tearing down the heritage of White people around the world. That is their true motive, not climate change. Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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🤬 50💯 4🖕 4🤡 2🤣 1
Repost from Joel Davis
We'll be live shortly Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat
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Polarisation Phases

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🔥 7💩 2🖕 2🤡 1
On a lighter note, it is good to see this absolute Chad still alive to share the wisdom with the policeman who falsely arrested him. "Gentlemen, THIS. IS. DEMOCRACY. MANIFEST." Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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😁 25 2
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This is just one of many pieces of propaganda used against White Australians. The JBD would rather side with the migrants that come here in the last 18 months and expect the rest of us to simply shut up! Follow: @FUCK_THE_ABC on Telegram on Twitter
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🖕 42💩 6🤡 2
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