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Colapso Civilizatorio | Collapse | Effondrement | Col·lapse |

El colapso de la civilización industrial en directo: PeakOil | Cambio Climático | Decrecimiento | Uncivilization | Limits to Growth | Extralimitación | Crisis Ecológica | Extinción | Capitaloceno | Antropoceno

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The Lentil Intervention Associate Professor Simon Michaux - Replacing Fossil Fuels And Limits To Growth Simon Michaux is an Associate Professor of Geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland in the Circular Economy Solutions Unit.  Holding a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Physics and Geology and a PhD in Mining Engineering from the University of Queensland, Simon has extensive experience in mining research and development, circular economic principles, industrial recycling, and mineral intelligence. Through his recent publications, Simon has outlined the many challenges facing the global industrial ecosystem. He notes our world is currently energy and minerals blind and transitioning to renewable energies is not as straightforward as it appears. We’ve been growing without care to planetary limits for too long and change is coming, whether we like it or not. We need a completely new energy paradigm to address .... #SimonMichaux #ɐɔıʇéƃɹǝuǝuóıɔısuɐɹʇ #LimitsToGrowth #Podcast
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El Territorio del Lince La araña atrapada en su propia tela Dice un refrán que "no hay que vender la piel del oso antes de cazarlo". Supongo que los animalistas se me echarán encima. Y los vegetarianos. Es un dicho español que advierte contra el excesivo optimismo de dar algo por hecho cuando aún no lo está. ... .... Es curioso que el fiscal de la CPI no haya incluido ni un solo militar, lo que sí pasa con Hamás, ni nadie del gabinete de guerra donde todos han dicho, por activa y por pasiva, incluso que había que lanzar bombas atómicas sobre Gaza. #ElTerritoriodelLince #WWIII #IIIGM #TierraQuemada #UE #EEUU #UK #OTAN
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A cartoon in the Economist nine years ago. The persistent belief among clueless hawks that Russia is always “just about to collapse” (ever since Russia is Finished cover in the Atlantic magazine in - haha - 2001) has led to fundamental strategic mistakes by Western governments. 🔗 Leonid ХВ Ragozin (@leonidragozin) #WWIII #IIIGM #TierraQuemada ★ Vender la piel del oso antes de cazarlo ...
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A thoroughbred Western press to your feed, dear friends, from the May 1, 2001, edition of The Atlantic magazine. "Russia is finished. An inexorable slide into social catastrophe and strategic insignificance." That's funny. – @Slavyangrad ★Vender la piel del oso antes de cazarlo ...
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Aquí el éxito de 40 años de hegemonía del partido alternante PPOSE al servicio de dios, patria y rey. 👇👇👇👇 Supongo que después de ver el vídeo os queda claro el desconocimiento, de uno de los acontecimientos más terribles de la Historia de España. Lo peor es que muchos no lo saben, porque no se lo han explicado, igual que ocurre con los crímenes del franquismo. –@ManelMarquezB 🔗 Antonio Aretxabala (@AAretxaba) #AntonioAretxabala #Régimendel78 ★ Vamos a ir a las fosas comunes, en fila índia, cantando y dando palmas ...
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Más de 50 palestinos fueron quemados vivos  en Rafah #WWIII #IIIGM #TierraQuemada
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Más de 50 palestinos fueron quemados vivos  en Rafah #WWIII #IIIGM #TierraQuemada
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Más de 50 palestinos fueron quemados vivos en Rafah #WWIII #IIIGM #TierraQuemada
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Simplicius the Thinker SITREP 5/26/24: NATO's Yipping Chihuahuas Strain Their Leash as Russia Gears Up for Next Wave We start today with a new Hollywood production that must be seen to be believed for its crass dramatization and phony caricaturization of the war by the actor Zelensky: He’s trying to galvanize European support on the eve of the Swiss “Peace Conference” coming up in the middle of June, where he hopes to make some grand gesture toward solidarity against Russia. In the above performance, by the way, he cites Russia’s destruction of Ukrainian books as some sort of tragedy, even crudely invoking Fahrenheit 451 for some emotive effect; how convenient, then, that he leaves out his own Guy Montag moment: #SimpliciustheThinker #WWIII #IIIGM #TierraQuemada #UE #EEUU #UK #OTAN
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