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Sometimes, Jew children lash-out when they find out their grandparents completely made up Holohoax persecution. It's all about getting PAID. “ Amy Hewitt I'm from Jewish background, my grandparents were in Germany during the holocaust. My grandfather had died two weeks ago and he was a staunch hater towards the Nazis. Just last night, my grandmother told me that they were never at Germany during WW2. They were in Britain for a while then moved to Australia. She said that my grandfather had such a deep hatred towards every non-Jew but focused on Nazi Germany after colning an elaborate story. He was because he was taught that any non-jew is to be treated as cattle as it says in the Torah that all Goyim (non-jews) are created only to serve us (Jews). What shocked me even more was that for decades my grandparents were getting money from Germany because my Grandfather frauded and told them him and my Grandmother were holocaust survivors of WW2... After doing a lot of research, and talking to relatives and the elders of Jewish friends, not even one was a holocaust survivor and all had told me that they said to the German government that they. were so that they can get the benefits. The holocaust is so fucking greatly over exaggerated and the evidence spits right at peoples faces. How could I of been so blind.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥
LIVING WATERS Homily on the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, of the Samaritan Woman Christ is Risen! It is within the nature of any human being that we need nourishment, both eating drinking, since the moment of our birth till our very death. At first a baby drinks breast milk, then begins to take soft food, while an adult spends most of his life eating solid food earned in the sweat of his brow, and drinks water that is vitally important. A strong and vigorous man may live without food for about a week or even longer, and much less time without water, especially in our climate. In southern regions and in the Middle East, a person may die of thirst in hours—a healthy man may become corpse. Survival, the struggle for bread and water, has been the crucial task of mankind throughout its entire history. New studies have recently emerged that try to explain the paths of human development. Everything can be accounted for by the presence or lack of food and water. Great institutions have toiled to explain this, and large empires have existed relying on this teaching. People used to say that if there are substantial amounts of milk and meat, cast iron and steel, if there is good medicine, then everyone will be happy and joyful, and will live almost forever. Millions of people believed it, and the doctrine that once dominated Russia is nothing new. It had earlier emerged in world history in various civilizations. Today the Lord speaks about something absolutely different. He speaks about the water springing up into everlasting life (cf. Jn. 4, 14). People care too much about the material, but this does not bring them any happiness. Moreover, we know precedents of how care for the material, devoting all our strength, talents and abilities, leads to disappointment, the collapse of whole states and nations, their disappearance, shame, and downfall. This happens because people neglect what is most important, which the Lord speaks about today. People lived two thousand years ago near Jerusalem and in other lands, and food and water were their main concern. Suddenly appeared a Teacher, Who rejected all their ideas about the meaning of life, about the strength that preserved any human life, about things that a soul really needed and that united a man with his Creator. The Lord offers us a well of water springing up into the everlasting life. We just need to come to this well and drink from it. We have to embrace this Well with our faith and love and preserve it clear in our hearts and souls. Living waters will spring from him who drinks from the well. Having filled the soul with the grace of the Holy Spirit and God’s love, each of us becomes a source of this divine grace for everyone else. This is the great strength and love that our Lord Jesus Christ has granted us. Having received this gift, may we not darken it and defile it with our sins. Christ’s conversation with the Samaritan woman is His dialogue with anyone of us. Considering our lives and works of faith, we are closer to the Samaritans than to the chosen people, the Jews. We are like people who know something about God, but who have distorted this notion and live in their sins, habits and customs, believing that they serve the Lord in this way. But if we wish to fully embrace divine grace and become a well of water springing up into the everlasting life (cf. Jn. 4, 5-26), this is not enough. Today the Lord speaks about food as well. His food is to do the will of the Father Who sent Him (cf. Jn. 4, 34). For all of us Christians, this is the very foundation of our life. If we care only about the material, we will die spiritually. We see in what terrible discord people around us, even Christians, live. Death is pervasive—it is both spiritual and physical—because we die of hunger and do not eat that bread, we do not do the will of the Father Who sent us. The Lord sent us all to preach love, truth, and the Holy Spirit in spirit and truth—so that people would worship their Creator. Amen. Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov) Translation by Maria Litzman The ☦️ Holy Orthodox Church
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SAINTS OF THE DAY: SUNDAY, May 20/June 2. Today is the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. It is the Feast Day of Saints Zebulon and Susanna, the Parents of Saint Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, of Holy Martyr Ethelbert, King of East Anglia, and of Saint Dovmont-Timothy, Prince of Pskov. READINGS: Acts:11:19-26, 29-30, St. John 4:5-42 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓮
