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Учні 9-х та 11-х класів можуть не складати ДПА з англійської, якщо у минулому або поточному навчальних роках отримали міжнародний сертифікат Cambridge Assessment English, який підтверджує володіння англійською на рівні: • A2 і вище для 9-тих класів загальноосвітніх шкіл, а також B1 і вище — для 9-х класів із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов.  • для 11-тих класів — це В1 та В2 відповідно. У такому разі результати цих іспитів зараховуються, як атестація з іноземної мови, й учень отримує «автоматичні» 12 балів.
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Анонс 🤩🥳
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Hello =) My answers to yesterday's test have arrived! 🎃The graph shows the number of people who have travelled to and from UK. 🎃In 1979, the number of people who visited UK was 10 million. 🎃Turkey was the last country in terms of the number of people visiting it. Do you have any other suggesions?
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Good morning, my dear readers ;) Let's find the mistakes in the sentences below. 🎃The graph shows the number of people travelled to and from UK. 🎃In 1979, the number of people visited UK was 10 millions. 🎃Turkey was the least country in terms of the number of people visiting it. Feel free to share your answers in the discussion group. I'll post my answers tomorrow.
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Well, I think it's high time you received a portion of useful collocations 😁 'Collocation' basically means using the right words together. Many students know a lot of nouns, but they don't always know the right verbs to use with those nouns. Here are some useful 'verb + noun' collocations: 🤠to make a mistake (not 'do' a mistake) 🤠to do/carry out/conduct research (not 'make' research, not 'a' research) 🤠to make/take/reach a decision 🤠to have/gain/lack experience 🤠to have/face/experience difficulties Think about this, especially when you are writing essays. Check in a dictionary to make sure you have used the right verb with the right noun.
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Hey-hey! 👋🏻 Here we go: 1) Governments have played an essential role in society. 2) Lack of exercise has bad effects on health. 3) Qualifications lead to getting promoted. 4) This may contribute to reaching their dreams. 5) The most important thing is to make people aware of this problem. Are you ready for the next portion?🤓🤓🤓 I'll post it at 4 pm
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