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#500DaysOfTigrayGenocide: “The ethnic profiling, detention and killing of Tigrayans bears the hallmarks of genocide as defined by international law.” #SupportHR6600 and ensure accountability for atrocities. @RepBarragan @RepBeatty @RepBice @RepCindyAxne
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For #500DaysOfTigrayGenocide, Tigrayans have been subjugated to systematic destruction of their essential infrastructure with 80% of health facilities looted, vandalized, or destroyed. This siege must end. @USUN @NorwayUN @franceonu @GermanyUN @EstoniaUN
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Tigray facing world’s biggest health ‘catastrophe’, WHO warns

UN also warns that attacks on health workers and facilities are becoming commonplace, with 43 confirmed in Ukraine since Russia invaded

Tigray’s health system has been left in shambles by invading troops. Survivors lack adequate treatment and transport. Millions face imminent risk of death if action is not taken ASAP. Please #SupportHR6600. @DebDingell @RepAnnaEshoo @RepDwightEvans
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“I Always Remember That Day”

Summary I have anxiety…. I feel stress, I am affected mentally…. That moment comes to my mind every day….  I always remember that day.

It has been #500DaysOfTigrayGenocide and over 6 million people are in need of aid. In order to bring peace and stabilization to Ethiopia, the passing of H.R. 6600 is a critical component. #SupportHR6600 @RepJoeWilson @RepKinzinger @RepMeijer @RepHerrell
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Ethiopian forces burned Tigrayan man alive, says EHRC rights body

Ethiopian authorities have pledged to prosecute individuals who apparently set a man on fire in a widely circulated video. Some of the people seen in the video were wearing uniforms.

“Government security forces have subjected Tigrayans … to sweeping ethnically based arrests, enforced disappearances since the beginning of the conflict.” This is unacceptable. Please #SupportHR6600 @SanfordBishop @laurenboebert @RepBonamici @RepHartzler
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‘They slap a price on you’: Ethiopia’s Tigrayan extortion racket

Civilians held without charge accuse Ethiopian security officers of systematic extortion and increasing abuse.

“Patients are dying because of a lack of oxygen, a lack of electricity, and they cannot keep the babies breathing.” Why has the ICC ignored the crisis in Tigray for over a year? @KarimKhanQC @EU_Commission @EUCouncil @NLatICC #500DaysOfTigrayGenocide
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Patients dying as conflict prevents supplies reaching Tigray hospitals

Medics unable to keep babies alive, says doctor, as Ethiopia’s civil war creates desperate shortages of drugs, oxygen, fuel and food

Millions in the Tigray region are at risk of starvation due to the deadly siege imposed by Abiy Ahmed. Please #SupportHR6600 to bring relief to the people of Ethiopia. @AngieCraigMN @RepCohen @RepDavids @RodneyDavis @RepDelBene #500DaysOfTigrayGenocide
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'God have mercy': Tigray residents describe life under siege

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — As food and the means to buy it dwindled in a city under siege, the young mother felt she could do no more. She killed herself, unable to feed her children. In a Catholic church across town, flour and oil to make communion wafers will soon run out.

More than 6 million Tigrayans have been sealed off from the outside world and are facing an unparalleled health crisis. The @IntlCrimCourt’s failure to uphold itself to its standards is a grave injustice. #500DaysOfTigrayGenocide @ministerBZ @DutchMFA
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Tigray facing world’s biggest health ‘catastrophe’, WHO warns

UN also warns that attacks on health workers and facilities are becoming commonplace, with 43 confirmed in Ukraine since Russia invaded