Finding True Fulfillment: Lessons from the Samaritan Woman In today's world, we're constantly making choices. From what we eat, to how we spend our time, to the deeper, more spiritual decisions that shape our lives. Governments and authorities often step in to guide us, offering protection and solutions to our problems. Yet, above all earthly ways, there's a higher path that promises not just protection, but eternal fulfillment. This path is found in Christ. Recently, during a gathering at our church, we delved into the profound message from John 4:7-26, where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. This encounter is a powerful illustration of how Christ transcends social norms and offers a deeper, spiritual nourishment that no earthly source can provide. The Story of the Samaritan Woman As the story goes, Jesus, weary from His journey, asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. This simple request breaks several cultural taboos of the time. Jews and Samaritans didn't associate with one another, and men typically didn't engage women in public conversation. The woman herself is surprised and questions why Jesus, a Jew, would ask her, a Samaritan, for a drink. Jesus replies, offering her "living water." He explains that while the water from the well will quench physical thirst temporarily, the water He provides leads to eternal life. Intrigued but confused, the woman points out that Jesus has no means to draw water and questions how He can offer such a promise. The Deeper Meaning Jesus uses the well's water as a metaphor for the temporary satisfactions of the world. We all seek various things to quench our thirst—be it success, relationships, material possessions, or even the security offered by governments. However, these are fleeting solutions. The living water Jesus offers symbolizes the eternal life and spiritual fulfillment that only He can provide. This story teaches us several important lessons: 1. Breaking Barriers: Jesus reaches out to the Samaritan woman, showing that His message and salvation are for everyone, regardless of social or cultural barriers. 2. True Fulfillment: Earthly solutions are temporary. True and everlasting fulfillment comes from a relationship with Christ. 3. Spiritual Nourishment: Just as physical water sustains our bodies, spiritual nourishment through Jesus sustains our souls. He offers a wellspring of life that never runs dry. 4. Authentic Worship: Jesus emphasizes that true worship is not about location or ritual, but about worshipping God in spirit and truth. Our Choice In our daily lives, we face numerous choices. Governments may provide protection and solutions, but the ultimate protection and fulfillment come from following Christ. The story of the Samaritan woman reminds us that while we may drink deeply from the world's wells, we will still be thirsty. Only Jesus offers the living water that quenches our spiritual thirst forever. The Power of Prayer In all situations, prayer remains our strongest key. It connects us with God, aligns our will with His, and opens us up to receive His grace and guidance. As we navigate our choices, let us always turn to prayer, seeking the path that leads to true and eternal fulfillment in Christ. The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is more than just a story; it's a lesson in divine love and provision. It calls us to look beyond temporary solutions and seek the everlasting life and fulfillment that only Jesus can offer. As we make our daily choices, may we always remember the living water that Christ offers, and may we never thirst again.
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Finding True Fulfillment: Lessons from the Samaritan Woman In today's world, we're constantly making choices. From what we eat, to how we spend our time, to the deeper, more spiritual decisions that shape our lives. Governments and authorities often step in to guide us, offering protection and solutions to our problems. Yet, above all earthly ways, there's a higher path that promises not just protection, but eternal fulfillment. This path is found in Christ. Recently, during a gathering at our church, we delved into the profound message from John 4:7-26, where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. This encounter is a powerful illustration of how Christ transcends social norms and offers a deeper, spiritual nourishment that no earthly source can provide. The Story of the Samaritan Woman As the story goes, Jesus, weary from His journey, asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. This simple request breaks several cultural taboos of the time. Jews and Samaritans didn't associate with one another, and men typically didn't engage women in public conversation. The woman herself is surprised and questions why Jesus, a Jew, would ask her, a Samaritan, for a drink. Jesus replies, offering her "living water." He explains that while the water from the well will quench physical thirst temporarily, the water He provides leads to eternal life. Intrigued but confused, the woman points out that Jesus has no means to draw water and questions how He can offer such a promise. The Deeper Meaning Jesus uses the well's water as a metaphor for the temporary satisfactions of the world. We all seek various things to quench our thirst—be it success, relationships, material possessions, or even the security offered by governments. However, these are fleeting solutions. The living water Jesus offers symbolizes the eternal life and spiritual fulfillment that only He can provide. This story teaches us several important lessons: 1. Breaking Barriers: Jesus reaches out to the Samaritan woman, showing that His message and salvation are for everyone, regardless of social or cultural barriers. 2. True Fulfillment: Earthly solutions are temporary. True and everlasting fulfillment comes from a relationship with Christ. 3. Spiritual Nourishment: Just as physical water sustains our bodies, spiritual nourishment through Jesus sustains our souls. He offers a wellspring of life that never runs dry. 4. Authentic Worship: Jesus emphasizes that true worship is not about location or ritual, but about worshipping God in spirit and truth. Our Choice In our daily lives, we face numerous choices. Governments may provide protection and solutions, but the ultimate protection and fulfillment come from following Christ. The story of the Samaritan woman reminds us that while we may drink deeply from the world's wells, we will still be thirsty. Only Jesus offers the living water that quenches our spiritual thirst forever. The Power of Prayer In all situations, prayer remains our strongest key. It connects us with God, aligns our will with His, and opens us up to receive His grace and guidance. As we navigate our choices, let us always turn to prayer, seeking the path that leads to true and eternal fulfillment in Christ. The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is more than just a story; it's a lesson in divine love and provision. It calls us to look beyond temporary solutions and seek the everlasting life and fulfillment that only Jesus can offer. As we make our daily choices, may we always remember the living water that Christ offers, and may we never thirst again.
