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Simple Science

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🤗 How cool is it to know physics! A plastic bag doesn't melt when there's water inside it 🧪 Simple Science
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🔫 Bullet Scientists in the U.S. have created a gun attachment for police officers so that the first shot is not fatal. 🧪 Simple Science
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🖼 RGB Triad Here's how the three primary colors can be used to create a multicolor image. 🧪 Simple Science
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✍️ How to draw a 3D drawing 🧪 Simple Science
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🌌 Some silly facts: There is a myth that a piece of paper cannot be folded more than eight times. If you have a large enough sheet you can fold it as many times as you like. However, there is a problem: If you fold the sheet 103 times you get a stack as thick as the known universe - 93 billion light-years. 🧪 Simple Science
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🚜 The process of wrapping hay 🧪 Simple Science
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