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قسم Anatomy الدفعة.38

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الأسئلة الي جت من بنك الدفعة ترم ثالث: (32) The ureteric bud develops as an outgrowth from the: A. perinephric duct B . mesonephric duct C. paramesonephric duct D. primitive cloaca Answer: B (22) Why the right recurrent laryngeal nerve doesn’t appear in the thorax as the left recurrent laryngeal nerve? because of …… a) degeneration of dorsal part of left 6th aortic arch b) denegation of dorsal part of right 6th aortic arch c) degeneration of dorsal part of right 5th aortic arch d) degeneration of dorsal part of right 4th aortic arch Answer: B (35) 9. Coronary arteries anastomose with which of the following arteries: a. Vasa vasorum of the aorta b. Vasa vasorum of pulmonary arteries c. Bronchial arteries d. All of the above Answer: D (32) Trabecular cornae of right ventricle is in all following forms except: a. Ridges b. Bridges c. Papillary muscles d. Chordae tendinae Answer: D (30) Apex of the heart is felt at: a. 8 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in left 5th intercostal space b. 9 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in left 5th intercostal space c. 9 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in left 6th intercostal space d. 9 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in right 5th intercostal space. (23) The pelvic floor is formed by all of the following muscles EXCEPT a) pubococcygeus b) coccygeus c) piriformis d) puborectalis Answer: C ذا السؤال موجود كمان بمور #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من بنك المعرشي 1 : 49.The male pelvic inlet is: a. heart-shape b. oval shape c. large d. pyramidal shape بس اضاف الزاوية 50-60 للسؤال يعني بهذا الصياغة 👇👇👇 All of these are not related to male pelvis EXCEPT: 1-Subpubic angle is 50-60 degrees 2-Heart-shaped 3-(Subpubic angle is 50-60 degrees & Heart-shaped) 4-The ischiopubic ramus is smooth snd inverted. 101. After puberty the ovaries___ a. Have an even surface, pink to gray in color b. Have an uneven surface, pink to gray in color c. Have an even surface pink to white in color d. Have an uneven surface, pink to white in color #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من اختبار ٣٧ : 12. Horner syndrome is due to: A/cerebellar syndrome B/medullary syndrome C/both A & B D/none Answer: B 59. Pyramidal decussation is at : A/upper border of medulla B/lower border of medulla C/middle of medulla Answer: B 78. The most medial nucleus of cerebellum is: A/fastigial nucleus 80. Superior salivary nucleus presents in: A/medulla B/pons C/junction between pons and medulla Answer: C 39. All of the following are Boundaries of temporal fossa , Except : A/Temporal fascia B/Zygomatic bone C/Superior temporal line D/Post. Surface of Maxilla Answer: D #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من السماء 😂💔 Where are Goll & Brüche nuclei located? 1- hippocampus 2 medulla oblongata ✅️ 3 pons 4 midbrain Which of the following doesn't pass anterior to the left of aortic arch: -sup cervical branch of Lt sup. Cevical ganglion -inf. Cervical branch of Lt vagus nerve -Lt superior intercostal vein -Lt phrenic nerve #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من بنك فشرام : 7. Anatomically, which of the following regions does not belong to the hypothalamus? (a) Supraoptic region (b) Pre-optic region 👍 (c) Tuberal region (d) Mamillary region #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من ثاني اهم بنك بعد فشرام: 4. Which of the following does not match between an artery and its branch? a) Internal carotid/ posterior communicating b) Basilar/ posterior inferior cerebellar 👍 c) Vertebral/ anterior spinal d) Anterior cerebral/ anterior communicating e) Ophthalmic/ anterior ethmoidal 11. Which of the following is NOT gray matter of the brain: a) Corpus callosum b) Cerebellar cortex c) Basal ganglia d) Thalamus e) Mammillary body 33. The __ wind around the lateral surface of the midbrain a) Trochlear nerve b) Optic tract c) Posterior cerebral artery d) All of the above e) None of the above ذا نفس السؤال نزل بس عدل الدكتور وعمل مدل عشان يغالطنا.. #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من بنك ال DENTISTRY : 121.The following structure(s) usually is/are found embedded in the parotid gland: a. the common carotid artery b. the external jugular vein c. the retromandibular vein 👍 d. all of the above 123.The following is a muscle of facial expression innervated by the facial nerve a. lateral pterygoid muscle b. stylohyoid muscle d. orbicularis oris muscle 👍 e. all of the above 130.The cavernous dural venous sinus a. lies in the anterior cranial fossa b. contains part of the internal carotid artery 👍 c. contains the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) in its wall d. does not receive venous blood from outside the skull 143.This muscle of the tongue is innervated by the vagus nerve a. palatopharyngeus b. palatoglossus 👍 c. styloglossus d. genioglossus 155.The cell bodies of postganglionic parasympathetic axons supplying the lacrimal gland are in the a. geniculate ganglion b. pterygopalatine ganglion 👍 c. otic ganglion d. trigeminal ganglion 182.The following muscle is an elevator of the larynx a. omohyoid b. sternothyroid c. thyrohyoid 👍 d. digastric 186.On the right side of the root of the neck the costocervical trunk usually arises from the a. first part of the subclavian artery b. second part of the subclavian artery 👍 c. third part of the subclavian artery d. Brachiocephalic artery 271. The retromandibular vein is formed by the junction of the maxillary vein and the: a. facial vein b. middle temporal vein c. transverse facial vein d. superficial temporal vein 👍 #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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الأسئلة الي نزلت من بنك مور : 6. Which of the following statements concerning the sternal angle is correct? (A) It lies at the level of the intervertebral disk between T4/T5. 👍 (B) It is flanked by the costal cartilage of the 3rd pair of costal cartilages. (C) It is crossed by the superior epigastric artery. (D) It lies in the epigastric fossa. 9. Which of the following muscles covers and pads the lateral pelvic wall? (A) obturator internus 👍 (B) piriformis (C) pubococcygeus (D) iliococcygeus 17. Which of the following arteries arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac? (A) superior rectal (B) superior gluteal (C) gonadal (D) obturator👍 52. What nerve emerges between the labyrinthine artery and the anterior inferior cerebellar artery? (A) optic (B) trochlear 👍 (C) trigeminal (D) abducent #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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1- All Arise from second pharyngeal arch Except: A) spine of sphenoid 👍 B) stapedial artery C) stapes D) stapedius muscle 2- Structures passing between internal and external carotid artery are all except : Styloid process Stylohyoid muscle👍 Stylopharyngeus muscle Styloglossus muscle 3- All the following are correct about carotid artery except 1. regulate pH 2. innervated by glossopharyngeal 3. are chemoreceptor 4. are baroreceptors👍 4- The nucleus of perlia is nucleus of? Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve Ocolomotor nerve 👍 5- Which of tongue muscle supllied by vagus nerve ? Thyroglossus hyoglossus Palatoglossus👍 genioglossus #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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أسئلة الإمبريو لاختبار اليوم.. #اللجنة_العلمية_دفعـ38ـة 🩺
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