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:21
Born Again Sunday June 2, 2024 “Compassion and Its Counterfeits” Links: I’ll Be Honest Christ Church Zack Williams So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Colossians 3:12-13 All Glory to God and Praise Jesus!
A prayer for a new month @dailybibledevotionals
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EyesIsWatching #144 - Bird Flu Apocalypse, Coincitis & Microplastics, Trump-Biden Theater The Era Of Polycrisis Watch on Odysee: Watch on Rumble: Watch on Twitter: Watch on BitChute: Watch on 3Speak:
June 4-6 ● Aurora Borealis ● Northern Lights ● 3 Days of Darkness⁉️ (Please Read Description Box)
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Alex Jones & Info Wars SHUTTING DOWN - going into his bunker
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🤣🤣 "Women should for the most part wear shoes. For it is not suitable for the foot to be shown naked ... But for a man, bare feet are quite in keeping..." -Clement of Alexandria
Beware of these!
•°“Happiness in marriage must be earned. It is something you must work out for yourself, chiefly by forgetting yourself and serving others. No marriage is a success unless less you make it so, and that takes persistent effort and, still more, a constant and humble reliance on God.” – Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik. The Catholic Family°•
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Watching the movie "Civil War" right now This movie came out last month and details exactly how a civil war will play out in the states. #predictiveprogramming
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Saved by @download_it_bot Atheists can never appeal to Universal Morality Author of 'The Misunderstood Bible': Theology and history channel for Eastern Christianity الله يحفظك (Inquire for one-on-one sessions with me to discuss theology, clear doubts, and examine Scripture to prove the majesty and power of the Christian religion) DEBATE INFO: Write a comment under any video or send me an invite on Skype or email to set up a debate time. Patreon Twitter/X TikTok Instagram #religion #bible #atheist
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Sometimes, Jew children lash-out when they find out their grandparents completely made up Holohoax persecution. It's all about getting PAID. “ Amy Hewitt I'm from Jewish background, my grandparents were in Germany during the holocaust. My grandfather had died two weeks ago and he was a staunch hater towards the Nazis. Just last night, my grandmother told me that they were never at Germany during WW2. They were in Britain for a while then moved to Australia. She said that my grandfather had such a deep hatred towards every non-Jew but focused on Nazi Germany after colning an elaborate story. He was because he was taught that any non-jew is to be treated as cattle as it says in the Torah that all Goyim (non-jews) are created only to serve us (Jews). What shocked me even more was that for decades my grandparents were getting money from Germany because my Grandfather frauded and told them him and my Grandmother were holocaust survivors of WW2... After doing a lot of research, and talking to relatives and the elders of Jewish friends, not even one was a holocaust survivor and all had told me that they said to the German government that they. were so that they can get the benefits. The holocaust is so fucking greatly over exaggerated and the evidence spits right at peoples faces. How could I of been so blind.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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LIVING WATERS Homily on the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, of the Samaritan Woman Christ is Risen! It is within the nature of any human being that we need nourishment, both eating drinking, since the moment of our birth till our very death. At first a baby drinks breast milk, then begins to take soft food, while an adult spends most of his life eating solid food earned in the sweat of his brow, and drinks water that is vitally important. A strong and vigorous man may live without food for about a week or even longer, and much less time without water, especially in our climate. In southern regions and in the Middle East, a person may die of thirst in hours—a healthy man may become corpse. Survival, the struggle for bread and water, has been the crucial task of mankind throughout its entire history. New studies have recently emerged that try to explain the paths of human development. Everything can be accounted for by the presence or lack of food and water. Great institutions have toiled to explain this, and large empires have existed relying on this teaching. People used to say that if there are substantial amounts of milk and meat, cast iron and steel, if there is good medicine, then everyone will be happy and joyful, and will live almost forever. Millions of people believed it, and the doctrine that once dominated Russia is nothing new. It had earlier emerged in world history in various civilizations. Today the Lord speaks about something absolutely different. He speaks about the water springing up into everlasting life (cf. Jn. 4, 14). People care too much about the material, but this does not bring them any happiness. Moreover, we know precedents of how care for the material, devoting all our strength, talents and abilities, leads to disappointment, the collapse of whole states and nations, their disappearance, shame, and downfall. This happens because people neglect what is most important, which the Lord speaks about today. People lived two thousand years ago near Jerusalem and in other lands, and food and water were their main concern. Suddenly appeared a Teacher, Who rejected all their ideas about the meaning of life, about the strength that preserved any human life, about things that a soul really needed and that united a man with his Creator. The Lord offers us a well of water springing up into the everlasting life. We just need to come to this well and drink from it. We have to embrace this Well with our faith and love and preserve it clear in our hearts and souls. Living waters will spring from him who drinks from the well. Having filled the soul with the grace of the Holy Spirit and God’s love, each of us becomes a source of this divine grace for everyone else. This is the great strength and love that our Lord Jesus Christ has granted us. Having received this gift, may we not darken it and defile it with our sins. Christ’s conversation with the Samaritan woman is His dialogue with anyone of us. Considering our lives and works of faith, we are closer to the Samaritans than to the chosen people, the Jews. We are like people who know something about God, but who have distorted this notion and live in their sins, habits and customs, believing that they serve the Lord in this way. But if we wish to fully embrace divine grace and become a well of water springing up into the everlasting life (cf. Jn. 4, 5-26), this is not enough. Today the Lord speaks about food as well. His food is to do the will of the Father Who sent Him (cf. Jn. 4, 34). For all of us Christians, this is the very foundation of our life. If we care only about the material, we will die spiritually. We see in what terrible discord people around us, even Christians, live. Death is pervasive—it is both spiritual and physical—because we die of hunger and do not eat that bread, we do not do the will of the Father Who sent us. The Lord sent us all to preach love, truth, and the Holy Spirit in spirit and truth—so that people would worship their Creator. Amen. Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov) Translation by Maria Litzman The ☦️ Holy Orthodox Church
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SAINTS OF THE DAY: SUNDAY, May 20/June 2. Today is the Fifth Sunday of Pascha, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. It is the Feast Day of Saints Zebulon and Susanna, the Parents of Saint Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, of Holy Martyr Ethelbert, King of East Anglia, and of Saint Dovmont-Timothy, Prince of Pskov. READINGS: Acts:11:19-26, 29-30, St. John 4:5-42 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓮
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Finding True Fulfillment: Lessons from the Samaritan Woman In today's world, we're constantly making choices. From what we eat, to how we spend our time, to the deeper, more spiritual decisions that shape our lives. Governments and authorities often step in to guide us, offering protection and solutions to our problems. Yet, above all earthly ways, there's a higher path that promises not just protection, but eternal fulfillment. This path is found in Christ. Recently, during a gathering at our church, we delved into the profound message from John 4:7-26, where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. This encounter is a powerful illustration of how Christ transcends social norms and offers a deeper, spiritual nourishment that no earthly source can provide. The Story of the Samaritan Woman As the story goes, Jesus, weary from His journey, asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. This simple request breaks several cultural taboos of the time. Jews and Samaritans didn't associate with one another, and men typically didn't engage women in public conversation. The woman herself is surprised and questions why Jesus, a Jew, would ask her, a Samaritan, for a drink. Jesus replies, offering her "living water." He explains that while the water from the well will quench physical thirst temporarily, the water He provides leads to eternal life. Intrigued but confused, the woman points out that Jesus has no means to draw water and questions how He can offer such a promise. The Deeper Meaning Jesus uses the well's water as a metaphor for the temporary satisfactions of the world. We all seek various things to quench our thirst—be it success, relationships, material possessions, or even the security offered by governments. However, these are fleeting solutions. The living water Jesus offers symbolizes the eternal life and spiritual fulfillment that only He can provide. This story teaches us several important lessons: 1. Breaking Barriers: Jesus reaches out to the Samaritan woman, showing that His message and salvation are for everyone, regardless of social or cultural barriers. 2. True Fulfillment: Earthly solutions are temporary. True and everlasting fulfillment comes from a relationship with Christ. 3. Spiritual Nourishment: Just as physical water sustains our bodies, spiritual nourishment through Jesus sustains our souls. He offers a wellspring of life that never runs dry. 4. Authentic Worship: Jesus emphasizes that true worship is not about location or ritual, but about worshipping God in spirit and truth. Our Choice In our daily lives, we face numerous choices. Governments may provide protection and solutions, but the ultimate protection and fulfillment come from following Christ. The story of the Samaritan woman reminds us that while we may drink deeply from the world's wells, we will still be thirsty. Only Jesus offers the living water that quenches our spiritual thirst forever. The Power of Prayer In all situations, prayer remains our strongest key. It connects us with God, aligns our will with His, and opens us up to receive His grace and guidance. As we navigate our choices, let us always turn to prayer, seeking the path that leads to true and eternal fulfillment in Christ. The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is more than just a story; it's a lesson in divine love and provision. It calls us to look beyond temporary solutions and seek the everlasting life and fulfillment that only Jesus can offer. As we make our daily choices, may we always remember the living water that Christ offers, and may we never thirst again.
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Finding True Fulfillment: Lessons from the Samaritan Woman In today's world, we're constantly making choices. From what we eat, to how we spend our time, to the deeper, more spiritual decisions that shape our lives. Governments and authorities often step in to guide us, offering protection and solutions to our problems. Yet, above all earthly ways, there's a higher path that promises not just protection, but eternal fulfillment. This path is found in Christ. Recently, during a gathering at our church, we delved into the profound message from John 4:7-26, where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. This encounter is a powerful illustration of how Christ transcends social norms and offers a deeper, spiritual nourishment that no earthly source can provide. The Story of the Samaritan Woman As the story goes, Jesus, weary from His journey, asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. This simple request breaks several cultural taboos of the time. Jews and Samaritans didn't associate with one another, and men typically didn't engage women in public conversation. The woman herself is surprised and questions why Jesus, a Jew, would ask her, a Samaritan, for a drink. Jesus replies, offering her "living water." He explains that while the water from the well will quench physical thirst temporarily, the water He provides leads to eternal life. Intrigued but confused, the woman points out that Jesus has no means to draw water and questions how He can offer such a promise. The Deeper Meaning Jesus uses the well's water as a metaphor for the temporary satisfactions of the world. We all seek various things to quench our thirst—be it success, relationships, material possessions, or even the security offered by governments. However, these are fleeting solutions. The living water Jesus offers symbolizes the eternal life and spiritual fulfillment that only He can provide. This story teaches us several important lessons: 1. Breaking Barriers: Jesus reaches out to the Samaritan woman, showing that His message and salvation are for everyone, regardless of social or cultural barriers. 2. True Fulfillment: Earthly solutions are temporary. True and everlasting fulfillment comes from a relationship with Christ. 3. Spiritual Nourishment: Just as physical water sustains our bodies, spiritual nourishment through Jesus sustains our souls. He offers a wellspring of life that never runs dry. 4. Authentic Worship: Jesus emphasizes that true worship is not about location or ritual, but about worshipping God in spirit and truth. Our Choice In our daily lives, we face numerous choices. Governments may provide protection and solutions, but the ultimate protection and fulfillment come from following Christ. The story of the Samaritan woman reminds us that while we may drink deeply from the world's wells, we will still be thirsty. Only Jesus offers the living water that quenches our spiritual thirst forever. The Power of Prayer In all situations, prayer remains our strongest key. It connects us with God, aligns our will with His, and opens us up to receive His grace and guidance. As we navigate our choices, let us always turn to prayer, seeking the path that leads to true and eternal fulfillment in Christ. The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is more than just a story; it's a lesson in divine love and provision. It calls us to look beyond temporary solutions and seek the everlasting life and fulfillment that only Jesus can offer. As we make our daily choices, may we always remember the living water that Christ offers, and may we never thirst again.
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Repost from Lord is my Light
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You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:21
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Repost from Born Again Sunday
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Born Again Sunday June 2, 2024 “Compassion and Its Counterfeits” Links: I’ll Be Honest Christ Church Zack Williams So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Colossians 3:12-13 All Glory to God and Praise Jesus!
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A prayer for a new month @dailybibledevotionals
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🔥 1